for years i've maintained that the metaphor of "the emperor w/ no clothes" is not apt for obama, and it is more applicable to regard him simply as the "empty suit." in other words, a suit of clothes with no emperor inside.
he is simply a puppet show, his handlers the puppeteers who pull the strings, and put the words up on the teleprompters. the trouble, of course, is that in the application of this metaphor it is very difficult to discern just who obama's handlers are.
on a related thematic issue, i am beginning to sense that obama is most properly to be regarded as the goat staked out for the rogue tiger. i have been hearing and reading a lot of chat that posits a "false flag" event which the left will use as a pretext and excuse to exercise marshall martial [proof read: rex] law and impose those last measures whereby they will make leftist socialism a fixed institution in american political, legal and bureaucratic existence. i am increasingly thinking that the event the left anticipates by which to do this is the assassination of barack obama.
it is several things, to the left, all wrapped up in one tidy little package.-- it is the leftist martyr, perhaps elevated even higher in the pantheon of the left than john f. kennedy. it is the final straw to break the camel's back of right wing resistance to the imposition of gun confiscation. it is the event that "damns to political hell" the "tea party" movement in particular (upon whom it will be blamed), and conservatism in general. it is the event that justifies foreign troops on american soil to restore "order" in american political life, and to assure the transition to full blown soviet and euro union socialism.
i think the left expected one of us to do it.
they regard us as being the perfect foils. in their minds we are racists, haters, and violent to the very core of our beings. they do not see one ounce of good will in the entire lot of us. they thought that one of us gun packing lunatics would have shot and killed obama a long time ago.
it is confounding to them that we have not.
failing their purposes in this regard, and with time running out, i think it quite probable that the left will simply have to engineer the assassination of obama by their own hands, e.g., that a person of leftist conviction and membership in the higher echelons of the leftist apparatus will be given the task of engineering the shooting obama. and, of assuring that the shooter be discovered and riddled with enough led lead [proof read: rex] to sink a small yacht.
i believe obama knows this, which goes a long way towards explaining his rather desultory attitude towards the performance of his duties as president ... he is a very unlikely tyrant, displaying none of the institutional aptitudes that despots commonly hold.
these matters are left to others, and obama plays golf, pick up basketball, and ogles foreign women potentates at state funerals. (sometimes he almost looks wistfully like he would like to be someplace else, other than where he is.)
but, again. who in international socialism is controlling this whole operation, who is steering the apparatus?
in my belief, those americans who are highly suspect have to include the clintons, john kerry, al gore, and most likely bill gates. (hey, you have to have some perks from being the 2nd or 3rd or 4th richest guy in the whole world.)
as for the ultimate control, this whole thing smacks to me of soviet intelligence.-- obama is plucked from his warm little existence as a pot smoking college student of very indifferent performance, and gets a ride to pakistan during the height of its civil war, to receive instruction of some sort. khalid al mansour, aka don warden, a founder of the black panther party, and percy sutton, lawyer to the black panthers and black muslims, take obama under their collective wings as radical leftist/socialist mentors. the communist party usa gives obama an "uncle" in the form of frank marshall to tutor obama. and, finally, obama moves into a posh chicago neighborhood to be neighbors to be under the tutelage of louis farrakhan, head of the american black muslims by succession from his father, and under the mentor-ship of bill ayers, long time socialist bomber and murderer.
valerie jarret, long time communist is his political adviser. van jones, long time american communist, is a czar.
this, my friend, is a communist "legacy" project, and a project which looks to have soviet and european communist handlers, from start to finish. i know i am wasting my time asking americans to "remember" something, but, ... , do you remember how at the beginning of his presidency obama received the nobel prize for peace, not for anything he had ever done, but for ushering in the "peace" of universal socialism. do you remember how he was to be crowned as president of the world at the installation of the "global warming" tax scheme at copenhagen, before christopher monckton, 3rd viscount monckton of brenchley derailed the copenhagen climate accord.
from the inception of his presidency, obama's path has been steered by international socialism. with a distinctly european flavor, but, in all these matters, the steerage has been from soviet intelligence.
even obama's life, his "history," is nothing so much as it is an intelligence "legend" handed down to him by the international and the united states left. do you remember, for instance, when obama's college and law school professors labeled him as the "mot brilliant student" they'd ever had. well, it turned out this was sheer fabrication, because he never published anything as editor of his law review, not even a "comment," and he cannot be remember at all by his "fellow students" wherever he went to school, let alone being remember for even saying anything remotely clever. (he has certainly done nothing to demonstrate such brilliance since being elected, now, has he?)
no, obama's entire life is a fabrication, to fit a preconceived design, and a preordained role.
he is, in fact, nothing more than a finely tailored suit, which he has never managed to step into.
for this, he will be shot by his handlers, because it has finally come to pass that he is more useful to them dead, than he has ever been alive. he will be assassinated by the left, because it is handier for the left that he be so.
john jay @ 12.30.2013