another old soldier is consigned to the dust bin of history, for the same reason most old soldiers are get there: you'd think that they would know better.
but, for some reason people who are used to command forget an elemental fact about the chain of command, and that is there is only one person who occupies the top. old what's-his-name mattis forgot that the job of a secretary of defense is to give advise to his commander, and not to issue edicts about policy and such. an adviser does not make decisions, he does not issue edicts, and he does not publicly challenge his commander on his decisions. his is to apply and implement the decision of the president of the united states to the best of his ability, and not to carp about it. in short, the oath of his office does not say that it is his to piss and moan and carp about his lot in life, ... , but to do his damned job to the best of his ability.
this inability to remember basics i think is nurtured by washington d.c. cocktail parties, where an ego such as mattis's is bolstered by alcohol and large breasted compliant women. no soldier should ever be allowed to attend such devil spawn occasions: it is where soldiers get too large for their issue breaches. as dirty harry calahan remarked, "a man should know his limitations," and this applies to generals as much as anybody, perhaps even more appropriately. it is where decent field commanders turn into pompous twits.
i can only imagine the ass reaming dwight eisenhower would have given mattis had he pulled this stunt under ike's presidency/command: eisenhower, despite his grandfatherly public demeanor, was renowned for his titanic temper, his ire delivered in private and not in public, in very clear terms, and at very close range. and, his command vitriol was absorbed in private, and not cried over to the press.
generals, and secretaries of this and that, were made of sterner stuff in the old days, and were not cry babies. simple as that.
old what's-his-name forgot that his job is to implement policy once the commander issues it. and, for that, his is the dust heap, and, to cry over his own cups. and, good riddance.
in the civil war abraham lincoln did not bask in the historical judgment that surrounds him these days, especially among those who were under his command: off the top of my head, i can remember that george mcclellan, john c. fremont and at least one other general whose name escapes me, ran for president against lincoln in the middle of the civil war.
can we look forward to a mattis & pelosi ticket in 2020?
lord, god, please spare us.
snow flakes and cry baby generals would be just too much to bear.
john jay @ 12.26.2018