if i had her in my clutches, and she was giving up things, i'd be patient, for a while.
but, given what is at stake, the very existence of the underpinnings of our society, i would not be patience with her if she has clammed up.
first, i would use the old classic crude approach. i would have a doctor present, and a smallish person as the beater, and i would have her beaten senseless. broken nose, a couple broken fingers, slats to the soles of her feet so that she had to crawl because she couldn't walk, and the good old standby, punches to the gut ... so that they didn't rupture anything, or split a liver, but damned unpleasant so as to promote vomiting.
if that didn't work, (and she has a background in torture, so knows what to expect), i would waterboard her, and kill her three or four times in a row by drowning .... resuscitate her as required, and let her watch footage of herself dying by drowning, and prove it by having a "flat line" machine present.
and then, i'd get me one of those scalpel and forceps guys. and, lay it to her. she'd either talk, or die. no in between, no counseling, no priests.
it's that important. no, donald john trump is not that important, no person is. but the democracy is. and, sometimes hard things, brutal things, have to be done to preserve it. bombing dresdan was a hard, viscous thing, and dropping the a-bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki were hard and brutal, but, if those things had not been done, the u.s., britain and australia/new zealand would have had to invade japan by infantry, at the cost of 3 to 5 million american casualties, and untold loss of life for the japanese. they would have defended the emperor and their homeland, no matter the cost ... i've seen film of citizens training with pitchforks and staves.
at the time the bombs were dropped on japan she still had 5 or 6 million troops throughout asia and the pacific, and bringing them home on boats would have been a feast for allied submarines, as japan at that point had no naval or air capacity to protect them. but, those that survived the trip home would have fought to the death defending the home island.
this, my friends, is of similar importance. if gina hapsel is held somewhere, the information as to how the "steal" went down has to be gotten from her, no matter how brutal and sadistic the method. paintings and drawings of the tortures of the inquisition would serve useful models. the preservation of her dignity and life is not worth the cost of our democracy, no matter the pious (and impious, in my estimation) bleating of those who hold to higher standards of behavior than i.
the woman has to be made to talk, "to sing like a canary," by any means necessary.
sometimes it is a hard and brutal world, and this is one of those times, and gina hapsel is square in the cross hairs of history.
what did she expect when she set this all in motion? beer and skittles? chips, and relaxing weekend watching college football? no, any semblance of a normal life, and life expectancy, went out the window when she signed on for this one.
john jay
p.s. somebody gave the directive to have c.i.a. armed operatives sent to frankfurt to protect the station, didn't they, and such person or persons who did so, did so at the risk of gunfire and fighting, perhaps hand to hand. and, most likely, it was gina hapsel. you don't play with lives, and then asked to be dismissed from the game, when the attention is turned on your poor old pitiful self. that is not hoyle. not cricket. you get, what you deserve. it is a hard judgment, but one that has to be made.