A) I hope to God this thing does not turn into a race war. If it does, we all lose. I saw this in Bosnia, and elsewhere, and believe me: WE DO NOT WANT THIS HERE.
B) This dishonors the many GOOD blacks who are out there. Men like Thomas Sowell, LTC Allen West, Wayne Williams, to mention a few. I owe my life to a black Muslim - I cannot participate in a conflict where sides are based on race, color or creed.
C) If I posted this, they'd hunt me down and haul me in.
I will continue to do what I do - carry concealed, keep my radar on, always watching and waiting for the fools who are out there to make their move.
/s/ ___________________________________________
letter no. 2, from me to no. 1.
1.)the situation cannot "turn" into a race war, nor can anyone try to promote it into a race war, ... , it is already a race war, and cannot get any better and cannot be characterized in any other way.
blacks are killing whites, for being white. they are using weapons, or gangs of them simply set upon someone and beat the poor hapless bastard to death.
just because it is only going one way, for the time being, does not change the reality of the situation. "jim crow" was "jim crow," without regard to which way the violence & oppression ran.
2.)as to you "participation." that is a matter of choice, and whether based on friendship, or feelings of passive resistance, or whatever, is something only you can decide.
however, you may not have the choice of staying neutral in the matter, for it may be brought right to your doorstep, without any overt invitation on your part.
what, do you simply give up going places because of the danger of assault?
when you say "this bring dishonor upon many good blacks," i don't know whether you mean the conduct of black thugs killings innocent whites, or whether you mean my post.
if you mean the former, i suppose i would agree. i would feel better about those persons of stature in the black community were they to speak out about the situation. there disquiet on the subject causes me very grave disquiet, as in the sense of alarm, ... , to the extent i am unfamiliar with such comment in the black community, i apologize for those who try to ameliorate the problem.
but, to the best of my knowledge, the only person of stature in the black community who speaks to such issues is bill cosby. so far the pretender obama has not done anything except to fan the flames and promote such violence, and al sharpton and jesse jackson have secured a place in hell for their shameless conduct in profiteering from this senseless mess.
i certainly owe them no apology.
3.)"they'd hunt me down and haul me in."
well, i suppose anyone who'd hunt you down and haul you in for speaking the truth is not really your friend.
and, does this statement not really establish my point about what it going on. it certainly seems reflective of your feeling, if i am not "putting words in your mouth," or "thoughts in your head," that something dangerous is going on.
4.)final comment. "good blacks." "good muslims."
these killings are asymmetrical warfare.
blacks could not win a race war. the numbers are not there. the tactical situation is not in favor of blacks in a race war, .... , too easily identified, and stick out like a sore thumb outside the racial enclaves that they've chosen to live in. ebonics, and similar attire, .... , not exactly camouflage, eh?
in fact, in any kind of hot warfare, the black community would be absolutely devastated. decimated at the very least, annihilation being a distinct possibility. as you point out, in bosnia it was pretty nasty, and rhwanda has been pretty nasty, and w/ hatchets and machetes.
no, these killings are recognized for what they are by a lot of people, and i expect louis farrakhan (& even obama) would be strangers to the concept.
and, the comment points out a difficulty in your position. "good blacks," just as "good muslims," do not condemn this sort of terrorism, (and that is the very purpose of such asymmetrical campaigning), because they profit from it. you think al sharpton and jesse jackson are silent by accident?
this sort of thing promotes the fear and timorousness they need among the white population to force and advance their agenda, and to secure a political advantage for blacks. you think ophra is not smart enough to see the idiocy in comparing trayvon martin's death as opposed to the death of black civil rights workers, or other black advocates. of course she is smart enough to see the intellectual silliness in that, and way smart enough to see the social and political advantage she secures by saying such dumb assed things.
she knows which side of the bread her butter is on.
and, "good blacks," by remaining silent on this issue, indicate that they are not above securing advantage from the tragedy these killings represent.
5.)in case someone wants to hunt me down.
i reside at 136 s.e. 8th avenue, milton freewater, oregon.
from the east coast, drive to salt lake city, and make the turn toward seattle.
simple as pie.
i am easily found.
/s/ john jay
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