we've all known that obama and hillary have lied through their teeth about benghazi, indeed, within mere minutes from the attack on the american consular facility in libya. and, we know that they have gone to tremendous lengths to try and obscure the fact that america was running guns via turkey from libya to the syrian rebels.
marinka peschmann, writing 29 may 2013 at "freedom outpost," in an article entitled "... benghazi coverup is the proxy battle with the war with iran." http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/05/whistleblower-exclusive-benghazi-cover-up-is-the-proxy-battle-with-the-war-with-iran/ .
she makes a pretty convincing case for the proposition that benghazi was inspired, fomented and carried out by iranian operatives who were striking back at the united states for its role in trying to topple assad's syrian regime, a staunch ally with iran and the soviet remnant. (headed by putin, a decidedly not former kgb agent, but, a current kgb operative & director.)
as such, she says that the benghazi cover-up is a result of the obama & clinton desire to deflect attention away from the fact that in fact the u.s. is involved with russian in a cold war era style proxy battle over the fate of the middle east. in the process, peschmann makes a rather convincing argument that the u.s. and saudi arabia have conspired to elevate the interests of the muslim brotherhood in the middle east, something which russia deems as threatening to its vital strategic and national interests.
my only criticism of the article centers on peschmann's perspective on this latter point, e.g., the realization that obama promotes the interests of the muslim brotherhood. she regards this as simply an error in policy, and an almost accidental misdirection to the diplomatic interests of the united states in the region. i would differ quite strongly with her on this, as i view nothing accidental or inadvertent in obams middle eastern foreign policy disaster. i view obama's actions as highly purposeful, and believe that he advances, promotes and works toward promoting the interests and position of the muslim brotherhood, because he is a fundamentalist muslim.
simple as that.
ms. peshman also looks with alarm as to what all of this conflict in the middle east portends for israel.
not surprisingly, she sees israel as being involved in a three front war with syria, iran and lebanon in the not too distant future. i would have to remark, that while almost all conflict in the middle east portends this to a greater or lesser degree, her analysis that the obama administration's ill considered policies inexorably lead toward this. in other words, i think her thinking and concern spot on.
i would conclude by suggesting that you follow the link and read this very well considered and very persuasive argument at "freedom outpost," and further suggesting that at some time or another we are going to have to actively consider ending obama's term in office prematurely, before he brings down the wrath of god upon our heads.
he is a disaster in the making. and, it is not inadvertent. it is purposeful, to destroy this country, and to advance the cause of islam and socialism.
john jay @ 05.30.2013