1.) the democrats are totally full of shit. a.)comey says so. b.) http://www.americanlibertyreport.com/articles/democrats-admit-trump-russia-collusion-is-fake-finally/ . the chief demo architect of the lie says it is going nowhere, and is not going to go anywhere. give it a rest, best describes his attitude. i say, prosecute the son of a bitch.
2.) the republican "never trump" mccainites are full of shit. a.)this means you, mitch mcconnel & paul ryan. b.)the republicans who attack trump are absolute and complete cowards. during the entire reign of barack obama they were absolutely and totally afraid to say a damned thing about him, as they feared his his retribution. now they attack trump on the most specious horseshit ever dreamed up by anyone. this proves, absolutely, that trump is a decent and honorable man, because the republicans do not fear retribution from him politically. they are liberated, as it were, to show their "big swinging" dicks in public again. to show their power, their strength, their courage, after being servile lickspittles for the past 8 years. they are absolutely beneath contempt. the purest word for them is "shitheads."
3.) bonus. susan rice spied on trump and his transition staff. well, it just gets better. http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/civil-rights/327192-the-susan-rice-smoking-gun-and-why-it-matters . the hill rather fastidiously says that no "smoking gun" links these admitted acts, pertaining to multiple persons including mike lynch. to obama. to which i say, this disclaimer on behalf of obama is absolute bull shit. it is fatuous. (not to mention ignorant & simple minded.)
fact. at the time she ordered the spying susan rice was national security adviser to president barak obama. in short, for all factual, legal and political considerations she acted in the person of barak obama and in his name. she was barak obama. in the law we call someone acting in her capacity as acting with actual, apparent and ostensible authority to act in the name of her principle, and her principle is responsible for that actions of an agent with such authority. (look it up. ask someone you respect, who knows something of the law. look it up in the "restatements of agency.") someday, someone should actually require that reporters be educated in such matters.
john jay @ 04.04.2017
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