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March 17, 2014


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So, what type of beer should I wave to be considered a friendly - if I ever get out that way ?

Whitehall, NY

john jay


a canadian lager, called "moosehead." if they still make it.

i remember the last couple i drank quite fondly. "moosehead." funny name for a beer, but very good beer.


marc in calgary

Moosehead is still brewed north of Maine, Canada's largest "independent" brewery since 1867. A very good choice among friends.
For westerners up here, it'd be Big Rock Brewery, Honey Brown, possibly easier to find in western states... dunno.

and... in the way of progress? really! heh.

john jay


i remember it as being exceptionally tasty, and very crisp.

very nice. i just wish it were more widely available in the pac nor west.


p.s. progress? on the "plywood gun?" mayhaps.

yes. a new direction. will be writing it up in a bit, an errand for a brother to get done, and i can write a bit on it.

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