as i have long assumed because of the public idiocy of john brennan, the c.i.a. (and probably f.i.b. because of comey and mccabe) is absolutely hip deep in the coup attempt against donald trump, and intent upon stealing the election from him. yes, i am accusing them of active treason against the united states, to install joe biden as "their" president.
the evidence is mounting, and it is almost dead certain that the c.i.a. was involved with dominion/es&s in using computer equipment/servers in spain and germany to control the vote tabulation in the united states, "occurring" on vote machines manufactured by those companies.
[ typed this morning, 11.30.2020: jj] i am going to breakfast. i will be back soon, and i will connect you to an enormous post at geller reports. pamela has published an incredibly important post. (i also read it last night at another blog site, but, did not publish it because i was unfamiliar with the site, and did not know how heavily to weight the report. u.s. army and seal teams seized servers in frankfurt germany operated at a c.i.a. facility, and apparently fatalities occurred: those who had the servers did not give them up voluntarily. it was at the point of battle. the news is out.)]
john jay @ 11.30.2020
[finishing post this p.m.]
the c.i.a. was using computers in a facility managed by them in frankfurt germany. their was an operation by the u.s. military, under warrant obtained from german authorities, to go on those premises and recover those computers/servers, suspected to have been used to manipulate the tabulation of votes on voting machines owned by dominpion and es&s.
the title of the article describing these events is --
"watch lt. general: u.s. special forces attacked cia server farm in germany in server seizure operation, 5 soldiers killed, servers secured."
author of post, pamela geller, november 29, 2020 .
ms. geller links to an article in "the american thinker" by andrea widburg, describing much of the events which took place in the raid by u.s. special forces, and the defense of the facility mounted by c.i.a. operatives. there were fatalities, as reported to widburg.
the article is long, and because several persons are relating the events, a bit disjointed in spots. but, the gist of it is absolutely clear, and that is that the c.i.a. was manning a computer/server center in frankfurt germany that was controlling voting machines in the united states of america, and instructing those voting machines to change their tabulation of votes in favor of joe biden. part of that function was being transferred back and forth between germany and another c.i.a. facility in spain.
in short, the c.i.a. was directing the "steal" to take the election away from donald john trump, and to illegally deliver it to joseph r. biden, which he apparently happily accepted. since november 3, 2020 biden has declared himself president, even while it is apparent that there is much to sort out.
i am convinced, as sure as god made little green apples, and it don't rain in indianapolis in the summer time, that the c.i.a. is/was attempting to wrest the control of the government into its own hands .... if they deliver it to biden, how is he to resist the wishes of those who installed him into office?
this is civil war. someone has noted in all of this that more people were killed in this seizure operation in frankfurt, then were killed in the confederacy's opening attack on fort sumpter, to start the civil war. unhappily, the fact is, the civil war picked up quite a bit from that rather humble beginning.
john jay @ 11.30.2020 [well into the evening.]
please note: i started a whole series of posts at this blog on computer espionage, or cyberwar as has become a popular term, by discussing a book called "sandworm" by andy greenburg discussing russian efforts to disrupt estonian and ukrainian society and government by computer hacking & espionage. these efforts, mainly by a branch of the russian military called the gru, were aimed at disrupting computerized systems in this country, to include shutting down power grids by disabling switching stations, to taking out government bureau's distributing pension checks, to scrambling rail and air traffic by disrupting computer controlled schedules. and, by interfering with elections, by hacking the voting machines, this done via and through the internet from computer to computer to machines which were scrambled.
sound familiar?
the machines used in the usa are in the main the same machines designed to facilitate south american dictators in taking permanent control over elections, and voting, effectively stealing the franchise from the citizens of these countries.
you should pay attention.
john jay, for the second time, @ 11.30.2020