the dam has burst, usa today and msn news cover the loss of code, update, 03.08.2017. the big boys are covering obama's screw up, though they haven't the cajones to call it that yet. but, they won't be able to avoid doing so, not for long. .
even the brain dead will understand the significance of the cia blunders. and, event the brain dead will understand that the cia and the nsa have been surveilling every person in america, for years. (personally, i don't give a shit that they can surveill me. publish, and be damned. the cia/nsa and the gubment can simply go to hell, them, and the horse they road in on. end update.
the mainstream media awakes, update 03.08.2017. u.s. officials say wikileaks c.i.a. documents showing are genuine, and they were aware of the "security breach" in late 2016. this is the first acknowledgement in the mainstream media that the wikileaks documents are genuine. hmm, what does obama say about this, the lying bastard? . the west central tribune, willmar, minnesota. from a reuters dispatch, reuters media today, 03.08.2017 at 12:16 pm eastern standard. . dna, daily news and analysis, from a reuters dispath, reuters media today, 03.08.2017 at 11:48 am eastern standard.
well, the dam breaks. for those who only consider a proposition proved when the lamestream publishes it. end update.
update, hat tip "doug ross journal," 03.08.2017. white house to seek production of "fisa" warrants issued to investigate the trump campaign and trump associates. . while they are at it, they should get info on the applicant for the warrant, and all affidavits and legal briefing associated with the application. such information should include the names and identities, and positions within the government, of those seeking the warrant authorization. in short, everything. end update. source of link, "doug ross journal." a good place.
update on obama/cia/nsa illegal wiretaps at "captain's journal," 03.07.2017. herschel smith at the "captain's journal" has an excellent article on internal surveillance being conducted on americans by obama/cia/nsa such as has been alleged first by edward snowden, and now by donald trump. the title of his post is "wikileaks issues a beatdown to the c.i.a.," posted 8 minutes ago, 8.48 p.m. pacific time, the link to the article, . this link was forwarded to me by "c," (hat tip) just minutes ago.
friends, if you think donald trump was talking through a cocked hat, i would remind you that he is president of the united states of american, that he has certain resources at his disposal, and that he didn't make himself a multi billionaire by being dull. end update.
update, to a discussion and list of articles on the "tools" of the "deep state," and how they conduct surveillance and lay the blame at the feet of the russians. sound "familiar"" 03.07.2017 . credit for this to herschel smith, at "the captains journal." this site has a whole list of articles which have broken recently on the cia's use of intel tools to conduct surveillance against american citizens. and, to lay the blame at the foot of the russians, by leaving russian created malware behind to cover their own tracks. (is anyone sufficiently awake to think that perhaps the cia and/or the nsa hacked stupid hilary's person email accounts, and left some mice droppings behind to frame the rooskies?)
the amazing thing is, according to the posts at the discussion site, is that the cia programs are of public domain, and anyone can use them.
go here, right now.
end update.
update on obama wiretaps, 03.07.2017. julian assange strikes again, and strikes again against obama and his criminal administration. wikileaks has released a list of those "tapped" by obama, who if not a kgb agent, has the instincts of a kgb agent. .
it is evident that when obama wants to know, he stops at nothing to learn, and this includes abusing the power of the federal security wiretap. a friend wrote and told me i lacked "proof" of my assertions. well, here's proof. only you, and he, can decide whether it is a sufficiency of "proof." it is to me. period. end update.
my previous posts about obama & soros may have proven a bit "incendiary" to some of you. well, put this in your pipe and smoke it, if that is the case.--
obama, loretta lynch, bill and hillary clinton have conspired and continue to conspire to unseat a sitting president of the united states of america via the use of illegal wire taps of the presidential office, and of donald trumps private phone lines in the trump towers.
the obama administration sought "f.i.s.a.'s" (essentially search warrants for wire taps and suck like) against the trump campaign, and against trump even after the inauguration, and continuing until discovered. they continued to use such surveillance even after the subject matter & pretexts of the court authorizations had long "expired," and into the presidency of donald trump.
they widely disseminated the "information" obtained by such wiretaps to federal agencies not authorized to conduct the taps, arguably with the expectation that any information gathered would be "leaked."
by this conduct, they have sought to undermine the political and legal authority to govern of a sitting president of the united states, donald trump.
hat tips, for both articles, to "c."
loretta lynch sought the first "fisa" authorization for a wiretap, e.g., a search warrant made upon secret application, just after she met with bill clinton in her private jet, just after he sidled up to it in his private jet, on the tarmac in phoenix, arizona. (home turf to john mccain, btw. coincidence?)
the first "fisa" request was denied.
the second "fisa" request sought by the obama administration, a search warrant to be used by a candidate rapidly closing ground on hillary clinton, was sought thereafter, and it was granted. it was sought to establish a link between trump and a russian bank:
this was supposedly granted (james clapper denies it was granted) because there was a story swirling around that russian dossier and a computer server at trump tower being linked to a russian bank.
no evidence was found, the rumors unfounded, but the wiretaps continued. andrew mccarthy of the national review summed it up perfectly,
“the obama administration was monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.”
the surveillance continued to be ongoing, even after donald trump was sworn in as president of the united states of america. this surveillance was sought by loretta lynch as attorney general serving under and at the behest of barak "insane" obama, and with the connivance of bill and hillary clinton.
this surveillance continued, and its results were disseminated to federal agencies, and then leaked to the washington post and the new york times well after inauguration day of this year, and false information from them was used by the news agencies and the papers named to attack donald trump, and to foment for investigations.
paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the breitbart link above. read it, it makes very interesting reading.
summation. while sitting as president of the united states, barak obama and loretta lynch sought on the thinnest of pretexts, not in law amounting to cause, to illegally wire tap the communications and phone calls of a candidate for president of the united states. this was done at the instance and with the full knowledge of bill and hillary clinton. even after donald trump was elected president of the united states of america these taps were left in place, monitoring what trump's most private communications had to offer.
this was allowed by obama and loretta lynch, and was allowed to continue to try and benefit hillary clinton's dwindling chances to become president. now do you understand the bullshit over the electoral college and other events, including ridiculous vote count challenges.
do i need to connect the dots.
this was a conspiracy at the highest levels to attempt to unseat a legally and validly elected president of the united states by a democratic president, a democratic attorney general, and a disgruntled loosing candidate and her former president husband. in this connivance we see the active accomplice involvement and connivance of a hyper leftist press.
this is sedition. these people are traitors to the united states.
they need to be prosecuted and jailed. if the legal niceties are to be followed. personally, were i donald trump, i would simply stuff them in a culvert under a lonely road in wyoming. that is their fitting end.
john jay @ 03.06.2017
p.s. now do you understand why we approach civil war? these are dangerous people who seek to subvert and control our democracy, by any means. period. if it takes civil war to prevent that from happening, it is worth every life sacrificed and every drop of blood shed. including mine.
Chilling. I had long thought there was more to the Phoenix meeting. The wire tap revelation explains it.
Lynch just set the parameters. She called for blood in the streets. So be it.
Posted by: Paul Albers | March 07, 2017 at 12:41 AM
This observer from far way is a Trump supporter, and is horrified by these allegations - but equally horrified by your blood lust.
Please, use the weapons of words, history and truth will win out...eventually...without the use of your alternative arsenal.
Posted by: Mike | March 07, 2017 at 05:22 PM
did you hear of loretta lynch calling for blood in the streets in just the last few days. she didnt predict it, she called for it. were i you, i would be considering very closely whether or not recourse to alternative arsenals will be needed to protect ones body and soul, and ones rights and privileges. do not forget, this country was founded and the liberties and rights we observe were won by alternative arsenals.
and, they can be lost, just so. democracy is not for the squeamish, and will not be retained by the squeamish.
john jay
Posted by: jj | March 07, 2017 at 06:35 PM
this gets more interesting day by day. odd, not much coverage of it in the mainstream media, ... , for some reason.
the dems and their propaganda arm haven't figured out a "spin" for this, or a way to accuse trump of the same activity, ... , so they have decided on the "rope-a-dope" defense, and to just absorb the body blows without saying anything in reply.
so, just keep hitting the bastards. it will show up in a bit, when the legs go out from underneath them. first thing to go, when the will breaks, is the legs.
john jay
Posted by: john jay | March 08, 2017 at 11:19 AM
As someone else noted Lynch played the race card and will have to fall on her own sword.
Posted by: Friend Fuchs | March 11, 2017 at 09:04 AM