1.) because obama, ilk & minions do not believe in freedom of expression by all, they believe only in the party line as espoused by the obama faithful, e.g., full blown marxist leninism.
2.) because obama is a muslim, and because he supports islamic terror as waged against the western democracies and israel. in short, the killings at charlie lebdo by agents of islamic terror were simply business as usual. you cannot, after all, make an omelet, without breaking a few eggs. or, as hillary clinton would say, "what difference does it make?"
you don't agree? "je suis charlie."
btw, john kerry says obama administration critics are "just quibbling" when they note that obama sent no one to the rally. no they are not. obama did not go, biden did not go, and john kerry nor any other significant person from the united states of america appeared in favor of free speech. they don't care. nor do they have the balls to say they do, or they don't. in essence, this is the same as saying that they don't. argue the point if you will, ... , but, i am right.
john jay @ 01.12.2015
p.s. for a view of what "free speech" means to the american progressive left, look no further than daily kos. they do not believe in free speech as i do, which is say anything you damned well feel like, but a "free speech" that serves and protects the "collective's values," e.g., what they say is "proper," and "nice." fuck 'em.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/01/10/1356703/-Abbreviated-Pundit-Round-up-What-does-Je-Suis-Charlie-really-mean# .
p.s.s. i also believe in reading the english language for saying what it says. and, that is precisely what they've said. they've set forth the position in their post that while it's too bad people got killed for saying what they may or may not believe, they sort of deserved it because they "instigated" those poor old misunderstood muslims. (no thought taken of what it takes to "instigate" the bastards, imho.)
John, here's a good link on freedom of speech, it describes modern europe in a nutshell, lord hawhaw couldn't be reached for comment.
Posted by: Grog | January 15, 2015 at 04:39 AM
Obama and Biden did not go to Paris because the March was for "World Leaders" only.
Posted by: Pappyvanwinkle | January 31, 2015 at 04:51 PM
pappy vanwinkle:
well, that is a pretty valid point, when you get right down to it. :_)
Posted by: john jay | February 01, 2015 at 08:09 PM