the big rose of sharon is showing its first blooms of the season, and the upstart is sporting copious buds. we have had a very wet late winter and spring this little part of things, and the new growth has responded accordingly.
and, we are finally getting some warmth. this is not something the flowers waste, and i've already had a bumper crop of lilies, tiger variety. only the iris have been something of a disappointment, though those that showed were quite beautiful.
i watch all of this, and black lives matter and antifa and obama & soros take a back seat, and i haven't given nancy pelosi even a side long glance for about a week. who cares when my little weed patch is resplendent in color?
the people who clamor for my attention and politic and whine for my loyalties can all take a long walk off a short pier. except, of course, for "the donald." he has received couple of donations, and will receive more as the summer rolls into fall. joe biden? well, he is not even a thistle in my scheme of things, more like a milk weed in need of water .... not even of enough significance to be an annoyance: he counts for nothing. he is nothing.
i've mowed the front, and cut a deal w/ a neighbor on the back yard. china can take a fucking hike. all is right in my world.
john jay @ 06.25.2020
p.s. you know what is nice about the flowers? i have done nothing to deserve them, really, only "neglect" describes my efforts at "cultivation." the flowers have just chosen to be resplendent, and i've done nothing to deserve it. nature provides, what she will, when she wants, and as she deigns. china had best heed the message.