i have never been so ashamed.
i live in a banana republic, where law enforcement thinks it can shoot and kill with impunity, and that it can lie about it otherwise.
in the portland oregonian. "fbi agents under investigation for possible misconduct in lavoy finicum shooting," by les saitz, portland oregonian, 03.08.2016, http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/03/oregon_standoff_fbi_agents_und.html .
i suggest that you go to the article, and read it, and watch the several videos appended to it. you will find that the oregon state patrol and the federal bureau of investigation officers opened fire on the vehicle driven by finicum before he exited it. with real live honest to goodness bullets.
they fired on the vehicle multiple times.
finicum was struck from behind several times in the upper left shoulder, and once in the lower right side. three times in the back. that's where the bullets struck him.
the oregonian article reports that the autopsy showed a bullet pierced his heart, and that is what killed him. if so, that means he was struck either as he was falling, or as he lay on the ground, wounded. with his arms over his head, and no gun in his hand.
as argued in previous posts on this subject, finicum never had a gun in his hands, and never brandished and displayed one towards officers. he is to be admired for his restraint in death, as in my view, he certainly was justified if he had tried to protect himself from an illegal execution.
in my view, the officers involved were cowards when they shot him, and they were cowards when they lied about the circumstances of his death afterwards. forensics has concluded that a number of the bullets fired at finicum during this incident came from f.b.i. weapons, yet none of this chickenshit worms will admit to firing the rounds. it will serve them not, as forensics will identify the rounds, and the guns from which they came, (unless, of course, the officers have acted in concert to obscure that.)
this is what i wrote to the oregonian about this:
with all due respect, the statements of public officers "justifying" this shooting are bullshit. pure, and simple bullshit. you might be allowed to give them some credence had there been no shots fired by the police before finicum allegedly reached for a gun. (which gun he never got to hand, btw. he never displayed nor brandished a firearm at any cop, state or federal.)
there were, however, shots fired at finicum's vehicle as he approached the roadblock. (the roadblock was illegal, and not justified under the law. for obvious reasons, such a roadblock is called a "deadman's" roadblock, and is not justified unless a suspect is fleeing a major felony. look it up, if you have the native wit.) shots were fired by the oregon state police.
shots were fired by the f.b.i., which the agents have tried to cover up, as finicum exited the vehicle. i believe that finicum was assaulted illegally with deadly force before he was shot and killed. he is to be forgiven if he attempted to protect himself after being fired upon repeatedly, without legal provocation. because a person does not go to the ground when ordered is not legal justification for police to shoot and kill him.
if he did reach for a gun, he might be forgiven for doing so, because he had ample reason to believe that the cops were going to kill him, no matter what. we call that self defense in my neighborhood.
he was shot three times. the coroner's report said a bullet went through his heart. if so, that bullet was fired while he was disabled upon the ground, as a person's heart is not located in the upper left shoulder nor in the right lower back, as the wounds are depicted in the coroner's report (or the oregonian's depiction of the same.)
finicum was ambushed, illegally. he was shot and killed, illegally. the oregon state police and the f.i.b. should be prosecuted for the illegal shooting, and obstruction of justice. as should the governor of the state of oregon, the head of the oregon state patrol, and the director of the f.i.b.
not only are the f.i.b. thugs, but, now it seems, they are confirmed as liars. one lies, btw, when one has guilty knowledge.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon
these were not the acts of trained police officers, unless of course they just murdered finicum by outright agreement among themselves. these were the actions of officers acting illegally, and without sufficient restraint to apprehend legally. in essence, they shot finicum for refusing to go to the ground, after he had already been fired upon illegally. his acts were not sufficient to justify being shot and killed as he lay upon the ground, wounded and defenseless. (a bullet does not get to your heart when you are standing, and you are shot in the upper left shoulder above the shoulder blade. a bullet gets to your heart, when it travels parallel to the ground through your body to your heart.)
finicum was executed.
i think he was murdered. i think his shooting a criminal act by 8 or 9 state police and f.i.b. agents. i hope they are prosecuted.
i firmly believe, it is my considered legal opinion, that his shooting was not justified under the laws governing the use of legal force to apprehend a suspect. i think all the assholes involved in his shooting are liable for his death, in damages, under the civil law. i hope and pray that his family retains a good lawyer.
john jay @ 03.08.2016
p.s. watch this video. it shows the f.i.b. video previously viewed herein, syched with a phone video from inside the finicum vehicle. it is very revealing.
it proves that idiots given guns are idiots, even if they were a state uniform. and, that they are fully capable of killing without justification. being "irked" gives no police officer justification to shoot and kill a defenseless person. (finicum's pistol is a red herring. it was never wielded illegally by him.)
http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/03/oregon_standoff_fbi_agents_und.html .
the minions of the state and federal government did the bidding of their masters. and, now, they will get what's coming to them by surrendering their moral values and principles, by being the scapegoats of their masters, who will prosecute them. they deserve no less.
and, their masters? they deserve what the minions will suffer. it will never happen. the state of oregon is now officially a banana republic, where the "leaders" murder those who dare oppose them.
There will be absolutely no justice administered by the system itself. It and it's employees are above the law.
To believe otherwise is frivolous.
Posted by: rightwingterrorist | March 08, 2016 at 05:06 PM
there is some solace to be taken in all of this.--
the people who shot and killed finicum were supposed to have been experts. my guess, the oregon state patrol was represented by a "swat team," supposedly well trained in arms and using them.
dead eyes, as it were.
likewise, the f.i.b. agents involved were not stationed in southeast & central oregon. trust me on that.
quite likely, they were "swat" types as well. steely eyed & stalwart, and crack shots.
what utter bullshit. they couldn't hit their butts with both hands with firearms, and they had absolutely no restraint in the manner in which they used them.
so far, the "official bullet count" in in the neighborhood of 8 or 9 shots, and the shot that killed finicum was quite likely administered while he lay on the ground. hard for a bullet to get to his heart from where his entrance wounds were, without taking a right hand turn somewhere.
the solace?
these guys are such shitty shots, without a sniper doing the killing for them, that if any of us every have to shoot it out with the cops, we are gonna have a theoretical chance of taking some of them with us before we are killed.
it seems only fair.
john jay
p.s. keep in mind, finicum never displayed a gun, never fired back, in spite of being shot at 8 or 9 times before he was executed.
he is, indeed, martyred. plain and simple.
Posted by: john jay | March 08, 2016 at 05:17 PM
i correspond regularly with three or four lawyers, all of whom have been prosecutors and/or criminal defense lawyers.
none of them have taken any exception to my observations in this post, especially as pertains to my legal opinions. if they did disagree, they would have mentioned it, trust me.
i believe that this is worth mentioning.
john jay
p.s. if you have friends who are lawyers, forward this post, and invite comment, especially criticism or disagreement w/ my observations. please.
Posted by: john jay | March 09, 2016 at 12:30 PM