joe biden wants to pick a fight, ... , or, at least his speech-writers do.
he says that the right wing cannot win a fight against the government even if they have guns, or, tanks, for that matter. he says the left/government wins such a fight, and goads the right to bring it on. it seems his fondest wish, as he has used this goad several times in his "administration."
my daddy always said, "be very careful for what you wish, you may get it." (well, truth be told, my father never said anything like that. but, it sounds good, doesn't it? laughing.)
biden rather conveniently forgets afghanistan, in which the u.s. military could not put away a very poorly armed insurgency. or, iran. or, the russian/soviet experience with popular uprisings/insurgencies in which poorly armed adversaries vanquished a modern army with rockets, planes, tanks and helicopters.
i am not so surprised that biden forgets his ignominious blunder in the "withdrawal" from afghanistan. daddy would have called it a "...skedaddle." (well, yeah, my father never said anything like that, either. but ... .)
he doesn't seem capable of remembering much of anything, nor of learning object lessons.
perhaps we will see? maybe biden gets his wish? i hope he starts it soon, as i am getting old, and i don't want to miss the whole thing. if it occurs.
what biden didn't say was who starts the whole fracas. i don't know who starts it, but, i do know who is "goading" it, and it is joe biden. may he be the first to go, kind of an honorarium for the person who seems bound and determined to start it.
john jay @ 08.31.2022
p.s. it would be fitting if joe biden and mitch mcconnell "went together," would it not?
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