i want to see the autopsy report, and i want to see how many times lavoy finicum was shot, where he was struck, by what caliber bullet(s), from what direction, and by whose gun.
i want to see the same information w/ regard to ryan bundy.
i want to see the pickup, and the damage done to it by direct fire, and count the bullet holes.
i want to know how many rounds were fired by the oregon state police, and by the f.b.i. (oh, yes, they keep track of that. an officer checks out so much ammo, and gives an account of his fire. each and every round fired should be accounted for in this incident, truthfully. the longer it takes to become public, the more i will be convinced that it has been doctored.) i want to see how many concussion grenades were thrown into the bundy pickup.
and, i want to know whether all this gun fire, and use of these grenades, was going on before, during or after lavoy finicum was gunned down.
and, i want to know who was "in charge" of this fiasco, this "keystone cops" tragedy, if anyone.
john jay @ 01.29.2016
p.s. nothing, btw, from the fucking media on any of this. no pictures of the truck. no analysis or reporting of what went on, except from the f.b.i. agent's account given in portland, oregon. which is, in my opinion, "highly sanitized." i am sorry, but, after many years working the criminal law beat, as a prosecutor attorney and a public defender, i have little faith in the accuracy of law enforcement reporting. i cannot tell you how sorry i am about that.
i want to see the bundy pickup. we know that the occupants of the pickup came under fire, as one of them was wounded. i want to see the pickup, to know the extent of that fire. and, i want to know, was the pickup coming under fire before and while lavoy finicum was being cut down.
and, i want to know the extent of the wounding of the person in the pickup, and when it occurred.
i also want to know how many times lavoy finicum was shot: most cops will put a couple three shots into a "suspect."
and, i want to know what laws the state of oregon says the occupants of that pickup were violating, to justify a lethal force felony stop. and, just how they had determined probable cause in that particular instance that laws were being violated.
john jay @ 01.29.2016
p.s. i hope that the families involved, and whose family members were shot/killed/injured in all of this, hire jerry spence.
now, little lefties, you tell me that you are gonna be able to handle the thug w/ the smokey bear hat after he has disarmed the rest of america. you tell me, that when he walks up to you for "protection", rubbing his hands in gleeful anticipation, that you are gonna be able to handle that gorilla.
you get, little lefties, ultimately what you deserve. when that thug figures out that all that stands between him and rule, is you, that he is not gonna walk right over the top of you, leaving the hob nail boot tracks right on your effete little kisser.
to all you little lefties who got a tingle up your legs watching lavoy finicum hitting the snow covered ground & and watching his death throes, and who are so very proud that some of your minions did such a bang up job killing him.
well, now you know that your minions will kill for you. it is good to know, eh? (admit it, you had your doubts if they would or not. so did i: i harbor no such delusion now. i have re-calibrated.)
i have one question for you.--
how are you going to control them? (it is, btw, the same problem the romans had with the legions, if you read your history. you know, b.m. before marcuse.) when the time comes, who is going to take the guns from them? who is going to control a bunch of fellows willing to shoot a man down from six feet, when that man is unarmed? you, my little lefties(?) .... oh, yeah, you betcha.
who is going to prevail in a contest between killers (who kill) and pussies (who order it)? who, indeed.
the whole thing is recorded by a drone borne camera.-- who arranged for the drone. who operated the drone, and from where. since when does a domestic law enforcement entity, be it the f.b.i. or the oregon state police, operate military drones. and, finally, if they meant to kill finicum, why did they simply not use a missile?
hat tip to a dear friend.
there is also a thing going round the net which purports to be a voice recording, an account of many shots being fired, and another person in the pickup truck being hit by multiple bullet strikes, after many rounds were fired by the police agencies involved in the shooting. i have yet to receive verification of the bona fides of the recording, or its transcription.
i want to see photos of the pickup.
it is obvious the police authorities are well armed, and wearing body armor, along with automatic weapons, prominently displayed and used (apparently with zeal, if the other material sent me is verified.)
it is also apparent that lavoy finicum was armed with what appears (from the drone footage.) to be a felt cowboy hat. i've watched the film, and at no time was i able to see that he was either armed, or displayed a weapon to the police. i also have no verification that any shots were fired by the bundy group from the pickup. again, a passenger in the pickup was shot multiple times, from what i have been informed.
john jay
p.s. the f.b.i. apparently asserts that finicum reached towards a coat pocket, and that the officer, fearing for his safety, shot and killed him from about five or six feet away. it appears to me, looking at the film, that finicum was not facing the officer, and it is certainly not apparent from the film that he was evening pointing at the officer, and at no time could i see any indication that he was armed. apparently a gun was found on his corpse.
did i mention that finicum was standing upright, and that the police officer who shot him had an absolutely unobstructed view of him from within not more that 6 or 7 feet. the weather was clear. the on the scene drone has clear visibility. no fog. no clouds.
finicum moved for some time after he was shot, and before death. at no time did anyone come to his aid, attend him, or secure him. i hope the mothers of the police who performed this "felony stop" are proud of their boys. i know it makes me very proud that oregonians have come to be ranked along the like of lon horiuchi.
i think we have to understand and comprehend that the law enforcement apparatus, at all levels, the federal, state and local will kill in order to enforce federal edict, no matter what it is.
in short, law enforcement at any level is simply not our friend. period. not any more, anywhere.
phil* holds forth on pbs, and instructs you on what is good to eat. and, where. chuck lorre's** cards are collected on the net, and are wise-acre, and simply wise: you have to read the whole body, to see what he is up to. both are comedy writers, of the "get-paid" variety." both are just a bit jewish. i haven't a clue whether they are observant, and, frankly, what difference does it make? jewish is jewish.
the muzzie's, with all their weapons, religious fanaticism & fervor, oil revenues, and adherents ready to slit a throat or chop off a head at a moment's direction & notice, haven't a damned chance against the jews. oh, with the connivance of the euro & american left they (& israel) may have a rocky patch here and there, but, the jews shall persevere & triumph. as they always have.
the muzzies won't understand a bit of it. never have, never will.
count on it. watch phil. read chuck.
see if you understand. all, or any part of it. (hint: it helps if you know how to cry, how to laugh, and how to love: all at the same time, if need be. it always has.)
john jay @ 01.12.2016
* " everybody loves raymond" ** "the big bang theory" "two and 1/2 men" "dharma and greg"
the game between cincinnati and pittsburgh is over. it doesn't matter, the result. time for a potty break. and, i go in to see if there is any post game stuff on, and the programming has switched.
an american doctor, it could be any european, it wouldn't make any difference, and he is operating on a young asian boy to repair a congenital cleft palate. as we look at the little boy in recovery, he is held by his mother who cries when she sees the results, and hugs her child as he recovers from the anesthetic.
the doctor speaks in the background, and explains that all of the equipment needed to do the surgery has been brought with him, and his surgical staff works in the background, showing the boy the surgery in a mirror that he holds before his face. the nurses and the recovery staff are overjoyed, and they help another mother and child into the surgical theatre.
everywhere in the world that is underprivileged, you will find american doctors, dentists, optometrists helping people who could not otherwise obtain such medical care. you will find europeans doing the same thing. when there is an ebola outbreak, western doctors, nurses, public health officials on there, risking their very lives to help others. in war zones, doctors without borders are there, ... , they are leftists, and they usually help those who are favored by the left, but, they do no harm, (at least not much) and they help.
what i say applies to the israelis, who even in battle give medical aid to their adversaries, and treat muslims in their hospitals as a matter of course.
not the arabs. not muslims. no medical aid. no food. no help in transferring technology or knowledge on farming practices. absolutely none. they do not provide disaster relief.
not to foreigners. not to their own people. they share nothing, not at a societal level, not at the political level, not anywhere. oh, yes, they hire servants and sex slaves.
if you do not recognize this when you think about it, you are an idiot, or a confirmed apologist for islamic terror. you explain to me, if there is any middle ground for you.
personally, i think the arabs, the muslims, to be absolute shit heads.
you can hide in the "dark net," when you don't want the government reading your emails, or looking into your affairs and records, and you can learn how to avoid this from rolling stone magazine, of all places, by reading about an easily accessed public browser. it is that simple.
i don't often recommend the "rolling stone" in these pages very often, but i do in this post to help you preserve your freedoms against an overreaching government seeming interested in inserting itself into the very texture of our lives, and making itself largely indistinguishable from soviet tyranny under joseph stalin.*** i never thought that i would ever say it, but, i think the united states government now our enemy, to the core, truly an enemy of the people. truly the enemy of us being a free people, intent on making us subservient in every regard.
the government gathers intelligence against us at every level, and monitors our phones and our internet communications. this is no secret.
it is for this reason, that i suggest in the strongest terms that you read ''the dark net," by david kushner, in "rolling stone," http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-battle-for-the-dark-net-20151022 . also at the october 22, 2015 issue of rolling stone, by david kushner, pages 50-57.
in the article you will learn how to use a browser for you email communication that will enable you to prevent the government from monitoring your communications with associates. for all practicable purposes, it gives you internet security. if you watched "the girl with the dragon tattoo," you have a pretty good insight as to why the government cannot trace your location, or the location of the origins of your communication, and how the computer ipa of your computer will elude detection, from all but the absolutely most intense & determined attempts to find you, and the people you talk to.
oh, they might find you, but, it is very expensive, and requires a very intense effort on their part, and, if a whole bunch of us use it to secure our communication, finding and monitoring all of us will simply drown the government in data. it is one thing to stand on the neck of a couple of people, and quite another thing to stand on the neck of thousands, or millions. or, tens of millions.
i am gonna use it, and communicate it to my friends. and, communicate with my friends, with it. to hell with the government.
i consider the united states as tyrants. as far as i am concerned, the united states is my oppressor. my bitter enemy. simple as that.
you need to go here to get a very thorough and accurate fleshing out of the story behind the federal land grab in oregon. it is a classic land grab, because the hammond's land is either contiguous with or within the malheur national wildlife refuge, and the refuge wants that land. period.
now, this is the story. the wildlife refuge initiated the original prosecution of the hammonds. and, the managers of the refuge pushed the united states appeal of the sentence, that the united states prosecutor has negotiated and entered into w/ the hammonds sentencing pater hammond to 3 months and his son for one year + one day. (that insures prison time.)
and, though "louder with crowder" does not mention it, here is what i think happened between the time of the original sentence and the subsequent "resentencing." --
after the hammonds got out of the bucket, the refuge went to them, and made them an offer "they could not refuse." except the hammonds, being made of sterner stuff than your average bear, told the national refuge people to stick the offer where the sun doesn't shine very often. and, the refuge put the arm on them, and so on and so forth, and still the hammonds refused. i do not know if the united states threatened the hammonds with further prosecution or re-sentencing in their attempts to get them to sell their land. (see concluding remarks.)
then, the malheur national wildlife refuge went to the spineless dicks in the u.s. attorney's office in portland, oregon and put the arm on them to appeal the very sentence they had negotiated. how do i know this happened, why am i so sure that this is how it "went down." well, there is a very simple reason. and, that is, the element of the time passing before the original sentencing, and the filing of the appeal by the united states.-- if the united states had been aggrieved with the original trial judge's decision (and they were not, as the u.s. attorney negotiated for it, and spoke on the record for it), they would have appealed the decision at that point. they did not. they did not appeal the decision for well over a year. it was only after pressure was brought on them by the karges's that they file.***
i still think that the sierra club and the nature conservancy have a hand in this, sort of hand in glove with the united states of amerika strong arm tactics, if you will allow the egregious mixing of metaphors. i will keep digging on this, to see if i can substantiate my suspicions.
in the meantime, let us identify the assholes who manipulated justice to get the land of another that they coveted: they are a husband and wife team employeed by the united states of amerika: rhonda karges, field manager at the bureau of land management for that district, and chad karges, refuge manager for the malheur national wildlife refuge, along w/ frank papagni, united states attorney/blm attorney/refuge attorney/private attorney. http://louderwithcrowder.com/quick-hits-everything-you-need-to-know-about-malheur-national-wildlife-refuge-standoff/#.VpAQNxUrLcs .
in my opinion, if these facts can be substantiated, (especially my suspicion that the hammonds were threatened with further criminal action in order to get them to sell their land), then i am going to do my level best to have the karges's and their attorney charged with criminal extortion. it is illegal to obtain the property of another via the use or threatened use of illegal force, and i think that this behavior on the part of government agents, if substantial-able, constitutes criminal extortion.
this is not over. not by a long shot.
john jay @ 01.08.2016
p.s. the link between those who pressured the "appeal" and those who filed the appeal is established. next, we will see if we can find out pressures the hammonds experienced before the filing of the appeal, and by whom. and, if we can get the sierra club and nature conservancy, or both, into the loop.
*** all lawyers will be puzzled about several things. 1.)how was "the appeal" filed within the time constraints of federal court rules. 2.)if filed by the united states, how could the prosecutor's office appeal a sentencing recommendation it had negotiated, and 3.)if the appeal was not filed by the united states prosecutor, how would a private entity have achieved standing to file an appeal negotiated by the united states.