i don't link to very many articles, for the reason that larger blogs simply do not get much additional readership via my endorsements. hey, reality is reality.
but sean linnane has a wonderful post at "stormbringer," which i think you should read.
a "journalist" by the name of henry porter has authored an attack on gun ownership using a statistical attack, which while spurious, has a certain superficial appeal. for instance, mr. porter opines that "gun violence" has killed more americans than america has suffered fatal casualties in all her wars. hey, powerful stuff, eh?
well, no. it isn't. it is simple confabulation.
sean linnane has gone to the trouble to analyze the "lies, damn lies and statistics" lying behind mr. porter's attack (pun intended, and, quite true, btw), and absolutely devastates it. i suggest you read, "an open letter to the uk guardian/observer newspaper," by sean linnance at stormbringer, 22 september 2013. http://seanlinnane.blogspot.com/ .
(if the link is not hot, simply copy it, put it in the command bar, and it will get you there.)
sean linnane obviously warmed to his task in writing the refutation of mr. porter's idiocy, and he has done a wonderful job of completely destroying the lies and fabrications behind mr. porter's article. but, i will let you draw your own conclusions after you have read sean's article.
very funny update: at sipsey street irregulars, dutchman6 informs mr. porter that should he and his ilk decide to intervene in our little "civil war" of domestic gun violence, as mr. porter suggests is only appropriate given the level of "gun violence" here, then mr. porter will find out just how easy it is to hit a blue helmet. http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2013/09/uk-columnist-asks-if-world-should.html . what a dip shit this mr. porter is. ask any cop how dangerous it is to step into someone else's domestic beef. if we are so violent, what makes him think he and his kind would be immune from it, should they stick their noses in? laughing. end update, 09.23.2013.
my observation: sean linnane has destroyed the porter argument. the sipsey street irregulars have reminded mr. porter to mind his own fucking business, in their own sweet way. bring body bags, indeed.
back to the essay.
to which task i suggest you attend immediately. quit these pages, go to stormbringer, and be informed, elucidated and armed to refute such nonsense in the future should you be confronted with it. i suggest you print a copy of the article, and carry it with you at all times. idiots abound these days, and this helps to deal with them.
caption: what's the matter w/ this picture. go to stormbringer, and read sean linnane to find out. he explains. http://seanlinnane.blogspot.com/ .
john jay @ 09.23.2013
p.s. the below "blurb" links to the article at the guardian, in case you want to look at it. the shooter in the picture is described as shooting at an indoor range. sean points out that the gun does not have a magazine in place, and is likely unloaded; that the gun has a tag on it, consistent with being purveyed at a mercantile establishment, and that the shooter is not wearing "ears," a very curious way for a shooter to shoot an ar-15 indoors, which the person holds. (note: he is not a shooter. he is a holder. simple as that, except to the guardian.)
sean destroys the use of the picture by the guardian.
in similar step by careful step analysis, he also destroys the statistical lies behind mr. porter's argument.