the historical fact was, is & remains that most people in the great concentration/liquidation camps of the 20th century, marched to their deaths without a struggle, without a fight to save their own lives.
i don't know that the victims, ... , of the holocaust, of mao's red brigades, of pol phot's "relocation & reeducation" camps (i don't know how & why you have to be "relocated & reeducated" to become a peasant, but, that's another issue,) of castro's slaughterhouse prisons, ... , of the 20th century's mass slaughter camps went exactly "voluntarily" to their own murders, but, the fact remains is that the regimes that carried out these killings did so without much mass resistance.
i suppose that the warsaw ghetto battle put up by the entrapped jews is the only exception that comes to my mind, and perhaps some smaller ghetto uprisings in the eastern european communities. but, for the most part, all of these state "enterprises" in murder have been run very efficiently, in the sense that not much manpower had to be diverted to them to carry out the murder.
same w/ the russian gulags.
in short, if people are going to fight, they have to be taught, and they have to be encouraged.
they have to be educated in the morality of disobeying unjust and tyrannical law. they have to understand that not to resist brutality is in itself immoral, and complicity in that brutality, because by not resisting all they do is ensure that such brutality is passed on to others. perhaps less able even than themselves to resist.
so, you must resist evil at every turn. if not by fighting and dying, then at the very least by refusing to comply with unjust law.
connecticut passed a gun registration scheme. some obeyed. i called them fucking cowards here, and i call them fucking cowards again. do not bend to your oppressors. do not fucking bow to your oppressors.
it appears that while some obeyed, the greater majority have not. they have refused to register their weapons, to participate in this act of tyranny.
i say good on them. they are to be congratulated, and extolled.
guess what? the puss gutted lard butted dipshit bureaucrats and "law enforcement" types did not anticipate this. they do not know what to do. and, the fact is, they cannot do much, unless they are willing to take the further step of trying to enforce this law by brute force.
so far, they seem to lack the cajones to do so. i'll keep you posted.
all of that, because we are the ones who have the guns. simply put.
only, we won't be so nice about it by the time the whole bloody damned thing is over.
we just won't be so tolerant of the views of other people. and, we'll be a lot less reluctant to do something about it.
something, ... , another thing, really, the left should be worried about.
really, lefties, we've tolerated your free speech rights since the dawn of marx. after we fight and kick your asses, what makes you think that we ever will be again. we are quite likely, ... , well, you get the picture.
as henny youngman, the old jewish vaudevillian used to say, "take my wife, ....... , puhleeeze!!!" i always got a kick out of that joke, it so masterfully pulled the old switcheroo.
take al gore, .... , puhleeze!!
al gore is all for "gun control" in america. but, you can bet old al's fat lard butt isn't gonna be out on my front porch, kicking in the door, stomping into my living room, ... , and coming under well directed and vigorous counter battery fire. no, siree, bob, .... , as we say out here, fat lard butted al gore isn't doing that sort of thing, he's hiring it done. whatever that fat butted son of a bitch has ever done in his underachieving life, he's hired. he's let someone else do the dirty work.
and, in this, he is no different from the new left in american, the aristocratic communists, the likes of which, commented malcom mugeridge, were revolutionaries their whole life while missing nary a sunday chop. no, bill gates may put the pricks up for an annual soiree in seattle, but, he is not going to be found on my front porch, or dead in my living room, either.
the left will simply hire it done.
and, who do they hire? that's an interesting question.
well, in the first instance, whoever they hire, they are going to have to arm them to the fucking teeth to get the guns away from those of us who are also armed to the fucking teeth. now, you can only have so many drug punks off the streets of washington d.c., chicago, detroit and atlanta out there doing your work for you.
a little secret for you lefties. listen carefully now, i am only gonna say it once, ... , what they have in a marvelous murderous propensity to kill people, they lack in any sort of recognizable discipline when they "commit" to a task. say, "fatherhood," for example. short term formidable, long term of questionable utility.
and, i am telling you, when that black suburban glides down milton hill into milton freewater, w/ black tinted windows, federal plates, and a whole car load of black guys armed to the teeth, they are going to, ... , well, ... , be fairly easily detected for what they are about.
there won't be one of 'em takes three steps alive away from the doors of the car, before hitting the ground dead as a stone. gruesomely, thoroughly, forever dead as a fucking stone.
you with me so far.
at some point in this whole process, the left is going to have to hire some people with some talent, some skills, some training and some motivation. in short, the left is going to have to hire some guys with brains to give the guns to.
these guys are going to be disciplined, they are going to be smart, and they are going to have to think there way through things. they will be well trained, disciplined, and through the very act of surviving in combat all over this country, they are going to become very hardened.
and, they are going to notice something. they have virtues those who hired them don't. they have discipline. they have physical skills and attributes. they are smart.
and, they have the guns.
enter the topic of the roman legions.
the roman legions were not allowed in rome proper. the last thing in the world the roman politicians and rulers and elites wanted was some general all puffed up over killing gauls and germans flouncing around all over rome pimping the masses, with a battle hardened army willing to follow him into the gates of hell. and, that was, the romans very wisely saw that able men with able killers under his absolute command were not likely to be very awed by fat, venal, corrupted moral ciphers called politicians.
so, the legions were not allowed in rome.
let me put the matter squarely to you. do you think that able and cunning men with able and cunning killers under their absolute command are going to be overly awed by fat, venal, stupid, lazy and corrupted debase moral ciphers along the lines of al gore, and barack obama. hell, i am a country boy from milton freewater, oregon with no particular claim to great accomplishments, although i was reasonably good at my chosen craft, most of the time, and i am not particularly over awed by al gore and barack obama, nor bill gates, for that matter. we have fat rich guys in milton freewater, and i don't see much difference in them from the washington d.c. politicians.
and, i suspect that the guy who is tough enough to kill me and take my guns, is not going to be overly impressed with them, either.
who is going to protect the politicians, the aristocratic communists, and the elites and fat guys who want to disarm us, from the guys they will have to arm in order to do that?
other guys with guns? well, you see the problem there. it is called the "reducto absurdum," and if you follow and accept my premise, ultimately it becomes an insurmountable problem for the guys who want to take the guns away from law abiding citizens.
the hounds of war, as it were, become more of a problem and a threat to them than we are. we observe the law, and we have a sense of probity in conduct, and morality in our relations with others. we play nice with others, because that is just the way we are.
if we were as much a threat to them as they like to play act that we are, they'd all be dead now.
simple as that.
on the other hand, the people that they are going to have to hire to kill us to get our guns, will have no such sense of restraint and probity. hounds of war simply end up eating their masters, no matter how servile they act at first. you ask anyone who has ever had an unruly doberman, or a slightly addled rottweiler, what a problem they have on their hands.
they ask the vet out, and the vet kills 'em. i don't think it is going to be that simple to put down the thugs that kill us. or try to.
the europeans, being slightly less far sighted than i, have brought the muslims into europe to cow their restive ethnic populations, to quell their nationalistic tendencies. and, the europeans are finding that the muslims are not a whole lot different from the pathologically insane dogs of war i posit above, and that deranged muslims are no different from deranged dobermans, nor deranged rottweilers.
why do you think they put the choke collars on rotties? how are they gonna put the choke collars on the guys they hired to take the guns from us.
now, i have precious little faith in the abilities of the al gores, and the charlie schumers, and the janet napolitanos and the crazy fucks from california, feinstein and boxer, to be able to parse this out. they are so convinced in their "power," that they forget that they did not play varsity football, and they did not wrestle at 185 lbs, and that their forte was debate team, sleeping with professors, and the like.
they are so far removed from the real world, that they have no idea of the contempt in which they are held, and the utter lack of fear with which they are regarded, in that real world. oh, they cut a mean path in the beltway cocktail parties, with their pancake makeup and foundational garments made to hold up saggy titties, but they don't count for much in the wet t-shirt parties at the local bars.
it's all context, whether you are formidable, or not.
i have a modest proposal to make, to those people who have followed this so far. and, who are deeply conservative.
if you possess the "virtues," and they are virtues on the battlefield in regard to the men i have described above, then simply join the praetorian guard that the leftist are gonna have to hire to do their dirty work for them, and to protect them from the outraged people during the insurrection.
join the praetorian guard, and rise to protecting the inner circle.
and, when the time is right, wipe them from the face of the earth. ruthlessly. man, woman and child. bill and hill's little woman child, as innocuous as she appears, is a little leftist viper, as are any living and sentient entity that calls itself a kennedy.
i see a wonderful irony in all of this, that the very gun control the leftists envision, can end up being their enslavement, and the very instrument of their doom might very well be their "hirelings."
anybody ever heard of a fairly capable little communist thug, politician, athlete and bare chested outdoors-man by the name of "putin."
now, mr. putin eats mr. obama for breakfast in foreign policy. how long do you think a guy like obama would last with a guy like putin working "under him?" about as long as a guy like trotsky lasted in rivalry with a guy w/ the attitudes of a stalin.
you have to be very very very careful when you buy your rottweiler, that your rottweiler is firmly connected & copacetic with your vision of who is the dog, and who is the tail, in the whole relationship. i have seen rottweilers who weren't committed to the whole vision of dog and master, and "masters" who were thoroughly intimidated by their "hireling." terrified, even.
you sleep with rattlesnakes in your boots, and sooner or later, you are gonna get bit.
now, is it absolutely inevitable that things happen as i conjecture?
i don't believe in determinism, either.
but, it happens often enough to make things interesting. and, it is likely enough to happen, that were i a politician with some brains i would consider the possibility very strongly. i would remind you of the events of the russian revolution, and the fundamental error that one kerensky made, when warned of the possibility that the bolsheviks might work to unseat him, and take control of his government. kerensky looked at his rottweilers and dobermans, and blithely assured those close to him, "no enemy on the left." you see, he believed in leftist fellowship. (lenin didn't believe in leftist fellowship, it should be noted.)
and, kerensky believed hirelings would behave as hirelings. and, he never conceived that those he conceived of as his lessors, may have regarded the relationship a bit differently. (the arrogance of too much humility is a fundamental intellectual and personal sin.)
now, this is also the very great difficulty that obama has with the military. he works hard to get twerps into the command structure, but those who carry the guns regard him with contempt and utter disdain, as i suspect they regard "military men" like the lick spittle mcchrystal, who never led so much as an infantry platoon into battle. of any sort. (who knows, maybe stanley is the very guy i want to infiltrate things. who knows?)
what i am saying, is that in times when people take to arms, the situation can be very fluid. and, that if this country erupts in civil war over the issue of guns, and the private ownerships of guns, those who would attempt to take them away from us, those who are willing to kill us in order to do that, had better be damned careful of what they are doing.
because those of us who have guns are damned dangerous. and, those of whom will be given guns in order to take ours away from us, are & will be damned dangerous as well.
and, more like us than the puss gutted lard butted politicians who think that the "run" things. who knows, maybe both groups who have guns, us, and the hirelings, end up respecting each other on the battlefield. maybe our disdain and contempt of the lard butts will be joined. after all, we are far more compatible than our contemptible "betters."
what then you puss bellied puke, al gore, or you skinny little twerp obama, ... , what then are you gonna do? eh? you thought it through?
john jay @ 02.11.2013
p.s. i always loved shel silverstein, irreverant fellow that he was. he knew that things were always a little more complicated than they seem.
witness his poem, "who's been scorin'?" .
"i wonder who keeps gettin' into the innkeeper's cutie while the innkeeper's keepin' the inn, and who's cuttin' in on the tin cutter's sin while that tin cutter's cuttin' his tin. someone's gettin' the honey from the beekeeper's honey so what can a poor boy do. . . i might as well go score with the scorekeeper's sweetie while the scorekeeper's scorin' with you!"
at "the american thinker," an article entitled "another strange obama administration arms purchase," written by lee de covnik, and dated february 11, 2013. hat tip, "that funny bastard" mike.
the "live link" below this post.
there is nothing "strange" about it at all.
its for all the russian troops obama intends to bring to america to defend his regime, come the insurrection that will throw him from power. i cannot imagine anything to be more fun than shooting russian troops on american soil, ... , the original "shooting ducks on a pond" sport, if there ever was one. laughing. can you imagine anything that would "stick out" like a rooskie wearing a u.n. blue hat? you suppose they come with a "bullseye" right on the forehead? who knows? a couple democrats might even enjoy such sport?
all the hubbub is over u.s. army solicitation no. w15qkn13t513 which calls for the purchase of 592,825 magazines suitable to fit the russian ak-47 assault rifle. the "strange" part of it is that the united states does not field such a weapon, nor has it any weapon that uses the round that goes into the ak-47 magazine, that being the russian model 43, 7.62x39mm.
so far as i can discern, no parallel solicitation for bid by the u.s. army for supply of the model 43 intermediate infantry round, in appropriate number, to fill all the magazines.
the linked post is from "the american thinker," and it ends the post with this observation, which i find funny because the "american thinker" has absolutely shunned any suggestions to this effect i have made in the past (i am a bit "extreme" for their genteel tastes):
"or maybe Obama plans to use them in arming his civilian national security force? nah, that's just wacky right wing, conspiracy nonsense. just like gsa solicitation number W15QKN13T8513."
as an aside, i will remind you that i wrote extensively on obama's "national civilian security force" after he made the suggestion during his first campaign, and many times subsequently. the "american thinker" would not touch my writing on the subject with the proverbial ten-foot pole. well, maybe the "thinker" is learning what eleven-foot poles are for?
welcome aboard, "american thinker," ... , welcome aboard the wacky right wing express train, all aboard to right thinking. laughing.
john jay @ 02.11.2013
p.s. when does obama order the proper ammunition to go into the ak-47 magazines? we'll keep you posted. "we" now includes the "american thinker," now they've entered into the arena as a wacky right wing organ.
my previous writings, apparently not just right wing nutjob stuff anymore, now that the "american thinker" will touch the subject.--
1.) . august 20, 2009.
2.) . august 31, 2009.
3.) . december 07, 2009.
4.) . march 12, 2010.
while the internment camps for the japanese during world war ii were hardly day camps or spa's, they were not the horror of the concentration camps of the nazi's, or the prisoner of war camps & gulags run by the soviets. there just isn't much comparison.
there is not much comfort in that observation, however, because the wwii internment camps do not "insure" that americans will not be, cannot be, inhumane toward their fellow americans.
it was a prisoner of war camp during our own civil war.
it was as brutal and bestial, and demeaning, and as lethal as such camps during world war ii, in which germans systematically killed jews, in which germans systematically killed russians, in which russians systematically killed germans and those who didn't quite fit into the marxist-leninist scheme of things.
andersonville was run by the confederates, and union prisoners of war did of disease, starvation, neglect and outright murder. . similar camps were run by the union army, and confederate prisoners received no better treatment.
do not deceive yourself.
americans can be as brutal as any nazi, as brutal as any soviet gulag guard, as brutal as any child working in the employ of pol phat. this is not opinion, this is historical fact. period. end of discussion.
and, you wonder why antonin scalia has this on his mind.
john jay @ 02.07.2013
p.s. you do not know yourself. you do not know your fellow man.
it seems to me that every person with a working brain in his or her head has to ask, just why did antonin scalia warn a law school audience about the prospects of concentration camps in the united states during times of conflict?
i would remind you that the united states is not now, nor likely anytime soon, to be engaged in war with a foreign nation, especially under circumstances requiring the shipment of prisoners to the united states for incarceration.
i would remind you that serious & sober minded persons discuss openly the likelihood of insurrection mounted against the current u.s. regime to prevent it from trampling upon our ancient and revered rights, privileges and prerogatives as wrested by arms from english sovereigns.
for whom, then, would such camps be intended?
it seems to me, therefore, quite likely that antonin scalia has paid more than passing attention to such concerns, and within the context of those concerns, feels it likely that the u.s. government, whether led by obama or a like minded successor, will resort to imprisoning its citizens as a way of maintaining its rule, and imposing "order" on the body politic.
in other words, antonin scalia thinks it likely that the left will imprison the right in order to impose and maintain its rule. what, the right, without control of the necessary and sufficient apparatus, is going to imprison the left?
under the circumstances, who does what to whom?
if you feel my "logic" reasonable, that should give you reasonable pause to consider this, and to consider your reaction to such a notion. and, to consider quite deeply, what you would do should this ever come to pass.
john jay @ 02.06.2013
p.s. in the meantime, ... , buy guns, buy ammo, become proficient in the use of the same. maintain a jealous regard for your right, privilege and prerogative under the anglo-saxon ways, and be ready, willing, able and eager to defend those rights up to and including the use of arms if they are threatened.
u.s. supreme court justice antonin scalia said to a law school audience, "you are 'kidding yourself' if you think that wwii style internment camps will never happen again." he said this in response to a question posed about the wwii internment of japanese civilians (many u.s. citizens), which was approved in the korematsu case before a contemporary u.s. supreme court. the majority opinion in korematsu was penned by non other than the great civil libertarian william o. douglas. (an early day leftist, to put the matter squarely on the table.)
it should be noted that scalia has never been known as a great admirer of b. "insane" obama, the pretender who illegally occupies the white house. scalia reminded people of the old roman/latin observation, "in times of war the laws fall silent." leges silent in bello, attributed to cicero.
i have reminded you that in my little town of milton freewater, oregon the local national guard armory has undergone a major renovation, and about two blocks away, some scab land immediately adjacent to an old rail head has been purchased and cleared, but no improvements done to it, as of yet.
am i paranoid?
is antonin scalia paranoid? well, he "lives" closer to obama than i do, that's for sure. in that vein, maybe we could "get the skinny" from louis farrakhan & bill ayers, who have obama's ear. they'd tell us.
i learned something this day, which may prove invaluable, and it is precisely this .... it is hard to squish a quick ant that is crawling on your 1911.
they scurry, (they are surprisingly adroit at scurrying), and they have a talent for finding the little depressions in the various machining cuts, and the like. as an example, when they get down into the cocking serrations on the end of the slide, they are very hard to get out. you must find them on a flat spot of the slide or the frame, out in the open, when they have revealed themselves, and strike quickly, if you are to have any luck at it.
you cannot hesitate. you must be ruthless. you must take your shot when it presents itself.
be advised, that the essay, "what does the term "mil spec" mean ... " simply got out of hand.
it is ridiculously long. it just grew out of control, like kudzu: i expect to see it draped on the phone lines in the neighborhood, tomorrow.
i would advise two or three settings to read it, if you can slog through it, even then. my apologies. i would break it up into segments, but, i am not going to, as it seems a "structure."
john jay @ 02.01.2014
p.s. yes, all blog guys could use an editor, need an editor. admitted.
do you think that if you sat 1,000 air force generals at 1,000 drafting boards and gave them 100 years to do it, that they could design and engineer the production of one f-35 jet fighter? or, the next generation of fighter plane, to exceed the performance of the f-35 w/ new technologies.
yet, these are the same people who tell the manufacturer of the f-35 what airplane to build, and how to equip it, and what jet engines go into it. they insist on the "very best," without having any solid notion what it is or how it was created. simply put.
does that make sense? well, no it doesn't.
welcome to the world of "military specifications," or "mil spec."
preface. go to the following links which illustrate some of the confusion over "mil spec."
a fellow, let's call him "sean the nailer" wants to get plans to an armalite ar-10 upper so that he can duplicate it and put it on an armalite ar-10 lower that he has. he says he is frustrated, because he can find plans and/or blueprints for ar-15's up the yazuu, and can find plans for dpms uppers, but can find nothing for the armalite ar-10 upper. people try, very patiently, to explain that he can find plans for the ar-15 upper because they have become standardized (almost public domain). given the great number that have been bought by the u.s. military, and the number made by private manufacture, "mil spec" has largely become "standard." they further explain that armalite has not published their "specs" and blueprints, because their receiver remains proprietary, (they have not sold or assigned the rights to it), and that it does not dominate the market the way the colt upper receiver does for ar-15's. .
likewise, see this excellent discussion at as to why it is difficult to obtain public documents and/or blueprints on something to which someone else else still holds intellectual property. in this instance, colt's manufacturing holds the ownership, and the intellectual property in something that has become "mi spec," but not disseminated to the public.
the link, here, . end preface.
introduction. put simply, "military specifications" are extremely complex contract rights running between the u.s. government as buyer and a producer of a given product, and production standards, specification, blueprints, materials list, and compliance rules which are derivative of & defined by the said contract. these contracts define, with great precision, what is to be bought by the government, and how it is to be made by the seller. and what and, of course, remedies owned by the government in case of non-compliance, such as the right to reject non-conforming goods.
there, don't you feel better now that's cleared up. admit it, such an explanation has a calming effect.
huh? we may also comment, much as an aside in a play, that as a general matter (defining the scope of this post), sometimes "mil spec" means a great deal, and sometimes is means, as a practicable matter, nothing at all.