all the leftie "journalists" are mad at her because she cannot cover for biden's misdeeds. as if someone could.
maybe it is not that easy covering for a congenital & miscreant liar. anyone thought of that?
biden just thinks that if he acts like a mentally deranged idiot, that people will "forgive & forget." and, someone will cover for him. and, all will be a.o.k., even if he does just habitually step on his dick the next time he turns around. and, the press expects karine jean-pierre to be the one who cleans up after him.
maybe, just maybe, it cannot be done. if you are joe biden, and you savage donald trump about classified documents, and then you leave classified documents lying around all over your house, and strewn around on the floor in your garage, and open on your office desks in your home*** ... maybe, just maybe, even the brain dead notice the incongruity of it. and, figure out that you are a lying, devious, posturing bastard on any number of things. like, illegals, and spending, and, ..... , well, the list goes on, does it not.
it is not karine jean-pierre's fault. (well, it is, because she lies like a rug, too. but nobody can match the number and magnitude of the biden machine.) but, it is getting very hard indeed to cover for biden.
it has become, indeed, impossible. he is, simply put, as noted, a lying bastard. plain and simple.
john jay @ 01.28.2023
*** visible from the street, as chinese communist agent hunter biden drives the corvette out of the famous "secure" garage. even this progressive lying press corps is finding it impossible not to step all over the mess with the chinese communists and their agents, and the biden family influence peddling industry.
and, money trails. and, those who got the money, became high officials in the biden administration. as pamela geller would say, "move along folks, nothing to see here." just the purchase of the u.s. govt. by the chinese. that's all, folks!!
when there is a mud puddle mess, these "calvins" go slogging right through it, papers and files clinging to their sodden pants legs and shoes. as bug bunny would have said of the entire scene, "it is to laugh, it is to cry." indeed, there is a "warner bros." aspect to the biden administration ..... a cartoon show, in the raw.