in movies, popular literature, in novels the hero fights to the end to secure freedom and liberty. the "matrix," the "hobbit," all fight blind soulless crushing tyranny to the depths of their resolve, and in the end, prevail.
nothing succeeds in entertainment like the battle for freedom. no movie or book ever made celebrates the tyranny of orianna fallaci's mollusk bureaucrats & their thug minions described in the hell of stalin's gulags by solzhenitsyn, as a triumph of the human spirit.
yet it seems that in every passing election we imposes leftist tyranny, and tyrants, upon ourselves, and sacrifice liberty and freedom for the numbing control of the bureaucratic nanny state. not even fyodor dostoevsky in the conversation w/ the divine inquisitor in "the brother's karamazov" can fully explain the thirst and impulse toward liberty and freedom, and the countermanding fear of liberty and responsibility that blunts the pursuit of the good.
napoleon said every army marches on its stomach. and, it would seem, every body politic enslaves itself on its stomach.
john jay @ 06.26.2016
"if there is no god, everything is permitted." fyodor dostoevsky.