what strikes me is that no matter what harm he does to the media, they never call him out on it. he is one humongous failure, a racist, lazy and stupid - and none of the media acknowledge this. he's trashed his party and yet not one of them is going to admit it. [she uses caps, i delete caps and substitute modest little letters. that's the sort of fellow i am. jjj]
i replied to this effect:
aggravating, this trait of liberal/leftist pols & media types.
but, you gotta love it.
stupid is as stupid does, and stupid always pays the same price for stupid, .... , which is failure.
we'll keep trashing them, they'll keep denying it, .... until such time as they can look at he situation objectively, live up to it, and figure out how to stop trashing themselves. if history is any indication, we'll have another [couple of] national election cycles to our advantage, even while the major cities run themselves into rack and ruin with their stupidity.
big problem for the country. how to get the cities back on track. the situation is very exacerbated, given that the cities are black, and run by black politicians, who are leftists, corrupt and idiotic.
the country is rapidily becoming cities like chicago and detroit, and a countryside becoming increasingly conservative and productive. if des moines, iowa ever took the place of new york city as a financial center, the american city becomes a third world country.
and, this is truth, and i am gonna publish it in the morning. .......... .
american cities are decaying and "entitlement politics" are doing nothing to revitalize them. productivity is headquartered in the cities, but it productive mechanisms and the people who run them flee the city limits, and head for the "burbs" and the outlying areas. marriage and birth rate likewise flee the city, and go to good school districts and neighborhoods where children can be raised in good environments. housing starts, except for high rise apartments (themselves another form of physical separation from city neighborhoods), belong to the countryside and the suburbs. gentrification is another form of social stratification and separation.
we are rapidly becoming two nations, not just in political metaphor, but in demographic and sociological fact.
obama didn't help much, w/ his continual race baiting. not much at all.
inflation is how you take money from the rich and give money to the poor: the rate sets the rate.
it is also how you take money from the poor, and keep them in control: it's its chief function. buying the poor is cheaper than continually having to suppress them.
"your gold and sliver have corroded, and their corrosion ... will eat your flesh like fire." james 5:3 . "inflation is taxation without legislation." milton friedman. forbes, december 30, 2016 page 114 (the last page.)
obama, kerry and the democratic party have thrown american jews under the bus. the democrats have chosen between islam and judaism, and it is islam.***
israel can protect her sovereignty without obama, clinton and kerry for the next little bit. an america loyal to the precepts of honesty, integrity and the defense of the israeli state comes on board in days.
stupidity in u.s. foreign policy will be rectified, and i imagine it will be one of the first things on trump's agenda.
whether american jews will finally rid themselves of their terminal loyalty to the democratic party is another issue, and the outcome remains in doubt. i will not make any attempt to analyze that which is simply inexplicable, nor will i make any comment on the wisdom of american jews hitching their wagons (and futures) to those who habitually betray them.
it is quite beyond me.
john jay @ 12.29.2016
*** "changing course: a new direction for u.s. relations with the muslim world." the pdf is at the below link. you don't believe me, see what the democratic party and leftist progressives say. the wrote the pamphlet, i didn't make it up. read it, if you dare.
i do not believe much in coincidence. for my money, 2 plus 2 almost always adds up to 4.
now, i have no doubt that the rooskies breached hillary clinton's "security." what, you don't pick up a $20 bill when you see it on the sidewalk? just as i have no doubt that many other agencies did, to include the chinese, the french, the english, the north korean and the iranian security agencies.
and, the israeli's.
let us look at motive. the russians really had no interest in leaking any of this, nor had they any interest in trying to get donald trump elected president of the united states in preference to hillary clinton. why would they? they would have played hillary clinton like a fiddle in matters of military and political strategic scenarios, just as they have played obama for the posturing fool that he is.
hillary clinton was no threat to them. nor, for that matter, would they have had any clear desire to see donald trump elected. that is all they need, another potential reagan to deal with.
our friends? well, they are not our friends, and most of the security apparatus in the world would have viewed hillary clinton as another angela merkel, .... , that is, another useful idiot. nah, no one with nato would have gotten mixed up in this.
i don't consider the north koreans. not because they aren't sneaky, underhanded and willing to play a dirty trick, but, simply because i do not think the north korean "intellect & world view" would see much difference between one capitalist and another, and would not favor one over the other.
nope, my "favorite" for this is israel.
they would have tripped to the fact that hillary clinton was an idiot in the way she conducted her "security protocols" as quickly as anyone, perhaps quicker in their human intelligence resources. what was the maid's name who answered hillary's faxes in her secure state department room in her house in washington d.c.? i betcha the israeli intelligence knew before we did. they have the skills to have hacked into her computers. is anyone forgetting the joint u.s./israeli operation into iran's computers controlling their yellow cake production, a precursor stage to refining weapon's grade fissile material? i have read it was israeli programmers who did the deed.
and, in the persons/personas of barack obama, john kerry and hillary clinton they surely had the motive. i believe they simply could not tolerate the notion of another american leftist prog administration jeopardizing their security, and the very existence of the israeli state. between obama/kerry/clinton no three other persons on earth have endangered israel so much. not even the madeline "not so" albright.
i believe israel torpedoed clinton because she was such a fundamental danger to israel's very existence.
and, i think obama and minions belatedly tumbled to this. belatedly, because obama & minions could not initially conceive such a thing: they did not consider the israelis, because this was so audacious, even for the israelis. but, even idiots catch on in a bit.
2 plus 2 equals 4. almost always.
here, my friends and gentle reader, you have the explanation for obama's pique toward israel, and for the recent vote in the united nations which the united states would otherwise have been expected to veto. tit for tat. tat for tit. obama jeopardizes israel, to satisfy his pique: he has placed a nation at risk because he has a damaged and flawed personality. quite typical reasoning for a narcissist. and, a petulant baby narcissist at that.
a nation for a flawed politician. not much of a trade in my mind, but pure sweet reason in the twisted mind of an obama.
it shall be a joyous day when we are shed of the twit. a sweet day.
for the following article, thanks & tip o' the old hat to "c."
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4072762/US-senators-Russia-sanctioned-election-hacks.html . obama blames putin for hacking, and kicks russian spies out of the u.s.
well, goodness gracious. what have things come to?
and, during all of this, not one person on the north american continent, to the best of my knowledge, has noted that none of this hacking of hillary's email would ever have occurred if she had used the security protocols in place at the state department, and had she not used her own personal computers/servers in her numerous homes, all of which had no security.
when the email scandal broke i predicted that her computers would have bee breached by foreign security entities, and that state department security would have been compromised. i was correct. (i also predicted that multiple security agencies would have been into her "drawers," and in this observation i was right. this is not over.)
am i the only person left on earth who is not a total dumb shit, and does no one else recognize all of this kerfuffle as lying at hillary clinton's, and obama's feet, because of their lax notion of what is secure communication. truly, we are a nation of idiots if this is not recognized as basic fact.
what, the russians were not supposed to use such stupidity as exhibited by clinton and obama to their advantage? give me a break. and, those other agencies? are they expected not to act within the scope of their security interests.
oh, friends, those of you who think this over are absolute dolts. sorry. it is regrettable i have to say this, but, it is true.
the tradition whereby former presidents of the united states retire from public view and expression after their term in office is over is a good one. former presidents in the past have stayed out of the lime light, and have also quietly made themselves available to sitting presidents, of whatever party, when their help has been sought.
it is tradition. and, it is a wise one, as it keeps the office from being politicized on a partisan basis: a sitting president has enough to contend with, and this world is not so short of putin's, crazy north korean dictator's, and mullah's who want the bomb as to warrant the contention that trump with have nothing to do. it will be difficult enough to do without having to cover his back from a malcontent who is jealous of his, ... , what, what did obama do exactly, ... , that calls for protecting his . what? reputation? what reputation? his legacy? what legacy does he have to protect?
"obama's legacy is a devastated democratic party," by deroy murdock, new york post. http://nypost.com/2016/12/25/obamas-legacy-is-a-devastated-democratic-party/ . hat tip "c." if the democrats were smart, they would take obama quietly aside, and tell the dumb bastard that he has done enough damage, and that he should be quiet before he completely destroys them. we are tired of him, and we want him to go away, and shut up. why? because he has been as big a disaster for the u.s.a. as he has been for democrats.
we are still in syria, iraq and afghanistan. relations with russia are at an all time low, with putin recently tell obama "... to put up or shut up." the affordable health care plan which isn't, and has spent itself into bankruptcy and collapse, and has dangerously wounded the health care system? and, obama has rendered the military an effeminate shadow of its former self, and whoever succeeds command of the military will have a lot of work to put it back in order. did anyone mention the economy which has more unemployed and people just simply "out of the workforce" than ever before? race relations, anyone? what legacy? race baiting?
did i mention what a skillful job he has done managing u.s. relations with israel, the one democratic state in the world that shores up our strategic and tactical position in the middle east? did i not do that? what a master. he and john kerry, idiots to the core. right to the damned bone.
going quickly out of public view is a tradition that obama threatens to overturn. he apparently will spurn it, and to keep prattling. he apparently intends, (and is floating trial balloons to see how it will be greeted), to function akin to a government in exile, or the voice of the opposition in the english parliament. to protect his legacy, a "legacy" that doesn't exist, i suppose.
it is not wise.
put plainly, bluntly and succinctly, when trump assumes office is is time for obama to retire to his farm, or villa, or golf course, and just shut the fuck up for a little bit. he should keep his trap shut, put a sock in his pie hole, and keep silent. put a zipper on it. history will judge him, and we do not need his shrill and desperate prattling as he tries to regain some stature in the world, and in history's evaluation of him.
hillary clinton, she who stinks of death, should take him aside and tell him it is better to be thought an idiot than to open his mount in public and confirm it. again. his politics, his legacy, his programs and beliefs have been repudiated. best he stays the hell out of the way, and gives his successor a chance to fix things without his interference.
and, if he tries to carry on a foreign policy by sticking his nose in all over the world, trump should clamp him in leg irons and stick him in a dungeon some place. some place so dark and dank that they will have to pump fresh air and light to him. period.
john jay @ 12.27.2016
p.s. he did get elected. and, he did make chris matthew's leg tingle, all the way up to his dingus. that he did. he should be content with it. and, shut up.
bill clinton has rather fatuously asserted that donald trump is now gonna be president because he "knows how to get angry people to vote for him." as though this were some sort of short coming on trump's part, suggesting a lack of smarts.
well, .... , ahem.
look at this the other way, and it suggests that perhaps hillary clinton and sage adviser bill clinton don't have enough sense to poor pee from a boot. (the directions written on the heel.) to my poor "deplorable" mind, this means that hillary clinton had an amazing ability to get "angry white people" to vote against her. in great numbers. that doesn't say very much about her native intelligence and wit, managing to make the majority of an electorate angry at and disenchanted with you.
update, this day. i love giving the clintons and obama little jabs in the rear w/ sharp sticks. and, i was pleased w/ this post. so, i told my adoring public, both of them, of my wit. a fellow with a white goatee, obviously an angry white person, laughed and said, "well, they deserve the observation, because they are the ones who made all of us mad as hell." what can i add to, or detract from, that observation. laughing. so, in it comes. end update, this day.
[excerpt from above, getting you back on track:jj] . "... managing to make the majority of an electorate angry at and disenchanted with you." now, does it.
hillary's way. certainly not the way to get elected president of the united states.
john jay @ 12.21.2016
p.s. and, just another way to call most of us "deplorables," and to impress upon us that we are not well regarded by the clintons of the world. which is why the clintons of the world loose elections, and why they are gonna continue loosing elections. stupid is, as stupid does. good ole stupid bill.
angela merkel imported the terrorist who killed people with a large truck and trailer laden w/ steel. she has imported terror into germany. she is an idiot, and should be deposed, immediately. that issue aside.--
now, the intellectuals among you will read this, and you will pass over the fact that a heavy truck was used in this most recent terror attack in berlin, just as you failed to note something of importance in the nice, france attack in which a heavy truck was used. you smart people think that just anyone can get into a truck and drive it. nothing could be less true than to suppose this.
it takes skill and training, and experience to move a big truck and trailer, especially over the confines of city streets and up and over curbs and past traffic posts and onto pedestrian sidewalks. it is not something any nincompoop can do, and it is not something one learns jumping into the cab of a truck. (i will harbor a guess that the average intellectual could not even start the motor and make a truck move, even a few feet, without killing the motor or suffering some like indignity, and i doubt like hell your average new york times reporter could drive one 50 feet. just a supposition, but, i think an accurate one.)
here is the takeaway line, the money line.-- this fellow who was driving this truck as it killed innocents was trained in his land of origin in this skill, and was inserted into germany with these skills so that he could hijack the truck, and kill germans with it. this was no god damned coincidence, this was planned. and, the plan was executed, as were the germans at holiday that he killed.
this is angela m.'s fault. she has been played like a fiddle by islamic terror. she is the ultimate useful idiot to the mullah's and terrorist leaders who plan this sort of stuff. and, she is an architect of the euro union stupidity on immigration policies for middle eastern "refugees." may she rot in hell for her stupidity.
john jay @ 12.20.2016
p.s. i read in the blogs complete coverage of the fact that the polish driver of the truck was found murdered in the passenger seat of this own truck. shot to death. i do not read this, if at all, in the print media which so daintily calls this "suspected terrorism."
so fastidious. so fucking stupid.
if you look at the photos of the scene, looking at the truck's trailer from the left rear, you will see a building in the background with a huge sign above it, the sign reading "berliner morgenpost." this means that the building is the headquarters of a berlin morning newspaper. i wonder if this paper will describe this heinous act of terrorism as "suspected" terrorism, and how they will describe angela merkel's role in the death of her fellow germans.
update, 12.21.2016. i asked the rhetorical question regarding how the "berliner morgenpost" would cover this mass assassination on its front porch by an islamic immigrant, recently given "assylum" by angela merkel and her mollusk bureaucrats. i supposed i might not have bothered.
this, from "c." w/ a tip of the hat:
odd. two sites popped up for berliner morgenpost.
this one's got the wanted tunisian terrorist at the top of its site. and it's NOT blocking out the man's face which the [daily mirror] is doing.
but THIS one has yanked the terrorist attack off the top of the site. and get this. it's got a video of the christmas mart across the street from it, all decked out in lights and shops, etc., as if the attack never happened.
ask me if i am surprised: "move along, move along, nothing to see here." the paper was apparently "brought back into line" very quickly, by the powers that be. after all, "nothing to see here." end update.
just sayin'. this idiocy doesn't happen without the support of the media.
it is time that europeans wake to these facts. they will not preserve their freedoms, such as they are in the euro union, by being complacent or passive. it is high time they act. perhaps well past that. the enemy is well through the gates, and what is left is going to be street by street, house by house fighting.
the new york times has its uses, and i don't mean for fish wrap and starting fires when it is cold and snowy. on occasion, almost like an editorial mistake, they will print something useful and truthful, .... , it doesn't happen often, but, when it does it can be illuminating.
take for instance this map, we'll call it "red & blue," printed here.--
it's an interactive map, which points out the demographic divide that exists between the snot nosed commies who live in the cities, and we rock ribbed "deplorables" who inhabit the heartland. you have the paper shufflers and money handlers on the coasts and overlooking the water in the high rises, and the rest of us who get up early in the morning (e.g., before day light), work with our hands and till the land, and harvest its bounty: you know, the effete snobs and the people who actually raise families and do stuff.
call it california, new york city, chicago and denver, and the wet side of the communist northwest. (i live on the "dry side" of oregon, in the lee of the cascade mountains. i am not an ignorant boob like the idiots on the wet side: i was watching a dim bulb weather man on k.a.t.u. out of portland who referred to my region as the east side of the cascade mountains, which lie several hundred miles to the west, not knowing that i live in the "blues." ignort twit. if he's ever been out of portland, oregon it is a miracle.)
much to your surprise, if you look at this map, you'll find that we "deplorables" are growing rapidly as a demographic, and our political strength is also growing very rapidly, while the effete snobs are on the demographic wane. and, quickly. their influence and power is shrinking, and we "deplorables" grow stronger every election cycle .... for the last 30 years.
http://nyti.ms/2emOqiA -- this is a permalink, and should get you there easier than the source citation above.
another very interesting new york times map shows that the influence of the left doesn't get out of the cities, and the university towns. this is, of course, where the media (newsprint, especially) thinks it has influence, and where the talking heads of television live off the fat of the land.
but, it shows the isolation of the left as well. and, it illustrates perfectly the reach of its influence. all the power and glitz of the media means very little as against the reality of job, raising a family, paying the bills and mortgage, and trying to make a contribution to community and religious association.
the several maps here show america as a great ocean, w/ the cities as isolated islands .... sophistication and modernity, as it were, adrift in a hostile sea of "deplorable" backwoods types. and, oh yes, i live happily in that great sea, and swim easily amidst the fishes, as mao might say.
this map is simply another way of illustrating what is shown in the first map cited.
but, it shows something else i would like to remind the city slickers among you. and, that is, we "deplorables" move freely in the interior of our country, whereas, well, you slickers don't. you stand out like sore thumbs, and your mobility is limited, and you are separated from your fellow leftists by great & hostile openness. we live in this sea, move about it, and you don't.
http://nyti.ms/2eZDRgW -- permalink to the nyt's map.
the populations between "red" and "blue" are about equal, and the urban centers earn about $9 trillion a year of the domestic product, and the "red" also earn about $9 trillion a year. (didn't know we made so much, did you, you little lefties.)
and, we raise the food, we control the flow of fresh water though our lakes and rivers, and we also are your transportation links and the source of your electric power. we have the roads, and the railroads. you have the airports, and the ports. we are, in short, the infrastructure which keeps you fed and warm. and, supply you with your fresh water.
these maps explain why we will win the next election cycles on the national levels, and why the state houses and state legislatures as well as congress will be ours for a little bit.
we also own the guns, and supply the troops for the nation's armed services. and, it explains that if the differences between us devolve into being irreconcilable, we will handily kick your butts in any civil affray that may rise out of that. simple as this -- we will cut you off from each other, we will control your travel and movement, and we will lay classic siege to you as has always been done. look some day, when you have the time, at the maps of your city services, and where your water and power comes from.
understand your situation. as i understand mine.
john jay @ 12.20.2016
p.s. consider this a not so friendly reminder of what your situation is. you know, in a power politics sort of way. and, lord, how i do hope that michelle obama drags her big butt into elective politics. oh, what fun.
obama, michelle obama and ophra winfrey attempted an experiment to see if lead would float the other day. with obama standing by ophra asked michelle if she might run for office. michelle demurely said she might, after a fashion.
maybe it is just me, but, i didn't see the lead balloon float even slightly. it just see to sink into the ground.
and, now the search is on, for find the biggest bunch of idiots in america to run m. obama for office. if found, i am assuming that they will be progressive democrats. or, maybe she could run on a joint ticket of jill stein for president, and michelle obama for president in waiting.
you'll notice i haven't listed michelle's accomplishments. real. or, imagined. you know, made up.
john jay @ 12.16.2016
p.s. yes, it is true. it is sunday, i am kind of snowed in, and there isn't much to do. if, anything at all. a michelle obama post. sheesh as far as i can tell, her only qualification for office is .... well, it will come to me. i am sure of it. it will come to me, .... , in about 10 million years.