i struggled with the guitar for many years, making almost no progress at all. i mean, i could do nothing ... the guitar was a cold, aloof and remote, ... , thing.
then, about 3 years ago, i had a little heart surgery, the placement of another stent, and during that surgery i had a "minor" stroke. after the surgery, the docs had a hard time getting me to come out from under the anesthetic ... i think because they had juiced by benzodiazapene with a little bit of fentanyl. and, when i woke up, my left side was impaired, so much so that i couldn't do very much, and was sent home with a "walker," and plans for therapy. after a day with the walker, it was thrown down the basement steps, and i just got around the best i could, improving very rapidly.
and, it happened.--
for some odd reason i began to pick up on the guitar, and learning, and getting more dexterous, and started feeling the music. i think the stroke, in damaging some things, opened up new avenues in others, to include learning the guitar.
now, i make no claim to having become a prodigy. but, i am learning, and getting better, and it is "tons of fun" as they say. i am learning, and enjoying, and i wish that i had taken the gizmo up in my twenties, or earlier.
such is life.
i am 74 years old, to be 75 in march. i expect that i am not gonna put clapton out of work. but, that is not necessary. i am enjoying the whole process, and every day i spend a "couple three" hours playing the guitar, and doing fingering/fretting exercises. just now, i "picked up," "saw," a transition from a d-major chord into something a little different, two somethings a little different, as a matter of fact. both "somethings" sounded pretty nice, one very sweet on the four "high" strings, and another a little mellower on five strings.
very satisfying. and, very much a fun thing. quite rewarding. i guess you just never know where a little growth might occur. i suppose you cast the seed, and hope something grows.
john jay @ 02.17.2023
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