quite frankly that are the only voting block, or constituency keeping the poor dumb bastards in office. now, young people, who don't know much love all the cuddly things dimbulbs profess to stand for. they are the "free puppy in every doghouse" voters. but, as demographers will tell you, as people marry and have children and move up the economic ladder they get rid of their diapers and pull on their big guy and mama underpants every morning, hitch up their belt, and go out to do battle with the realities of the world. no time for some idiot marxist as you are working at a lathe ten hours a day, and taking care of kids and making dinner.
(no, this is not a version of reality that the lgbtq pushes, but it dominates the burbs, now, doesn't it.)
as people age and mature, and become subject more and more to social and economic reality, as experienced in an employment & job society, they grow more conservative. so much so, in fact, that as they age they begin to vote more and more conservatively.
it's a fact jack.
the dimbulbs have two sources that they can mine for new voters. they can go after the lgbtq vote, which is to advance their political advantage and subsidize their economic situations, or they can import all the votes they can get by permitting, fostering and encouraging illegal immigration.
there are costs for all of us in this, of course, and it comes from the increased tax burdens associated with funding all these people with welfare, e.g., "income redistribution." your tax dollars at work, as it were, but more accurately described as your tax dollars at "leisure," for those people who get funded to sit at home on their butts, and to vote democratic.
without these people the democrats really have no real reason to exist.-- the business, scientific and technological centers in our society have basically outstripped the ability of the government to regulate them, or to contribute meaningful to what their missions are. even to make a "dumb show" of regulation they, e.g., the gubment, are forced to hire retirees and retreads who at least have a passing notion as to what is going on. the only reason for the federal government to do anything that cannot be done by private enterprise is to subsidize, cultivate and preside over the welfare classes.***
even the prize asshole of our time, one fauci, was forced to hire out research on the corona virus to a chinese lab in wuhan, china to get the virus he wanted. time will reveal, in my estimation, that he is a malignant and evil little bastard, in every biblical sense of the world, and that sooner or later someone will care on his tombstone, "here lies doctor death, who tried to kill every damned one of you." but, that's another story.
for purposes of this little screed, i wish only to make the limited point that dimbulbs subsidize the poor, and that the poor subsidize the politicians and academics who perpetuate the downtrodden status that they enjoy in a capitalist society, which is generally peopled by the adroit, hard working and personally ambitious.
in other articles, i have opined that government is being outstripped in those functions which it previously performed, by organizations of private capital and entrepreneurs. even capital itself, in the form of substitutes for government printed and source money and currency is being introduced by private entities, and it will probably outstrip government money if the government can figure out a way to stamp it out, .... , which government cannot do, because their is a market for it. formerly government was the source of the money to project dams, and locks, and highways and the like, but with the amounts of money in the hands of private individuals, the need to turn to government is largely gone.
modern government, in the main, has two functions, and one of them is to organize and train the military to protect us from the military's of other governments, ... , and, i cannot think of the other one. maybe it will come to me in a day or two.
the fact is, the government is a sort of societal equivalent of a giant leech, which clothes and feeds, and propagates, the idiots who purport to be our political leaders.
john jay @ 10.16.2021
p.s. the politicians of a leftist stripe call those persons arrested in connection with the demonstrations culminating in the temporary occupation of the capital grounds "domestic terrorists." i think it a bit of a stretch of the imagination to describe a group of people who were unarmed, in the main abstained from assaulting others, and whose only violence was getting a woman member of their congregation shot and killed by a police officer who panicked and shot an unarmed woman. no doubt she was yelling at him, and this bothered him enough to kill her.
but, the term is very revealing, because it demonstrates that the political classes fear the public as they fear no other force, for they understand full well that the public will do away with politicians because they perform no needed function any longer, and that other institutions in society threaten to fully subsume and render entirely inconsequential government institutions, and those who occupy them.
their is a reason that lefties attack and try to ridicule and diminish those politicians in our history who were, in fact, persons of substance and genuine magnitude. washington, lincoln, the adams, father & son, the list goes on and on. the current politicians seeks to have these person destroyed and forgotten, for their memory simply demonstrates the ineptitude and lack of character and stature of the current generation(s) of political actors. paul ryan, chuck schumer, joe biden .... well, why repeat the obvious by needless repetition of the names of do-nothings currently on the public tit.
the shame us.
they haven't the substance or the courage to come and talk to us. they hide behind fences, and hold people in jail without bail, and invent bogus and inflated terminology with which to prosecute simple trespass.
to hell with them. we should get shed of the whole damned-to-hell lot of them.
*** this is why they will "exist" forever, as they are the only thing keeping the dimbulbs in business. to call the american poor destitute or impoverished is a cruel, malicious and sardonic joke at the expense of the people in the world who are poverty stricken in the strictest sense of the word. and, the thing that keeps them in those straights is, you guessed it, marxist socialism. the poor are found where marx and hegel and engels are found .... created, tended, and "cared for" by a professional culture of academics and policians. and, their membership in the class of the poor is assured to last forever, or as long as marxist government rules.