democracy has had some notable champions in the english speaking world, starting with the likes of john locke, and progressing to the great compiler of the english common law, sir william blackstone. the colonies have contributed their share with jefferson, jay, madison and hamilton who were the great exponents of how best to fashion the edifice and institution of government to foster its aims, and preserve its heritage.
and, today, i wish to pay sincere homage to a latter day champion of democracy, and truth in public discourse, that being owed to lord christopher monckton, an englishman of incredible stature, and champion of democracy.
he reminds us that the spoken word can move men, and that careful exposition and explanation can expose the most devious schemes and carefully laid artifice, and that logic can divest the cloak of respectability hiding deliberately pursued scientific falsehood.
monckton almost single handily exposed the climate treaty for what it was in fact, that being a leftist plan to redistribute western wealth to the united nations bureaucracies, and to inhibit and control the industrial power of the western world.
he did it with courage. resolve. and, a steadfast adherence to the actual facts of the matter.
bravo, lord monckton!! .
what brings this all on?
ice. lots of ice. building over the arctic ocean, at prodigious rates. and, oddly enough, proliferating at marvelous rates in the face of a pronouncement from al gore (that fucking fat phony, not to forward too loose a description of the ignorant prig) that it would be all gone by the year 2015.
that's next year, btw. doesn't look like it is gonna happen.
some few years ago al gore received the nobel prize for huckstering global warming (really, he was out seeking to make a fortune selling & trading "carbon credits," but that is another story. told here before.) he spoke before the credulous & gulled, accepting his prize, by saying this about global warming in general, and the "melting" of the arctic ice cap in particular:
"the ice cap is falling off a cliff. it could be completely gone in summer in as little as 7 years from now."
well, t'aint happening that way. as a matter of fact, after some recession, the ice cap is growing rapidily in the extent of the open water it covers, and it is growing very thickly. this, of course, follows some cold weather in the artic region for the last couple years.
lord chistopher monckton recognized the fraud perpetrated by the left in advancing the notion of global warming, and he recognized the hucksters behind that fraud, to include al gore, for what they were.
in a word, liars.
he stood before the world, and by the power of his voice and words exposed that fraud. and, its perpetrators.
by doing so, he stands among the great men who have come before him advancing democracy and intellectual truth, and he stands as a beacon and inspiration to other men who will rise to democracy and truth's defense in the future.
for democracy stands for nothing, if it does not stand for and defend truth.
we owe him a great debt. and, the least we can do is remember and acknowledge what he did.
john jay @ 08.31.2014
p.s. i hope that someone takes lord monckton on a visit to the north pole, and that he can don a parka and mukluks, and go stand on a portion of the ice, and take it all in. (and, with someone guarding him from the marauding polar bears plying their trade, hunting for seals and anything else lacking the sensibilities to flee them. oh, yes, they seem to be prospering as well. ain't it amazing?)
and, i hope that he flashes that irrepressible smile, and no one should begrudge a look of satisfaction on his face.
he was right. the perpetrators of the fraud were & are lying. and, lord christopher monckton has prevailed.
i have given to the republican party, and to republican candidates, in the past, and far beyond my means to do so.
so, as in election cycles past, i have received dozens if not hundreds of electronic and snail mail imprecations to give to the republicans in one guise or another, in order to halt another democratic assault upon our democratic institutions. "if you don't give, then obama and pelosi and reid will ____________________, to the death of our democracy."
and, you know, they identify legitimate issues, and specify the things obama has done and will do to harm this country. and, they are right.
and, this year, and in future years, i am not going to give the republican party nor any republican candidate one god damned dime.
it is because of this one basic observation.--
the republicans already hold offices at the federal level, and, indeed, control the house of representatives, from which all spending legislation originates. in short, they are already in office. they know what evils obama is up to, as they identify them as happening unless i give them money.
well, here's an idea. let the bastards fight obama, and they know where the fights are, all they have to do is as did the generals of the civil war, just march to where the noise of battle was. and, fight, and kill the enemy. and, they can do it without my money.
they don't need my money to do their damned jobs. what, my money is supposed to give them courage and conviction? they are supposed to have that already.
they don't need my money. they are governors, and senators, and members of the house, and they have votes, and if they have the guts, they can stand in congress and in the state houses, and wage battle. and, in case the silly bastards have forgotten because they have been so ineffectual in the exercise of their weapons, they have the "gift" of debate, and argument, and they exercise the sanction of the vote.
let them simply march to the noise of battle, to the dust clouds on the horizons, and let them fight.
as for the republicans, fight they will not.
they know what obama is up to. they know what he has done. and what he intends to do.
and they do nothing to oppose him. they send campaign contribution broadsides asking for money to wage the good battle, yet, when the fight comes, the roll over. i cannot put into words how i detest john boehner, he who promises the fight, and he who turns away with his tail between his legs.
so, fuck the republicans. they get no money from me.
it means simply this. if the republicans will not fight, then they die. and, i will do nothing to prolong their worthless existence, and will do nothing to prolong this agony of seeing the republic killed by the degradations of the left before the ineffectual efforts of the gop.
i will fight, at the barricades with gun in pitched battle if necessary, to preserve the republic and the constitution, but, i will give not one damned dime more to a worthless bunch of cowards and scallywags.
i thought that i would give you a view of the terrain over which we shot at 900 yards (888 to be exact), reported in another post.
where we did it.--
caption: doesn't look like much (hint: that's the reason that distance is hard to judge, by the way), but, it is about 300 higher than most the area immediately adjacent.
this is the firing point, with the targets on the horizon. more about that in the caption.
caption: just on the right hand side of the road we put a wool blanket down, and set up the rifles. the targets are at the top of the far ridge. now, before any of you get your panties in a knot over that, we traveled up the hill to set up out silhouettes. we checked out the top of the hill, and the slopes extending away from it for people, working farm implements, and the like. there were none, and there are no road approaches from the other side.
and, besides which.-- at 1,000 yds, the trajectory of a 168 grain round from a .308 at about 2600 fps is described fairly succinctly by one word, and that is "down." even a shot aimed "high" is going to impact the ground within just a few yards of the target. i missed a shot low, and the ground strike was about 7 few behind the target. it wouldn't have been much different if i'd missed high. well, actually, maybe i did.
this is what where we shot from looks like from the area where we set up the targets. (go back to the first picture, and establish in your minds what the old derelict wheat combine looks like. get a good image of it.)
caption: o.k., the combine is at the bottom of the hill, just to the right of the road. it's a long ways off. well, over 800 yards, to be exact, as established by rangefinder and a gps unit.
doesn't look very big, does it?
to the southeast of the hill we shot on, lies the confluence of the north and south forks of the walla walla river. it's not a very big river, probably 50 miles in length, and most years it has a modest flow. but, it makes for some pretty rough terrain. i think it is kind of pretty.
caption: the north fork lies on the side of the big wedge close to the camera, and the south fork the other side of that. if the ground looks steep to you, than you are seeing it correctly, because it is steep. not terribly high, but respectably deep, and steep.
i will show you another couple random shots of the terrain, without much explanation. but, notice much of the ground is "golden" or "yellow," that being the stubble from the recently harvested grain. in these grain growing regions on the western slopes of the blues you'll find a goodly percentage of the "hillside" combines sold in the united states, so called because they come equipped with self leveling hydraulics which try to keep the grain processing equipment level, even while the headers and tires are conforming to the slope of the hillside. in short, the headers articulate, and everybody hopes that the combines don't tip over. it happens, and crew members get killed from time to time.
the price that others pay for your bread.
caption: milton freewater, oregon is a real place. not unlike lake woebegone, but, not fictional. there it is, right where the river spills out onto the valley floor.
there you have it. that's where we shot. no range markers, no target stands, no flags for the wind. now, an error of 50 yards in range estimation is absolutely "fatal" in hitting a target in the 1000 yards situation. an error of 10 yards, as a matter of fact, will make a shot errant at these distances.
do you have any suggestion for a viable system of estimating range at these distances solely via the use of your visual apparatus? as a matter of fact, you do not. trust me, you don't. and, if you say you do, you may not necessarily be an idiot, but, you are definitely flirting with it.
this is why, at an early time, those in command of the "fire control" apparatus of infantry said things like, "don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." if you are shooting at great ranges over terrain like this, where range estimation is almost impossible given the sameness of the features, and absolute lack of visual information which would give you an idea of distance, then you need either a manual or an electronic method by which to determine range.
i am lusting for a leica geovid hb-r rangefinding binocular, 10x42 which is a precision tool. it cost about $3000. any rich people out there interested in adopting a 66 year old man, potty trained and charming, if not a bit smart mouthed? i'll try not to throw the chicken bones on the floor, when i am at the table. and, i promise i won't drink water from the finger washing things.
in the 20th century the europeans, east europeans and russians (this means the austrohungarian empire and both tsarist and soviet russia) probably killed upwards of 100 millions of their own citizens. if you put the numbers of "colonials" who fought the wars and revolutions in africa and asia, the numbers get really staggering.
the united states, by its involvement in and ending both wwi and wwii way before the euro's would have got done with them, saved untold millions. disagree with that assertion if you will, but, if you do, you will be blowing smoke out of your ass.
after wwii the americans, by being the mainstay of n.a.t.o. and basically supplying the troops that performed the policing around the world for the united nations, saved the euro's incalculable billions in defense expenditure, and kept the russians east of the fulda gap, where they belonged. american diplomacy brought the the eastern european countries back into the fold of european economy and politics.
disagree with that, and you are simply an ass.
in all of america's policing action in the 20th century, especially after wwii, america's global projection of power cost the world a pittance in lives, compared to the carnage sown by the euro's, and the soviet communists. you add in the excess of mao's red guards, and pol phat's infatuation with killing people, and the american contribution to the various slaughters in the world are minuscule.
disagree with that, and you simply prove that you cannot even count with your fingers.
next we turn to israel. i don't know if israel would still exist were it not for being an american client state. i do know (except for that period of recent history in which barack "insane" obama has been at the helm, and has done everything that he can do to destroy israel) that things have been a lot easier on israel w/ american support, than it would have been were the u.s. simply indifferent to its fate.
and, i know that we have made a significant contribution to israel's ability to fight wars, and to fight off the constant onslaught from her muslim "neighbors" that she is subject to.
let's look at something, with an analytical eye, and that is israel's killing of "too many" civilians in the various campaigns in gaza and the west bank. israel is excoriated by the euro lefties and hanky wringers (a more self righteous bunch of pansies have never existed anywhere in history that i can identify, except maybe for the various political unions at oxford prior to world war ii, and they were just following the comintern line as set forth by uncle joe) for the deaths in gaza. to the euro lefty, little matter that israel was goaded into war, little matter that the demographics show that most of the war casualties are able bodied males in the 20-35 years old sector, e.g., just who you would expect to be combatants, and little matter that hamas headquarters itself in hospital and schools.
who gives a shit?
the fact is, israel has laid down a whole lot of explosives into gaza, and killed damned few people, accidentally.
and, the fact is, whatever your view of things, you simply have to admit that israel has not killed as many gazans, (most of whom richly deserved it), as the europeans have contributed to the slaughter of human beings in recent history.
any dumb shits out there want to argue the holocaust? any supremely dumb shits want to argue that the holocaust is just what hamas, hezbollah and iran would inflict upon israel, if they could.
the simple facts of the matter is as follows. the european kettle has got absolutely no business calling anyone's pot black, let alone israel's.
no single population on earth has killed more people in the last 300 years or so than the europeans. oh, the chinese and the japanese have tried, but, they are pikers when you consider colonisation, and the mass wars and concentration camps of the 20th century.
and, just in case you haven't been paying much attention, you are an absolute ass if you think the united states and israel have made any "significant contribution" to these mass killings. the numbers do not support.
look it up, if you want.
john jay @ 08.17.2014
p.s. so, you euro's. piss off. i am not inclined to suffer any guff from you arrogant assholes. (and terribly forgetful ones, to boot, ... , the euro's have blood up to their knees and dripping from their hands, and they want to lecture to others about the "niceties" of warfare, the fatuous bastards). you have been, you simply are, without much room for argument, recent history's greatest killers. and, your sole aim was power and profit.
p.s.s. and, the dutchman who returned his holocaust metal, is an ignorant ass. a dip shit, in my view. fuck the pious nit wit. his arrogance is impious. his ignorance of his own history, profound.
from "the right to bear arms," .
the 6 people who think (or thought) you should not own and/or possess firearms have/had nothing against weapons, just so long that they and their minions have/had exclusive ownership and use of them. need it be added, that weapons were/are to be used by their minions against you, to protect themselves from the likes of you. mr. obama will not come out among us, unless his minions are armed to the teeth.
there is a 7th person involved who decides the issue for me, and who has decided he will fight to the death to preserve his gun ownership. his picture is below.
he is an irascible old coot. he has earned his opinions, through hard work and diligent study, and thought. he is devoted to the enlightenment, he admires john lock and sir william blackstone, and, moreover, he is a disciple of john jay, james madison and alexander hamilton who wrote "the federalist papers" under the pen name "publius."
the "federalist papers" are considered to be "organic documents," ... , e.g., fundamental in establishing the constitution, and authoritative in explaining the republic established by it, ... , along with the declaration of independence, the constitution of the united states & the bill of rights, and have been held as such by decision of the supreme court of the united states of america. john jay was later first chief justice of the united states. james madison was later president of the united states. and, alexander hamilton developed the banking system of the united states, before felled in a duel w/ aaron burr. safe to say, they were pillars of the founding of the united states of america.
and, knew whereof they spoke.
they say that guns are necessary in the hands of the people in order to thwart the attempts of politicians and factions to infringe upon the political liberty and right of the people. i agree. my opinion will guide my behavior.
the picture of the irascible old coot? why, it is i, of course.
and, i have decided that i will own arms, and that i will use them to defend my political rights and liberties. and, that i will die in that defense, if necessary. they shall have my guns, when they take them from my warm dead hands. and, i shall take some of them with me. count on it.
john jay @ 08.11.2014
p.s. do i look like i have much of a "sense of humor" on this topic? for some odd reason, i think that i know my mind on the issue.
for those of you who do not favor my ownership of guns, just understand this is the face that will great you, when you show up on my porch intent on taking them.
i am looking at my little ammo box, and it shows 14 fired/empty cases, and 36 loaded rounds. those empties were fired at a silhouette target, 888 yards from where i lay prone in the shade of my trusty little s-10 blazer. i hit the target once, and that one probably "skipped in."
am i disappointed? really, not in the slightest. 900 yards is a long way away to hit something 18" wide in a variable quartering wind, with velocity on the ground at from 5 to 10 miles an hour.
the shooting area is a patch of c.r.p. (e.g., "welfare for farmers"), nestled out between the wheat fields just harvested. drive off the county road. stop by an old derelict combine and seed drill, lay out the blanket, and go put the targets up, roughly 1,000 yards away, ... , and, up the hill, which has about a 300 "foot" (as we say out n.e. oregon way) rise over the 1,000 yards to the summit of the hill.
back down, set up the rifles, and learn all over again why shooting prone from the ground at a target steeply uphill is not so very much fun. and, why it presents difficulty getting a good hold on your rifle.
so, blang away we did, firing from 3 to 6 rounds apiece before going up the hill to check the targets. coming down the hill, just put the rig in 4-low, in low gear, and coast down against the engine's compression at a comfy 5 mph.
as usual, the exercise reinforced something i am learning more and more. getting the "elevation" component of aiming a rifle at targets over distance is science, but getting the "windage" is art. my shooting friend and mentor did pretty well the first ten rounds or so, until the wind changed direction and increased its intensity. then, hitting the 18" wide silhouette became as much mystery to him as it was to me.
we'll be back at it in a couple days. great sport.
john jay @ 08.07.2014
p.s. shot yesterday, but doped the wind pretty good. the target was "only" 600 yards away, and i shot a 7.437" group, more or less just where i wanted it, which is just "a hair" over the mystical 1 "minute of angle" group which has become de rigueur these days in rifle shooting. (1 moa @ 600 yards ='s 6.282". 7.437 divided by 6.282 ='s 1.18385864374 minutes of angle. splitting hairs, as it were.)
again, elevation is pretty much a calculation dependent upon muzzle velocity. and, pretty predictable.
doping the wind, ... , well, it is kind of like reading chicken entrails to "dope" the future. it can be done by adepts, but, it is a skill learned by experience.
one last point. if some poor dumb ass palestinian "civilian" or a "child" had managed to get killed in a tunnel, do you not think that hamas would have published a picture of the poor dead thing? and, trumpeted, "see what israel has done!!" think about it.
a friend sent me an article that caused me to search out an article entitled "stories from the battlefield: hamas tunnels used to target israel's kindergartens," by mordechai ben-menachem, dated 07.27.2014, at the daily caller. .
now, maybe i have been inattentive and have simply missed the publication of the facts set forth in this post, but, for the first time i have seen the true scope of the hamas plans involving the use of the tunnels, and understand for the first time the true extent and importance of the israeli victory over hamas. [as i neared completion of this article, "live links" started to pop out all over about these tunnels. obviously, this story is known in the blogosphere, even if not reported on abc, nor nbc nor cbs.:jjj.]
and, maybe this article will convince you of the true perfidy of the mass media, and its utter complicity in the goals of destruction hamas intends someday to deliver upon israel. if this article by mordechai ben-menachem is known by me, it is known by the media types, and they are not coughing it up. not in america, at least. the reason is simple. the facts in ben-menachem's post run counter to the left's meme on the israeli-hamas struggle.
quite simply, the western media is evil. it is state-sponsored, ideologically driven, evil.
the tunnels were designed to launch attacks on israeli children, the attacks set to attack on sept. 24, 2014. the tunnels are not little rat holes, but, shored up structures large enough to drive vehicles through. and, large enough to move a considerable number of troops through, in a hurry. they went from gaza into israel, and stopped at israeli settlements underneath and near israeli schools.
they were designed to deliver attacks upon israeli children, during the israel high holidays.
they were equipped with explosives, ammunition, and with tranquilizers to subdue any israeli prisoners that might have resulted from their operations.
this tunnel is reinforced w/ steel beams and heavy materials for shoring. it is also supplied with electricity, and there is considerable conduit for the same, seen in the photo. it addition, this section of the tunnel is connected by a shaft to some location above ground, for the use of bringing in a lot of material, and presumably, troops.
there are lots of stores in this tunnel. no provision for civilians to take shelter, but, lots of stores.
but, in a larger sense, this story is very important. because now, we are being treated to the inevitable spin of the mass media, about how this was not an israeli victory, and that hamas has tricked them and prevailed in the "land war" between hamas and israel. and, that israel has suffered a "strategic defeat," even if it operated with impunity on a tactical level.
the story of these tunnels renders any such assertion as nonsense.
hamas had planned a major attack on israel. israel has thwarted that attack, rendered its possibility a nullity, and has destroyed hamas's ability to utilize the tunnels, even as it continues to destroy the tunnels. israel has dealt to hamas a very crippling blow.
and, israel has exposed the complicity of governments and private concerns related to the digging of these tunnels. someone came in and showed hamas how to construct them, and supplied the material and stores by which to arm them. and, someone financed the construction of the tunnels. (hint: that would be the united nations, the obama administration and the euro leftist behind these bullshit schemes, and, quite obviously, the russians. in other words, the usual group of thugs intent on israel's destruction.)
in sum, israel suffered no defeat. israel enjoys, this day, a major victory. and, you should know about it, and understand it.
john jay @ 08.06.2014
picture below. a wedding in a tunnel. you think israel has not gathered just a little "intel" on these tunnels?