the "new" general who excelled at killing syrian civilians was appointed with the promise that he would bring "new life" into a moribund land force in the ukraine. his hot breath may be on the back of many necks in his infantry, but, so far they have not responded, and they are as lethargic as they were in the west.
so far, they excel only in press releases, and preparation. reminds me of the old joke, "practice, practice, practice ...... doesn't any actually f... anything around here." well, i guess you had to be there. the russian infantry may march in red square rather smartly with their goose step (copied from the germans) but they are a lethargic laggard group on the battlefield.
i hope and trust that such will remain the case, and that the ukrainians continue to kill them by the truck load. i have yet to see any change in the infantry.
in the meantime, the russian continue to excel in bombing apartment buildings, hospitals and murdering civilians. i see little reason why the west should not consider nuking the living piss out of russian ..... they deserve it. and, royally, have it coming.
john jay @ 04.24
p.s. and, they do excel at getting killed. this has been going on for so long that "the word" cannot help but being spread, like wild fire. p'tin will not survive this, i am thinking. uneasy lies the head of the dictator, who is not successful in war. nor one who picks the wrong war, and misjudges his opposition. i have four bypasses, six stents, and three active aortic aneurysms, and i remain optimistic that i will outlive p'tin ..... clean living, and all of that. plus, i was not so stupid as to invade the ukraine and get my ass kicked, but, royally.
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