right now hillary clinton suffers from a major disability for a politician. she has the putrid corrupt stink of death about her. in russian history when a czar died he had one important task that lay before him, were he to fully assume the mantel of greatness in history: he simply could not turn fetid as he lay in state prior to burial.
for a politician to smell is always fatal. and, clinton smells to high heaven. admit it, you didn't even have to read this to know of whom i spake.
a politician never recovers from the stink of death. there is no resurrection. there is only to sit under a shawl and rock on the front porch, hoping the kids do not throw apples at you, as you sit and muse on what might have been.
and, victory is what has been denied her. and, as much as donald trump won the presidential election, hillary clinton and her handlers lost it. and, as much as obama contributed to the loss, (and he did), the loss is all hillary's. now, you can slice it and dice it, and parse it out and lovingly subject it to all of the known grammatical structures in an erudite discussion as to how she snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, but, it comes down to one simple thing.
one simple fatal thing. that has bestowed the stink of death on her.
oh, she's mean and nasty. true enough. and, that alone makes her deserving of the fate she has suffered. (and, will suffer for the rest of her life. very satisfying to write that, btw.) but, lots of mean and nasty people triumph.
nope, what killed hillary clinton and has left her stinking political corpse rotting in the noon day heat, flies buzzing around her eyes and nostrils, is that she was just stupefyingly boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. as the election ground down to its final days, it became apparent that on her own she could not draw a crowd to a dog fight.
when it got right down to it, the only thing that she had as an "asset" was that she was the fat dumpy wife of an ex-president of the united states. (are you reading this, michelle obama?) and, when you dig to the central core of that, that is not much. not enough to get you elected president, that's for sure. i was pretty certain she was loosing the whole enchilada when towards the end even her surrogates would not appear with or for her, and when beyonce walked off a stage in protest to a hillary slur. dead. dead as a post.
boring, and maladroit, that is more than enough to get you defeated, apparently. and, when you are are heir apparent front runner, and you are defeated like this, you are indeed dead. not ever to be resurrected. and, smelling of death. forever.
john jay @ 12.01.2016
God I hope you are right. I fear with all of Soros' money and the evil of her democrat friends she will find a way, like the Zombie she is, to return from the dead.
Posted by: Paul Albers | December 02, 2016 at 12:54 AM
she is dead and rotting. she is now officially a corrupt "loser," which is way different from a corrupt "winner."
she has a "taint" she cannot shake. the queen is dead, long to stay dead.
Posted by: john jay | December 02, 2016 at 10:31 AM
it is 12.23.2016, and the election results are confirmed, vote totals are certified by the states, and the electoral college has sealed the deal.
and, hillary still smells like a week old dead cod fish. dead as hell.
i am not gonna miss that old pompous wind bag in the slightest. and evil woman.
good riddance.
john jay
Posted by: john jay | December 23, 2016 at 07:33 PM