as of late there raises a hullabaloo for "gun control" any time a black person is killed under circumstances sufficient to attract the attention of the black race baiters, or barak obama, or the national media. and, the complaint has featured the cry of "black lives matter," as though this protestation given some insight into the deaths of blacks not conferred by rational inquiry.
the facts are pretty straight forward. if you go to the f.b.i. uniform crime reports for a given year, and repair to table 6, expanded homicide data, you will find the fbi's compilation of murder statistics for the united states of america. the most recent year for which i can find data is 2012, under the heading, "murder: race and sex of victim by race and sex of offender." link below.
now, in previous articles i've had recourse to the center for disease control tables on homicides, and they quite consistently indicate aroun 11,000 murder/homicide victims per year in the united states. table 6 of the fbi statistics on murder total just above 6,000 victims a year, whereas table 20 of the same statistical analysis indicates around 8855 victims a year, looking at murder by the individual states of the union. link below.
for the purposes of this article, the actual figures make very little difference. nor am i concerned w/ the statistical fact that 93% of black victims of murder/homicide are killed by other blacks.
for, whatever the number of "black lives that matter" are killed by murder/homicide, those figures absolutely pale in comparison to the number of black children, babies, fetuses, persons of either sex, who die each year in the united states of america by abortion.
now, whatever legal significance you attach to these deaths, whether you consider them legal or against the laws of god and morality, the abortion methods involved result in the death of a human being. and, most of them are black. and blacks die at prodigious rates by abortion.
these statistics come from "operation rescue," which (you may safely assume) is not in favor of legalized abortion as a birth "control" measure. .
not a peep about this by the lefties. no a peep about this by the gun grabbers. more on this in a little bit, but, right now, to the facts of the matter.
roughly 1 million abortions are performed on a yearly basis in the united states, the "operation rescue" website reporting from 750,000 to 1,000,000 aborted persons at various places in their site..
"operation rescue" relates that about 4,000,000 births occur annually in the united states.
" CDC showed that 3,932,181 babies were born in the U.S. in 2013."
"The U.S. abortion rate in 2011 was 13.9 abortions per 1,000, down from 19.4 per 1,000 in 2008." [remember that figure, we will conclude by comparing it to the u.s. murder rate. jj]
now, for those who must look at these matters by the filters of race & "black lives matter," the following statistics should be of some interest.--
• Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.
• Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.
• 69% of pregnancies among Blacks are unintended, while that number is 54% among Hispanics and 40% of pregnancies among Whites.
• Planned Parenthood, the largest seller of abortions in the United States, has located 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, disproportionally targeting minorities for abortion.
now, if we have about 1,000,000 abortions in this country, and 37% of them are performed upon black children, that means that approximately 400,000 of the children whose lives are extinguished in abortion procedures are black children.
400,000 black lives are taken each year. not a peep from anyone. "black lives matter," indeed.
i will make this very simple point. if politicians and black activists are all worked up about confiscating firearms because of something in the neighborhood of 5 to 6000 deaths inflicted upon the black community by guns, then why are they so resoundingly silent about the impact of the death of 400,000 innocent black children.
why the focus upon firearms, and not the surgical scalpel, and the other instruments used to carve up black fetuses. the death rate for homicides/murders by firearms in the united states runs about 3.55 persons, per 100,000. .
remember the figure given above for abortions. the death rate by abortions in the united states runs about 13.9 babies/children/fetuses per 1,000 of population.
if the focus in all of this controversy involving gun control were over the value of life, which is the public self-righteous pose of gun control advocates, especially those who plead the plight of black victims, why then, for heaven's sake, is there no public outcry over the victims of abortion, especially black one.
no, the sole concern of the gun grabbers is to exert political control over those who own guns, and to neutralize their ability to assert political right & privilege through the mechanism of gun ownership and use, if need be. the politicians do not give one hoot in hell for life.
john jay @ 12.31.2015
*** table 6 --
*** table 20 -- .