twice in the 20th century the united states of america intervened in european conflagration that had spread world wide, with war on european soil and in the colonies spread the world over. in wwi the u.s. avoided most of the fighting, but, it was u.s. power and soldiers that tipped the balance in favor of the english, french and russian allies against germany. in wwii it was england, china & russia that bore the brunt of defending against german and japanese conquest before unlimited u.s. power decided the outcome of the fight.
in the years since wwii the united states has policed the world. u.s. troops and air power have fought in many limited conflicts the world over, and the united states navy has kept the world's oceans & seas free of conflict, as not one power on earth has ever controlled the oceans as has the united states.
the results of united states intervention almost everywhere, to blunt communist expansion in the mediterranean ocean and in south east asia, and on the african continent are indisputable, and apparent to anyone with a brain in his or her head. the united states navy has kept the sea lanes of commerce open, to the extent that most of the world's international trade goes on unimpeded and without serious interference. the united states army and air force, spelled n.a.t.o. has conferred upon europe and the rest of the world a peace and prosperity, and expansion of the western view of things, unrivaled by any power or aggregation of powers in the history of the world.
trade, economic policy favoring aid to everyone, and an expansion of education and health have literally transformed the world. it was u.s. might that conferred that, by keeping the world relatively free of large scale conflict.
so, almost predictably given the queerness of human motivation and behavior, the world calls for an end to that intervention. before the u.s. fell under the sway of the idiot left, those who formulated american policy, the likes of john foster dulles and henry kissinger and richard nixon, politely ignored that bleating. and, did as they thought best.
now, america's socialists are going to heel the protestations and pleadings of european socialists and asian communists, and are going to give the world "freedom" from american intervention.
what will the result of this abstention from intervention in world politics be?
well, in my view, it shall be a return to world affairs much along the line as existed before the pax american began.
it shall be a return to those heady days of european domination of the world, and of a lapse back into global conflict and war as europe seeks a diplomatic and military hegemony as existed before united states intervention, and internecine warfare between the lesser powers as they seek local dominion and control over their regions and neighborhoods. in other words, the greeks and the turks and all the rest of the balkans and the middle east shall be at each the others throats in no time at all. (you doubt this? well, simply look to a history of european warfare at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. gavrilo princip did not start world war one, it was raging when he killed the archduke and his wife. he simply formalized the treaty obligations, and assured the wider conflict of the major powers a little sooner, than its inevitable beginnings.)
and, something else shall occur, as well.
when the u.s. withdraws from the middle east, and control of the middle eastern oil fields, and protecting the trade and commerce that issues forth from them, it shall gradually come to pass that islam will experience a very hasty retreat from its zenith, and that it shall experience utter destruction at the hands of the europeans and the russians. i expect the chinese and the indians shall join in the slaughter.
since wwii the foreign policy of the world has sought to integrate islam and the muslim nations into the community of nations, extending a diplomatic influence to islam via the united nations and the world bank, and allied trade organizations, such that islam welcomed by an ever increasing sphere of terrorism and attack waged against her benefactors. this has gone so far as to include "enlightened" opportunity for islam to emigrate its welfare problems into the laps of the europeans and americans.
this will end.
and, the policy of accommodation of muslim and islamic influence will end, as well as will end the small scale interventions on the part of the u.s. military to blunt the egoistic efforts of islam to seek dominion. the u.s. and its lesser allies (no mention of western euro's here, the dumb bastards who have sought to capitalize on islam's efforts) have sought to blunt islamic ambitions as politely as possible.
without the u.s., there shall be no pretense in a bit, and europe and russia will simply turn to conquest to feed their relative absence of natural resource, which on the part of the euros, is an absolute absence of natural resource. the european continent has effectively been plundered, and the europeans have turned to robbing the rest of the world to make up the absence.
without u.s. supervision, this plunder shall reveal itself, absolutely, and conflict will rage around it. the hogs will fight for precedence at the trough, and those who resist their collective efforts, shall be treated as before the entrance of the united states onto the world stage.
those who call for the end of u.s. "interference" at every turn of their affairs shall get precisely as they deserve, and precisely as any detached view can predict. they shall pay for their arrogance by death and destruction on a world scale.
just as they have always experienced and produced when left to their own devices.
john jay @ 06.30.2014