lavoy finicum was shot in the face, and perhaps again in the head, according to information that is spreading quite rapidly on the net. these reports, based on a facebook entry, indicate that he was shot an additional 7 times.
that kind of a shot and resulting wound was done for a purpose of intimidation, and creating fear of the power of the police and their prowess as killers.
that kind of a shot also indicates that he was killed at the relative leisure and ease of his killers. and, that his death was not as a result of self defense, as the time to take that sort of shot was not made by an officer under duress, or fear of his life.
the killers were not pressed for time, they were not shooting quickly because their lives were in danger. indeed, they did not "know" a pistol was in his pocket (by their own version of events) until 10 minutes after his death, and as none of them had ever seen a pistol in his hand. (how could they, "it was in his pocket." he did not take it out and threaten officers with it, and then place it back in his pocket, as his head was exploding. we can be relatively certain of that. again, this is based upon the fbi's own account of the shooting, made at a press release in portland, oregon.
nope, they took their time, aimed for his head and face because they were not fearing for their own lives, and killed him to create the utmost impact of fear and revulsion among their intended audience. oh, they don't give a rip about you, you'll forget about this before the 1st half of the super bowl is finished ... they did this to quell the "sage brush rebellion" that has been festering in the western united states for years. let me give you a hint, ... , they made no friends among ranchers and hands out west.
this was a cold, calculated and planned shooting. it was the killing of a man to make an example of him, and to quiet his voice, which they must have found disturbingly effective. oh, they will have ample pretext, and there will follow an inevitable parade of abjectly humble officers who will mouth that they feared for their lives, and had no choice but to shoot him at absolutely point blank range. and, that time and circumstance permitted no hesitation, for to hesitate would have cost them their very lives. so multiple officers shot him.
and, had time to shoot him in the face. i want to watch the officer explain how he managed to shoot a man in the face with a high powered rifle from feet. not yards. not hundreds of yards. but, feet.
oh, they, there's always a "they" in such matters, will explain how they are so well trained for such situations, and that their skills are honed by constant practice. well, you cannot have it both ways. if they are so damned good at what they do, surely from feet away, they would have noted that he held nor brandished a weapon visible to any of them, at any time during finicum's execution.
and, if they were so damned good as to shoot him in the face, they damn well should have seen what was going on. the fact is, they had all the time in the world to aim and make the shot, and lavoy finicum's time on this spinning orb was expiring.
i cannot tell you how cold, cruel & ruthless this group of shooters was. that was the most heinous act they could have performed, to shoot a man point blank in the face with a high powered rifle.
i want to know who commanded this fiasco. i want to know who was responsible.
john jay @ 02.03.2016
p.s. no press reports on this matter, (that i have googled), nor will there ever be, unless the fbi feeds the servile bastards a self serving portion of ... . the press are not only physical cowards, they are intellectual cowards. they unleash their powers, only when it serves the leftist regime. otherwise, it is crickets in the meadow. and, that's a fac', jack.
"crickets in the meadow. and, that's a fac', jack."
...and there you have it.
Posted by: rightwingterrorist | February 03, 2016 at 05:39 PM
i cannot open my typepad account.
so, i'll leave a message here. the "barbara davis" email appears to be "disinformation," in other words, a fabrication.
from whom, by whom, who knows? someone wanting to incite violence, the fbi wanting to discredit those who criticize it. the motives are murky, and no one knows who did it.
i am gonna leave my post up, except for this correction. otherwise, my views on the shooting remain basically the same.
and, i will note.-- all the fbi has to do to relieve this controversy, and to reveal the most pertinent facts about the shooting, is to reveal a summary of the autopsy findings on lavoy finicum's body.
i suspect it will show multiple bullet wounds, if not a wound to the face and/or head. and, yes, i think finicum was targeted by the fbi.
john jay
Posted by: john jay | February 03, 2016 at 11:45 PM