ezekiel j. emanuel is an intellectual big shot.
so, let us start w/ the basics.
his name is zeke emanuel. he claims to be a medical ethicist. he asserts that in certain situations, which he claims to be able to define w/ clarity and objectivity, that he should have the imprimatur of authority and ability to decide & declare who lives or dies. emanuel is silent on this matter, but i assume that he limits this authority to matters of medical extremis and/or deciding who receives public funds for continued treatment of the same.
my name is john jay, and i am not a big shot. i am not a legend in my own mind, nor apparently in anyone else's, for that matter.
my name is john jay. i am a political ethicist. i assert that in certain situations, which i am able to define w/ clarity and objectivity (as conferred by a thorough familiarity with history and an appreciation of human nature, surely as good a source of authority as a harvard education), that i should have the imprimatur of authority and ability to decide & declare who lives or dies. i should be empowered to make my decisions in matters of political extremis, clearly defined, when the fundamental liberties of people are jeopardized by the political and social behavior of politicians who spread the bacillus of evil.
zeke emanuel has degrees that says he is qualified, by education and hubris, to practice as an ethicist. i have no degrees, nor am i lauded by persons like those who wish to elevate zeke emanuel to the level of god, by those who aspire to the same social station.
i do not aspire to the level of god. nor do i seek divinity. nor do i seek dominion over the affairs of others.
i do, however, believe that under principles discussed previously in these pages, that i have the right and the duty to defend my heritage and the political beliefs of many epochs, and that i may rightfully assume the powers granted by god to azrael to do his bidding.
so, what is the difference between zeke emanuel and me, other than zeke emanuel justifies his work in terms of public savings, the public purse, and various other doctrines which devolve ultimately into the worship of expediency? (an expediency, by the way, that favors those who not coincidentally are favored by emanuel.)
zeke would kill because he says he is regarded by others as being qualified to do so. i say that i would be qualified to kill because my aims and limitations are defined by history, religious belief, and sound political doctrine deriving from concepts of self defense and defense of others, to include their heritage and belief.
money and expediency do not enter into my calculus, as they do in emanuels. in many respects, i believe that i am on sounder ethical and moral grounds in my beliefs than emanuel is in the expression of his. gussy it up all you will, in emanuel's world it comes down to the exercise of collective power to foist his decision making onto the fate of others. in my world, my actions come down to intellectual and moral conviction. costs be damned.
i once defended a woman in court for her refusal to tell the authorities who had beaten an infant to death in a home lived in by members of an extended family. the family knew the mother. the family knew of a medical and behavioral condition passed on to an infant, who was neglected and ignored until her care was taken over by the extended family. one morning the infant was found with injuries said by an expert to consistent with being the recipient of a series of injuries and beatings, or at least more likely than injuries any degree of neglect would have allowed the child to inflict upon itself.
say what you will about what the jury found in that particular case, or how the court disposed of it consistent with the jury findings. that's not my concern here.
what interests me in connection with zeke emanuel's function as a medical ethicist, and his role of saying who lives and who dies, is the almost absolutely congruent asserted/alleged role of the family in the above case in deciding upon who was to live and to die, and the fact that the family in all of its alleged shortcomings was infinitely better qualified to make such a decision in the matter of the little baby, than zeke emanuel will ever be in any death he orders as a medical ethicist.
unless of course, he gets to pull the plug on his own mother, or maybe brother rahm, if he happens to be left in a vegetative state as a result of some accident or misdeed.
zeke emanuel has his medical charts, which he comfortably and confidently assumes renders him competent to decide who lives, and who doesn't. and, that's it. by contrast, the family i dealt with had access to all of that, and knowledge of all the other wordily and spiritual aspect of the child's life, and intimate knowledge of the likelihood that the child ever recovering from its disabilities, and the cruel twists of fate to which it was subject. they also had the traditional ways of their heritage at their disposal (such a resource as would emanual repudiate.)
zeke emanuel, why some call him enlightened. society called the family something less than enlightened, and cruel. i see no difference.
in my education i have studied plato, aristotle, socrates, kant, hegel, marx, schoepenhauer, nietzsche, the bible, the koran, bits of the talmud, locke, hobbes, blackstone, stalin, lenin, trotsky, jefferson, washington, jay, adams, franklin, madison, lincoln, hamilton, mao, pol phot, and a host of other worthies, ... , books about, and original works by.
i also spent 25 years in jails, prisons, court rooms, and investigating crime scene and interviewing witnesses, ... , in short, i have had a 25 year apprenticeship in the application of moral and legal precepts to the taking of life in the name of anger, passion, lust, greed, and in the consideration of principle and morality.
i would stack that applied education against all of the book learning and god playing in all of ezekiel emanuel's life.
yes, indeed.
i consider myself an ethicist with all of the intellectual stature and moral authority that zeke emanuel applies to consider himself an ethicist, and more. i have the imprimatur of a history, of a religious, political & social history going back over 2500 years on my side, and zeke emanuel has only marx, lenin, stalin and hitler to support his views on things.*** understood in that context, i would expect a good deal of society, and of my fellow citizens, would respect my views in such matters.
as elwood blues said to "joliet" jake blues, "i am on a mission from god." as "joliet" jake blues said to elwood blues, "me and the lord, we have an understanding." i think in this, as well, i have the ethicist's leg up on zeke emanuel.
update, in the morning, an added thought or two.
zeke (and rahm) emanuel want to get rid of me. (they, too, have political notions, now, don't they?)
i want to get rid of zeke (& rahm, & ilk). emanuel.
we are ethicists from the same bolt of cloth, it might seem. but, they want to rid the world of the maladroit, the miscreant, the handicapped, the halt, the lame, the aged, the weak and the defenseless. but, mostly they want to rid the world of the poor, and those without voice. (they want to keep the strong of back, as their foot soldiers, but they do not want to give them their vote, their franchise, their voice, now, do they? hey, you watch the way they treat those who die on the battlefield for them. tell me that i am wrong.)
they are nothing more, nothing less, than nazi purifiers. put simply.
i, on the other hand, want to rid the world of murderers and tyrants. i exalt freedom and dignity. i exalt the voice, the voices, they wish to quiet, and, to extinguish. a good word, extinguish, is it not?
i will use their methods.
they have taken away any other choice on my part. they will extinguish my voice, given the chance.
i have asked you several times, what's the difference between zeke emanuel and me. i answer you now, that is the difference between zeke emanuel and me. oh, yes, i am despised by the harvard "eugenics" crowd, while they kill in the name of and with the approval of the harvard "eugenics" crowd, the same nazi's who kept the statistics for josef mengele***** and the others.
that's the difference.
where did you go to school? end update, but not the end of the "discussion."
john jay @ 11.23.2013
*** for those of you who care about such matters, you should understand that zeke emanuel's views do not stem from hippocrates, but from those 1920's, 30's and 40's doctrine held by the "eugenics" movement popular amongst progressions and nazi's alike, until discredited by hitler's doctors, psychiatrists and concentration camp lackeys who applied them with a vengeance.
"three generations of idiots are enough," and the medical experimentation of the nazi academics of the 30's and 40's largely destroyed "eugenics," until the likes of obama, the emanuels and other pathologically deranged individuals bled new life into them.
i don't expect many of you to know this, or to accept it, given what passes for a respectable education these days, but those experiments and the results of same meticulously recorded by nazi camp doctors like josef mengele were regularly turned over for academic study to the leading genetic & eugenics institutes in german science and academia. same w/ the other monsters of the 20th century, although none had the meticulous order about them of the germans.
but, all brutal dictators, of whatever stripe, weed the surplus and the derelict from society's midst.
zeke emanuel is no different, and neither is b. insane obama.
i am a lily, white and pure as the driven snow, in intellectual comparison to emanuel and the various hanky wringers who will take exception to my remarks. the twits.
***** josef mengele qualified for his doctorate in medicine from from frankfurt university, as well as his doctorate in anthropology from munich university. he was educated, and "certified" as a societal expert in several fields, as well as being the urbane son of privilege. remember that, someday, will you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele
very little difference between mengele and emanuel, in my estimation.