i am not a "big blog," by any stretch of the imagination. i do, however, enjoy a number of astute readers, and from time to time they generate observations and criticisms the provoke (worthwhile) thought. some favorable, some not so "favorable."
if you have a free moment or two, it might prove worth your while to go back through the "comments section" and read missives from the above worthies. even those, perhaps especially those, who may think my cranium enjoys special parking privileges up my arse.
i work in "relative" obscurity, so it enjoyable reading a good submission to the "comments" section. you might say it makes things worth the effort involved. thanks, guys.
john jay @ 03.01.2023
Those are some generous words, John, thank you from someone that is an infrequent commenter, but a more frequent reader of what you present for consideration. I don't remember when I first started commenting/reading, but it was several years ago. I may not always agree with your perspective, and say so even less, but I do consider what you present, that is just being Respectful.
Posted by: Grog | March 06, 2023 at 05:28 PM
what, no fervent testimony to my overwhelmly persuasive logic. and, command of the relevant facts. well, i shall just have to lick my psychological wounds, and try again, harder. laughing. always good to hear from you. and, if you take exception to what i write say so. youve earned the right.
i always enjoy hearing from you, drew458, and paul. you are all very good eggs.
Posted by: jj | March 06, 2023 at 08:42 PM
Heh, if I had a perspective to offer critique on your logic, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. :)
Posted by: Grog | March 11, 2023 at 12:34 AM