update, o6.28.2022, last update, i promise. laughing. game number 976, of the original 32,000. it's a little puzzle, but it all falls together, in a fun way. you have to solve it right off, or you just get horribly muddled. but, as noted, it is a fun little game, and it provokes a laugh or two, at its cleverness. a fun game. and, yes, i am hooked. i suppose i could solve the mystery of the "big bang," but, who cares, when there is freecell to play. end update.
i've been trying to crack the 93% win level with windows "freecell," and i was winning, but it was just taking forever.--
now, i have an old alptop, and it is loaded with windows home vista, a program suite that hasn't been published for a long long time. well, who ever designed the "freecell" game/program didn't want anyone cracking the 93% win plateau very damned bad.
i will explain, by illustrating the last two games i have played. they are games number 2,938 and 2,939 in a series that i started at "0." of those games, i have won 2,732 and 2,733 respectively. not too bad, and approaching 93%, but i will never get there, not in this lifetime anyway, nor the two or three to follow.
eh, what? you say.
it is pretty simple.--
my computer is keeping track of the win ratio to the tune of 12 decimal points. so, game number 2,938 has a .929884275017 win ratio. game number 2,939 has a .929908137017 win ratio. or, 92.9908137017% win/loss ratio.
the difference between those two games, in terms of increased percentage of wins, is 0.000023862%, or as expressed in fractions,
11,931/500,000,000 th of 1. that is roughly 12,000th a part of 500 million parts.
i will be a while getting the remaining distance to 93% at this rate. needless to say, every loss would represent a rather monumental set back. laughing. in short, the task before me is to turn every decimal point behind 92% into 9's, for 10 more decimal places.
my version of windows home vista seems to regard 93% as 92.999999999%, or, more precisely, 93.0000000000% and, 92.9908137017% is not 93.0000000000%, not by a long shot.
i really don't know whether to be highly amused by all of this, or really kind of mad. in short, whether to spit, swallow or smile, as the old saying goes.
so, i will simply regard 92.99% as 93%, though to give the windows home vista scoring scheme its due, it is not. the difference is, unfortunately, for every discrete game, very quantifiable. that is, 11,931 parts of 500,000,000.
update, 06.04.2022, yay!!! checked the stats this morning. and, i am now at 93% wins. i hadn't looked there for some days as i figured it would be a while, but apparently a 43 game winning streak put me over the top. so, the figures were, on 06.03.2022 to the following effect, 2,978 games played, as to 2,764 wins, for a winning percentage of 93.0013458930%. i have played 3 or 4 games since, all wins, so i have a little "pad" for the time being. laughing. well, what does this mean? in the scope of the universe, not very damned much, but at least for the remaining days of my dotage i can say that for nearly 3,000 games i played at a 935 win to loss percentage. that's it. there is no other significance save for that. but, it feels nice, at least until my next loosing streak. end update, and the end to all updates on this topic, i hope.
sigh update, 06.10.2022 . i know, i know, i promised not to bore you any more w/ this. but, it has been a real struggle staying aobve 93% wins, and i actually dipped below for a bit, but i've scrambled back over 93 again. but, the game is not giving me very many breaks, and though i've gotten some easy games most have been pretty tough. for instance, i just finished #5499 ..... (or was it #4599 ... i forget. see what i am "working with." laughing.) ..... and it was a real struggle, taking just at 45 minutes. i won, but i had to back out four or five times before i finally saw the "key" to the game. without the move involved i kept coming up just one move or one card away from the win, and i was getting pretty frustrated. but, as i was backing out one more time, i finally saw what i had been missing, and tried it, and sure enough, i prevailed. i am not sure that it is worth the effort. end update.
i thought someone might like to know.
that's it, i am done w/ statistics. last night i played game 3,066 for which i had kept statistical record, winning the 2,853 game of that lot, for a statistical game winning percentage of 93.05283757338%.
i tire of the whole pursuit, which has become rather pointless. windows continues to throw harder games at me, they take longer to win, and the "effort" involved in winning becomes less fun. and, to be honest about it, i simply do not see how i can improve much over the long run, in terms of percentage of games "won."
that's it. i am a 93% winner on the original 32,000 games. if that is "good," that's fine with me. if it is "bad," i will live with it. the guitar beckons, and is more fun. i am done. end of pursuit, 06.21.2022.
john jay @ 05.31.2022 (06.21.2022)
a very hard game for me, update, 07.01.2022. game no.221, a very hard game for me. it became a matter of getting the heart ace up, at any cost, and then the game fell open and resolved pretty quickly. a designed game, seems to me. but, enjoyable. end update.