there's the world, and there is basketball. (and, the beginning of major league baseball season.)
the choice as to which is more important is obvious. which is more compelling is another matter, and i love college basketball. that's where i have been, and that is where i am gonna be for another little bit.
"science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. i have a foreboding of an america ... when the united states is a service and information society; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness." carl sagan.
let us shorten this brief epistle down to a sound bite capable of being understood by even the most casual of thinkers. and that is, as forrest gump & his mama noted, that "stupid is as stupid does."
we are a society uneducated and uncaring about the physical sciences, this broadly speaking, because some certainly do. but, not many, and certainly not the mainstream, because we do nothing that requires any facility with numbers, measurement, mathematics, and a rudimentary knowledge of engineering and physics. the reason, as sagan noted, is that we make and manufacture nothing, and people are ignorant of the skills and knowledge that comes with the use of the hands as tools.
we do not reason, and we do not stretch our thinking to contemplate the consequences of our thoughts and opinions. (even the "leaders" of nations haven't figured out what it is to import the muslim jihad into our midst. most are miserable blathering idiots, along the line of charles schumer, and ilk.)
in short, carl sagan feared an age when people have become butt-wipe ignorant.
we are, by the way, arrived at sagan's anticipated destination. i mean no offense, particularly, but most do not care.
john jay @ 03.21.2017
p.s. the result of self indulgent ignorance is chastisement. if you need to, read the old testament prophets on what it portends for a society to turn its back upon its foundations and first principles. or, perhaps better yet for you who prefer not to think disturbing things, just let it be a pleasant surprise.
reader "h" submitted a comment, and a link to an article about loyce deen. this evening i had time to read the article, and it is beautifully done.
loyce's boyhood and family life are set forth, as were his aspirations for a career in aviation. and, it is noted, that before he was killed in combat he was also wounded in the foot by shrapnel he may very well have sought treatment for the wound, but chose to stay with his group through the fight.
i would suggest that those who are interested in the sort of fighting that loyce deen was engaged in, and interested in the plane that carried him into battle, and brought him home for burial, go to the article by following the link sent in by "h."
the link & article. -- "in memory of loyce edward deen, .... , and all who served aboard the uss essex." .
i might add that loyce and his plane were featured in the series "victory at sea," but he was not identified nor the circumstances of his death set forth. the film that i linked in the article on loyce, and that was lined at ace of spades, apparently came from the victory at sea episode "the conquest of micronesia."
john jay @ 03.16.2017
p.s. in stark contrast to the pissants now in hollywood, many hollywood types fought in wwii. one of them, who flew in vt-100 in the same type of plane as loyce deen was the actor paul newman, a machinist mate 3rd class and belly gunner on the tbm avenger.
p.s.s. odd, but typepad/google generated nary one single related thumbnail i might have used for this article, though a-rod and j-low were featured in one. why is that, do you suppose?
hat tip to friend "paul," who sent me a video obtained from ace of spades.
loyce edward deen died in battle 11.05.1944 an aviation machinist mate 2nd class, serving as a gunner on a tbm avenger. flying in a tbm was no picnic, as they were a big carrier based plane, and slow. he was killed in an attack on a japanese cruiser.
his pilot, lt. robert cosgrove and the tbm got him home to their carrier, the uss essex, and deen was prepped for burial sitting where he died in the rear seat of the tbm, manning his gun. he was given his last rights, the chaplain/minister/priest on the wing of the plane dressed in his suntans, standing next to deen's slumped body, a compliment of the crew standing in observance.
caption: the bubble canopy was loyce deen's work station in battle, and his final resting place at his burial. a little spartan even by military standards: i cannot imagine that canopy would have provided very much "comfort" when the plane was under attack.
image from google images.
and, then the mortal coils of loyce edward deen and his tbm were pushed off the rear of the carrier's deck, into the arms of the deep. as the plane and deen sank beneath the waves two planes in formation passed over the sinking plane as it bobbed in the wake of the uss essex, prudently under way as the war raged. and, continued.
and, then, it was back to the war, and sailors rushed back to their stations.
i wonder at the ship's captain, or commander, who had the poetic sense to give deen this burial. the intervening years have lent a stark beauty to the proceedings, a dignity perhaps not apparent in the hurried rush to clear the decks for other planes returning, and to launch other planes into the battle.
the film of the event follows, and it is quite moving, to say the least.
at ace of spades, link to comments on the original post, w/ post -- i suggest you go to ace of spades, to read the post (which mine basically repeats), and to read the wonderful and feeling tributes to deen. and, to the avenger, a slow old plow horse with the heart of a warrior. truly, they were heros.
in a couple days i am going to be 69 years old. i have mixed feelings about that: i am not nuts that i am gonna be 69, but, on balance, i am happy that i am getting there. but, i digress.--
as part of becoming 69 years old i was gifted an older (that's "used" in plain english) ithaca model 37 featherlight shotgun. it is a very nice old piece, and functions slick as an oiled whistle. it locks up tight as a bank vault. it's a 12 gauge, 2 3/4" chamber, and it is probably advisable not to be shooting heavy magnum loads in it.
it handles nicely. it points well. and, loading is as easy as any pump and/or auto shotgun i have ever been around. and, they are robust. the u.s. military has, from time to time, used the model 37 and its variants as trench guns, their success in battle testament to their ruggedness and reliability.
i would modestly suggest that if you cannot figure how to get one via gift, that you simply go acquire one by purchase. i think mine is a riot gun, as it has a 20" barrel, and it is just about as handy as a gun can get inside the confines of a home. it handles and balances well, with the weight between the hands.
i am as happy as the proverbial pig in poop getting this little gun. i will never part from it.
ain't that a hoot. and, of course, hat tip to "c." (she cannot sleep. laughing.)
malik obama has tweeted a fairly official looking birth certificate showing that barak obama was born in kenya on the same date as he was supposedly born in hawaii.
i wonder if it will take the mainstream media, e.g., the propaganda arm of the american leftists, another 8 years to look into the validity, or lack thereof, of this kenyan birth certificate. i would remind all of you, snowflakes and glinty eyed realists alike, that obama has never produced a hawaiin birth certificate, only a document from the hawaiin registrar of vital statistic that purports to be a summation of the original document. (and, need i remind you that hawaiin is a "democratic state," and its politics as dirty as any "democratic state" in the united states.)
speaking of hoots, wouldn't it be fun if barak obama were proven never to have been legally qualified to serve as president. what would happen to all of the legislation that he signed, and all of his executive orders?
(i think that would be "null & void," as opposed to "voidable," but, what do i know compared to those agile minds that now sit the courts? eh?
please read this post at pamela geller's journal, which would justify such extra-legal measures. treason is, after all, treason. let's just say i see no point in chopping the rattles off a rattlesnake found in my boot.
1.)disband the cia, entirely, lock, stock and barrel. fire every one of the sons of bitches.
2.)disband the nsa, entirely, lock, stock adn barrel. fire every one of the sons of bitches.
3.)i would move the department of state personnel and apparatus, headquarters and all, to fairbanks, alaska. no personnel would leave the state except upon one's week's vacation, to be served in the continental united states. no phone, nor fax servies, to be provided for them.
those are the legal steps i would take to quell their sedition.
in the next post, extra-legal acts will be discussed.
you know, i have been wondering over that. just how do you go about dropping trousers in public, and allowing someone to breach your security, or to lose your code. i mean, apparently all of it, all your precious dirty little tricks. curious that.
sort of like anchoring all your battleships in a nice straight line, or lining up all your planes in a nice straight line, so as to making them easily susceptible to bombing or strafing. would this not be, well, seen as dangerous. and, should all of it not be seen as quite obvious. (you know, like being slapped in the side of the head w/ a big dead fish?)
all your eggs in one basket? why not make this stuff a little harder to get at. you know, hide it, make it hard to get in.
quite likely, somebody got bought. or, somebody went to snowden, or assange, and gave them the keys to the back doors. and, someone wasn't paying very damned much attention when they came in the back door, and stole things.
or, something i think even more likely, and entirely probable, somebody gave it up to almost everybody at the same time, on purpose, to damage the u.s. and advance socialism. you know, like obama: to my mind, obama is the obvious choice. once he used it, and was gone from office, he had no more "official access" to ordering surveillance on his targets, he had no more use or motive to protect it, so he revealed it to damage the u.s./us. now that it is public, he can use the code indiscriminately without exposing himself to the niceties and risks of "fisa" warrant applications. he can just use it any time he wants from his deep cover in "the deep state," to harm who he wants, to expose what he wants. all to advance international socialism, ... , with obama at the helm, as it were. he has the power of the monarch, the potentate, without the responsibilities and limits that go with that power in a democratic state.
this scenario seems highly likely to me, and it emerges in my mind as the most probable source of the "leaks" that "wikileaks" has exploited. someone like nicholas burns would approve, heartily.
john jay @ 03.08.2017
p.s. now obama has the sword he can wield against donald trump, that he could not wield when the cia/nsa remained in control of its code. this is why i think obama/lynch released it, with the connivance of their allies within the "deep state." we have now gone back to the politics of the medieval state, with its plots and factions and connivances.
very well, let us resort to medieval methods to root the "deep state" out. it is not the loyal opposition. it is the enemy.