does the path through lyman lead to the black sea, and cutting off kherson from russian support? it seems a bit improbable, but, then again, the whole kharkiv offensive seemed a bit implausible a month or so again.
but, i think russian defeat in the whole of ukraine is in the cards. and, amazingly soon.
the wheels are coming off the russian military.-- supplies. logistics. command and control structures. "enlisted" types beating officers, for being idiots, i would presume. people fleeing the country at the institution of call-ups for the reserves. reserves being put into front line infantry units without benefit of any training. even fat guys. amazing loss of armor, to include entire armored units. planes lost. tanks lost. armored personnel carriers, lost by the score. about 60,000 dead people, which means another 100,000 injured or wounded. absolute "deep in mud puddle" morale all over the armed services. all in all, losses of men and equipment that cannot be replaced any time soon. (the russians just don't have the manufacturing capability to replenish this stuff any time soon. nor can they find places to house the people they are calling up for services ..... belarus has volunteered some warehouses & such, for god's sake.)
the only thing worse that could happen to putin would be for his daughters to become anti-war activists. the trouble for putin, there is not way out. *** none.
john jay @ 09.30.2022
*** if he asked me, i would just tell him, eat a 9mm pill right through the roof of your mouth. seems appropriate, somehow, to me, at least.