for about 3 years now i have been closing articles with "... buy guns, buy ammo, and become proficient in the use of such." or, something generally along that line.
that's serviceable advice. good advice.
but, as this insurrection business looms ever larger, and looks ever more probable, it is time to think of other topics in terms of the infrastructure of rebellion, or "restoration" [of our constitutional liberties and legal rights] as i like to think of it.
communications. hey, guess what is the first thing that gets shut down if the shit hits the fan? why, the internet of course, and other things such as telecommunications and the like. you wanna talk to people, you are gonna have to high jack a t.v. station to do it.
medical care. hey, good luck avoiding arrest, detention and murder if you are wounded in a fight of some sort. we need doctors and medical people who can be trusted to discreetly provide medical aid, without having the phone in hand 10 seconds later to inform the police.
think about it.
machinists, mechanics and gun smiths. having heeded all my previous advice, you are now amply supplied w/ guns and ammo. right? well, what do you have with regard to spare parts, and the like. the modern assault weapon is not as robust as a '98 mauser or an '03 springfield (which also broke, btw), and be it an ak-47 or variant, or an ar-15/16 or variant, parts are gonna break, and some of those breakages are going to shut down your rifle.
just like an army, any rebellion or insurrection is going to require logistics and supply of material and supplies. and, it is going to require that there be people who can either fix, fabricate or invent the various things that keep guns up and running.
a place to sleep, and to eat. all god's children gotta eat and sleep, and an occasional bath is not a bad idea, either. if you are "visiting" out of town for a, ... , well, "visit" or operation of some kind or another, you are going to require a friendly place to light, and to hide, and to hide & heal up, if necessary.
it's called "networking" in some circles, i believe.
get to it. start thinking about these issues. in my little town, far off the beaten track in comparative terms, we still have a state highway running run through the middle of town. an occasional state cop trundles through, we have a national guard armory, and i have seen some of the federal cops everyone is all atwitter about.
in short, even this little town has a "presence" of the oppressor.
get used to it.
figure out how the hell you can avoid attention from them, and how you can provide succor to visiting friends who may need it.
simple as that.
john jay @ 12.12.2013
p.s. note the below links. some fat faced "news hound" comments on the issue of the day, and nelson mandela, a murderer imprisoned for killing hundreds of south africans, is now a "statesman."
hey, he who laughs last, laughs best. and, gets to assign the descriptors.
think about it.
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