on november 3, 2012 i posted links to several articles detailing the arrival of a ship in turkey from libya delivering "man pad" missiles to the assad opposition forces in syria. i predicted that such missiles would begin shooting down syria airplanes in pretty quick order. http://wintersoldier2008.typepad.com/summer_patriot_winter_sol/2012/09/index.html .
well, color me blue and call me prophet, because these very events are coming to pass.
c.n.n., otherwise known as the communist news network, has posted a rather lengthy article detailing the downing of several syrian government helicopters and an air force fighter plane in the aleppo area. the c.n.n. article claims that the downings were from the rebel use of captured soviet sams of some antiquity. the "capture" of such weapons is attributed to the rebels overrunning some government installations as of late. http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/29/world/meast/syria-missiles/index.html?eref=mrss_igoogle_cnn .
they make no mention of the possibility of such weapons having been obtained from obama's libyan "fast & furious" program out of libya.
sort of silent on that point.
ain't that a surprise.
it is a bit odd, though, that the syrian opposition forces have not had any success at all downing either government air force planes or helicopters to this point, though they have overrun numerous syrian government installations during the course of the fighting in that country.
yet, in the space of about 3 weeks from the arrival of the ship from libya reported to be carrying the "man pads," (shoulder held ground to air missiles, and quite good ones), the syrian opposition is suddenly shooting government planes and helicopters from the sky.
that seems an even odder "coincidence" to my mind.
you think about it, and make up your own mind.
john jay @ 11.29.2012
p.s. the c.n.n. article attributes this to the syrian opposition using aged soviet sam-7 missiles. it also mentions that the opposition forces have been using youtube video/training films to instruct their forces in the use of the weapons they now have apparently distribution throughout their forces in the aleppo area.
the sam-7's are as old as dirt. i would be very surprised that the ex-military types who are heavily present in the opposition did not learn how to use them when they used to work for assad. what, therefore, would be the purpose/utility in "instructing" them by youtube on their use?
the "man pads" taken out of libya, by contrast, are fairly new, sophisticated and accurate weapons. it is not very likely that their use would be known by even ex-servicemen who have, afteral, only recently abandoned assad. a youtube instructional film in the use of the "man pads" from libya would make sense.
as noted above, you make up your own mind on the issue.
as for me, i am of the opinion that the missiles brought in from libya in obama's gun running scheme are being put to use. and, to my mind, this absolutely confirms the stories describing the trans shipment of missiles from libya to iskenderun, noted above.