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October 18, 2012


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You have laid this out well john jay. All of the evil and subversion that led to the installation of Barack Hussein Obama will be whitewashed by "historians" and, in doing so American will never learn from what has been a very expensive and deadly embrace of marxism.

And yes, I believe in the Holy Trinity. That is shirk, the gravest of sins in islam. Here I am proud to stand.

john jay


thanks for the thumbs up.

i agree w/ your point on history and the historians, since most of them are little disguised marxists in the first place.

this war we have w/ the jihad and the left is largely faith based in my estimation.

what they try to exploit is the weakening faith the west has in its institutions, political and religious.

the strongest antidote we have to both attacks is our own faith in or religious, ethical and moral underpinnings.

simple as that, in my view. we take care of our own house, we don't have to worry about burglars, or who builds next door.


john jay


i have "unpublished" your comment on this post.

if was far too lengthy, and off topic. i enjoy your comments, but this one went too far afield.


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