daily kos readers, so pleased to make your acquaintance.
i hope you read, and come back again. if you truly want to understand my thinking on matters of self defense, i think you should go back and start with the first articles regarding john locke and sir william blackstone, the great compiler of the english common law.
you should also understand that i practiced law in the state of washington for nearly 25 years, most of it in the area of criminal defense, but nearly six years as a prosecuting attorney for yakima and clallam counties. most of my practice in criminal law involved major felony work, as a prosecutor and a defense attorney.
understand that in the anglo-saxon tradition self defense is limited by two doctrines: 1.)the person exercising force to defend himself must be under a reasonable apprehension that he is being attacked, and 2.)the response to that attack must be proportional and in kind to the attack directed upon such person. my writings in this area occur within this context.
i petitioned for inactive status in good standing from the bar in the spring of 2008, that status was granted, and i stopped practice because of a heart condition, culminating in bypass surgery a little over a year ago. i am currently suspended from the washington state bar, because i have refused to pay dues while inactive, having no inclination at age 62 to return to practice. i suppose i should inquire some day about all that.
so, very briefly, that is me. i make no apology for my views. they were gained the hard way by a practice in close association with people who hurt people in real life, and by a life's intellectual pre-occupation with totalitarian regimes and the slaughter they have exacted in the 19th and 20th centuries. i regard islam as the prototypical totalitarian system, as its focus is all encompassing upon its adherents, and as it aims to dominate all by conquest. if you disagree, ... , well, i for one, simply regard you as ignorant, probably willfully so.
but, perhaps against all odds, some of you might be receptive to learning. so dig & poke around if you will, and perhaps you might read something that catches your interests, in terms of subject matter. and, oh, yes, you will find out that i am interested in weapons, that i have some proficiency in them, and that i am very jealous of my liberties and will defend them.
i would direct you to the article i took the greatest pleasure in, that being the islamic position on defense of self and society, as set forth by the learned ayatollah sayyed muhammed hussein fadlallah, http://wintersoldier2008.typepad.com/summer_patriot_winter_sol/2010/07/ayatollah-sayyed-muhammed-hussein-fadlallah-dies-at-age-74-in-lebanon-and-not-a-second-too-soon-.html , who was a distinguished islamic scholar.
links to the islamic scholar are found in the above post, and you may read him in his own words.
john jay @ 08.03.2010
b.a., political science, may 23, 1971, whitman college
j.d., university of oregon law school, december 23, 1977
post script: the daily kos article about me has this observation:
"To put it lightly, this man is clearly very disturbed."
well, i suppose by their "lights" that might seem an imminently logical conclusion. and, it might be a sensible thing to say about the many others who think like me, and who are similarly accoutered.
something to be kept in mind, i suppose, what others think of us. something to be kept in mind, yes, indeed. that's fair enough.
post script no. 2: well, i sit here flirting with thursday, the 5th day of august, the year of our lord 2010. interest in my roasting at daily kos seems to have "topped off" at about 11 comments, which cannot be many for a blog that gets about a bazillion hits a day, so that must make me a very small potato.
but, no potato too small to roast thoroughly, eh? so far i have been called a "coward," a "bully," and perhaps a "lunatic," i cannot remember. as well as a "wingnut." and, in the daily kos scheme of things, i am to be reviled, ridiculed and laughed at, because cowards, bullies, lunatics and the seriously deranged simply cannot take that sort of treatment, presumably causing us to melt into little puddles in frustration and humiliation, ala witches who get water thrown upon them. hey, i saw it in a movie with judy garland and bert lahr, about a girl from kansas ... .
now, you may or may not be surprised that the little leapin' bile lapping lizards at daily kos seem not to have actually read anything that i have ever written, ... , oh, no, sully they little minds on my claptrap, not hardly, laughing, ... , as not one iota, not one scintilla, not one teensy weensy itty bitty little dribble of spittle has been accompanied by any mention of the merits or lack of merit in my writing.
hey, what the fuck has that got to do with anything? i have been "pronounced." (yeah, i have a thing about that, right or left. laughing.) by, daisy cutter. hey, what could be more final? it seems not to have occurred to any reader of kaily dose that they might actually read and make up their own minds, or formulate their own criticism. zooooooommmm!!!, right over the top of their heads. if i am such a fucking wacko, you'd think it would be easy for one of them to demonstrate it, and send me scuttling under the porch in shame to live out the rest of my pitiful life in shame.
i guess i will just wait. i don't know, maybe they don't normally read blog posts with regard to john locke or feyodor dostoevsky at kaily dose. i don't know.
post script no. 3: the fellow who calls me a "coward" and a "bully" says that he has learned in life that the only way to deal with persons such a i am is "forcefully," as sweet reason and logic (along with a generous dollop of gratuitous name calling) simply won't do the trick, presumably to rehabilitate us. and, he assures his fellows, that us "thin-skinned" types, e.g., the lunatic fringe on the right, especially are tormented by ridicule and laughter, and that it hurst us worse than "physical pain," which i assume is held in humanitarian reserve by such worthies as he is, until such time as the "laughter and ridicule" proves unavailing to humiliate us.
personally, i would rather they just laugh at me, than inflict the physical pain. who do you suppose they get to inflict the physical pain if the laughter & ridicule don't work, the s.e.i.u. or the black panthers. given my druthers in that regard, i think that i would probably go with the s.e.i.u., unless it is the dearborn, michigan city employees chapter. maybe if i sign an affidavit saying i once voted for george mcgovern, they won't inflict the physical pain? what do you think? about that, of course?
as to courage, my antagonist in this email signs his name as "kingcranky" bravely identifying himself as the one who will handle me in the prescribed manners, e.g., forcibly if necessary, but, first a proper dose of ridicule, laughter and humiliation, i am supposing and devoutly hoping. anything but that pain deal. that will work miracles on my twisted little mind, enfeebled by my many years of lonely personal isolation and angst.
"kingcranky:" my real name is john joseph jay, and i reside in milton freewater, oregon a little town of about 4250. you ask around at the post office, or the city hall, or a wee bit o' heather's where i eat an egg or two, and they will tell you just where to find me, if you want to come and deliver up your discipline to me personally. since milton is rarely more than 2 or 3 blocks deep, either side of the state highway which doubles as "main" street you shouldn't have too much trouble finding me.
i will be hiding in the corner, cowering, sobbing, awaiting with dread my chastisement, and will no doubt wet myself when i see you striding manfully up to my pitiful little abode. i cannot see it happening any other way, can you, "kingcranky?" just ask the guys i worked with on the crab boat in the bering 35 years ago, they'll tell you what a pussy i am. (i wasn't a deck hand with a crew share, but i got to work with them on occasion: i have stood on the top of a deck load of crab pots putting through open seas. "look ma, no hands," that sorta deal, looking nonchalant the whole time: part of the deal. a long time ago, but i have done it.) hey, my elk camp guys most assuredly will, they know it for a fact, and have been telling me so for years. laughing.
trust me, i was a lawyer for 25 years.
i will keep the porch light on for you, and the coffee water on the low boil. i look forward to the discipline. your friend, "this wingnut," that i am.
geez, what if he comes up my porch with his nose in a twist and a proper snit on, and he is really very, very cranky? hey, my babies were cranky, i don't want to go through that again. what if he handles me "forcefully?" whatever will i do?