lord acton. "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority."
john jay. "appetite betrays, if fed, it cannot be constrained."
john jay @ 10.31.2016
p.s. yes, i like that. no applause, please. (see what i mean?)
in a stinging rebuke the chicago tribune editorializes: 1.)that the democratic party should ask hillary clinton to step aside from her quest for the white house, and 2.)she should never be let near classified information again, which surely disqualifies her from occupying the office of the presidency.
there is more, and it is sharply worded and highly critical of the clinton habit of profiting from politics and influence peddling.
p.s. i would go on. but, it speaks for itself. and, there is an acknowledgment that the media has been in clinton's back pocket the whole way, and the paper is not happy with the public's perception of that.
it really is a major blow to clinton. it will be interesting to see if the media starts to back away from her. if so, you may take it as verity that these new emails are damning, to clinton and her campaign.
i have noticed that a lot of people who have lost their utility to the clintons have been, ... , well, expended. you know, as in shot, or otherwise killed.
this is fairly extraordinary in american politics. american gangsters, of lots of stripes, have resorted readily to eliminating rivals and turncoats, and american gangsters have long had ties to politicians and corrupt governmental agencies. but, the lines of "demarcation" have seldom been crossed, at least in my knowledge. (limited as it is.)
but, the clintons seem to have attracted henchmen seemingly unfettered by any vestige of remorse or decency, not the least inhibited by bourgeoisie distaste for the killing of others. at least it would seem, given the number of people whose demise has immediately fallen upon disappointing or failing or displeasing the clintons.
i have long suspected that the clintons have had handlers or overseers. they did not come into the world, after all, full fledged as rich and powerful. they seem to have benefited by the largess, if not control, of others.
so, the question in my mind frames itself as follows.--
at what point, having themselves lost and/or squandered their utility to their handlers, ... , (say, just for the sake of speculation, the russian intelligence apparatus, or the favor of george soros, rich and powerful and no stranger to involvement in mass murder as a young henchman expropriating the property of jews for the nazis in wwii) ... , do the clintons themselves become expendable?
i would say that bill's sexual proclivities, and his association w/ known sexual predators, and hillary having becoming ensnared in so many political scandals, and being an un-indicted multiple felon, marks them as used up, no longer useful, and eligible for elimination. to put the matter bluntly.
the same goes for huma abedin.
i don't know about you, but i wouldn't get on the same airplane as bill and hillary clinton, and huma abedin, for all the rice in china. at this point, it would be suicidal to do so. imho.
in the united states world war ii happened, as in europe, asia and the world. in the united states 440,000 men (and some few women) died as casualties of that war. in russia, to include the war and the communist purges before that war, estimates run as high as 35,000,000 deaths, inflicted by stalin and hitler. in germany, the germans rode the events they put into motion at some 20,000,000 deaths, not to include the jews who died in the german holocaust.
in china, who knows. i've not ever seen the figures for japan, but, it wasn't enough: they deserved everything they received as consequence of their aggression. they were ruthless and brutal to a degree hard to comprehend.
the men came home from the war. and, they fructified, and they fructified some more. as a consequence, my generation of humans, conceived and born after the war was huge in number. post wwii populations exploded in the u.s. and in europe.
this phenomena is known in the united states as the "pig in the python" to describe the glut of people in the population.
and it was this pig, or perhaps better described as a "cash cow" that drove the expansion of the american welfare state, which was fueled by the taxation of an enormous wage earning and tax paying demographic segment of the population. in basic economic truth, my generation of people (i was born in 1948, and became a tax paying wage earner at age 15) paid for the economic and social welfare system imposed upon american tax payers.
i am now 68. and, pretty much used up as a contributor to things, except incidentally. and, this holds true for most of my fellow "baby boomers."
we don't contribute to the public weal. we consume it, and just as we contributed enormously when we were hale and hearty, so we draw it down enormously in the social welfare payments distributed to us, and by the health care costs involved in keeping us alive.
basically, the python is shitting us out as we die off. and, there has been no like demographic phenomena come along to take our place as payers into the public coffers to fund everything created in the early days of the welfare state.
as a consequence, obamacare is going broke trying to pay for us, without enough taxpayers to be able to do so. (and, it will never have enough taxpayers to do so. simple truth.)
the poor old tired python that is the american welfare system is starving. and, is likely to die, having spent more than it can ever hope to gather. failure, collapse and death is the legacy of a failed state and the bill has come due, with a vengeance. we shall pay for the idiocy of our rulers and legislatures the way all societies preceding us who have behaved similarly, and that is failure and collapse.
unless the european and asiatic states we dug out from german and japanese aggression want to help us out. laughing. (not even ruefully. such is gratitude, in the context of history.)
john jay @ 10.31.2016
p.s. i put the "spam" thumbnail in just for giggles ... and, the fact that you may be eating a lot of it in the future. hey, it's not too bad, in a salty sort of way.
in the previous articles discussing this topic the usual example given by the apologist for obamacare base their discussions on the costs incurred by a "27-year old" male, who is assumed to be basically healthy.
are you 27 years old? no, most of us aren't. let's get right to the point, and discuss the actual monthly premium costs for most people.--
i live in the state of oregon. in oregon, private health insurance coverage for a 40 year old male costs around $650 a month.
again in oregon, private health insurance coverage for a 60 year old male costs between $1100 and $1250 a month, depending on who is marketing the plan. that's around, more or less, $14 to $15,000 a year.
that's for a single male. toss in a wife, and a couple kids under an umbrella plan, and you are talking real money.
i've a question for you, which you should think about a bit. and, that is, why don't the proponents of obamacare reveal such truths about the costs for older persons? and, the fact is, quite a few of us are older, and the above figures are more reflective of the real costs involved. than assholes like jordan weissmann are talking about.
p.s. my friend, let's just call him p.a., suggests that comey may soon get squished just like the bug he is, for his effrontery to hillary clinton. no doubt "wet work" podesta will be the fixer.
now, there are some who insist that these rate hikes will be "subsidized." that just means that you pay these premiums for someone else who cannot, via your tax dollars. for the political lie that the apologists for subsidies make, look here.--
i will leave to others the task of explaining how huma abedin and anthony weiner have flushed hillary clinton down the toilet. and, they have, if the electorate pays any attention to the matters of felonies committed by political candidates.
i want you to understand how much obamacare is going to cost you, before you go broke, and the nation goes bankrupt.
found at theospark.net, cartoon by [email protected] . well, it pretty much says it all. note the label on the beer bottle. and, i presume that the "franken" in the small headline refers to u.s. senator al franken, ... , you cannot get any more stupid than voting for that joke(ster).
earlier i had opined that james coney wrote congress of the seizure of anthony weiner's computer, w/ records of huma abedin's emails from the state department presumably having top secret documents to her, on unauthorized channels, to protect his own butt in case donald trump wins the election.
did james comey, knowing somehow (from hillary clinton, i would suppose, or a high placed surrogate such as john podesta) that the huma abedin emails would destroy clinton's election campaign, her career, her "legacy" act pre-emptively to scuttle his agency's own investigation by revealing evidence obtained without benefit of a valid search warrant. such evidence would be likely suppressed in a criminal trial, or an impeachment proceeding, as having been gained in violation of a defendant's constitutional rights. it might be "tainted" irredeemably, by a premature disclosure such as made by comey.
surely comey would know that. he is director of the f.i.b., and cannot be a total idiot.
did he act to "destroy" the evidence before legally obtained, in order to prevent it being used against clinton, and in order to protect her, and preserve her dwindling chances to win the president.
i think so.
and, he has done so at the cost of his own career. btw, this would not be the first time that a lawyer has destroyed his career to protect the clinton's. sandy berger stole "classified" items from the national archives having to do with hillary clinton's financial shenanigans to protect her. it cost him a chance to become a justice on the supreme court.
to me, whatever the clintons have on comey powerful enough to force him not to charge her for the wrongful handling of top secret documents from the state department, is also powerful enough to force him to destroy a legal career, to bring him down as head of the country's most powerful police force.
it must be something pretty shameful, to cause him to endure this further public shaming. truly, he is an asshole, and as corrupt as the clintons.
john jay @ 10.29.2016
p.s. don't be too surprised in james comey ends up dead in the front seat of a car at the washington d.c. "tidal basin" with a .38 caliber snubby in his hand at his side, and a "swallowed bullet" in his brain. such is the fate of those who serve the clinton ... it is "to the death."
in order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.
next, we require the newly un-insured to be re-insured.
to re-insure the newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.
the extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original un-insured can be insured, so it will be 'free-of-charge' to them.
john jay @ 10.29.2016
p.s. this process is known among socialiists, bolsehviks, menshevicks, progressive and the like, as "expropriation." in other words, it takes your property, and makes it your "ex-property." if you are squeamish, and don't want to visualize the truth of the matter, you can call it "income redistribution."