. hat tip, .
p.s. (this p.s. first, in case you are a "short read.")by the way, in the otherwise excellent article above, you will not find one mention of the real point in this scheme, to put the u.s. taxpayer on the hook to bail out european excess, miscalculation and profligacy one more damned time. not one mention of it.
and, you know what? i do not recall one european even asking, ever, or even thanking us for our contributions, ever. i say, let 'em sink or swim, on their own dimes.
(and, it ought to frost you no end, that european governments can obligate the united states, and put the u.s. taxpayer under the yoke one more time, without the matter being passed upon by congress. sovereignty over our own public weal? what damned sovereignty?)(end p.s.)
begins the essay proper. the european union is dunning its member states to loan $200 billion to the i.m.f., aka the international money fund.
to loan to european countries.
who would they loan money to someone so that they can borrow it? the i.m.f. will turn right around and give it right back to them. this seems curious.
but, it is terribly straight forward. for you see, by doing so they put the united states of america behind the loans they are gonna make, as a guarantor for the repayment of the funds. to the tune of 17% of the moneys loaned.
what this means is that the europeans anticipate that the greeks, the italians, the spaniards and the irish, and probably the french may/probably/are gonna default in their payments anyway, but at least the united states will pay the i.m.f. $34 billions, eventually in all probability.
which is $34 billion the euro states will not have to pay back. which is the european union taking $34 billion right out of our pockets, however you wish to look at it, and however it turns out on the "repayment" of the money the euro's are giving to themselves. pay $200 billion, get $200 billion, and get another $34 billion "in the event" of an almost certain default on it. hell, the god damned europeans don't have the money to pay their obligations now ... switching it from one pocket to another isn't payment.
sweet deal, extracting $34 billion from the united states for switching their non-existent money from one "account" to "another."
cynical bastards. they are foisting their financial irresponsibility off onto the american tax payer, who already has his own government's misdeeds, seeing as how the u.s. govt. is asshole deep in, ... , well, ... , criminal wastrel wreckers in the first damn place.
i love the euro's. full of culture, and all those lovely stone buildings, and very pretty ladies. an occasional movie capable of comprehension. but, to this whole rotten fucking scheme, i say, fuck 'em. right up the arse. as far as i am concerned, they can take all their troubles to their own little hell, which they fashioned, in a hand basket, and be done with 'em. just fuck 'em.
i don't think we should pay them a damned dime of our "i.m.f. obligation." we should simply default on the payment. fuck 'em.
in the last century we bailed western europe's ass out of two ruinous world wars, defended them from communism on our dime and the blood of our soldiers, the whole while being derided by them as stiffs. very snotty, unappreciative bastards.
they did not pay us back for "lend lease," they have never paid for the "marshall plan" which rebuilt their economies and societies from the ravages of wwii (which they started in europe and promoted in the pacific), and they have never paid their share of the united nations nor of n.a.t.o. their soldiers for years wore hair nets on n.a.t.o. maneuvers, which tell you exactly their level of commitment to their own defense. in short, for years europe had no defense budget to speak of, because they knew that america would pay in blood stopping the fucking russians at the fulda gap.
and, now, they pull this bullshit.
fuck 'em. just fuck 'em.
john jay @ 12.18.2011
p.s.s. and, it will be a very cold day in hell when the euro's ever come to our aid. if i should live so long, the day the first damned french dollar/franc/euro comes rolling in to help us for flood, famine, pestilence, disease, disaster or attack, i will get down on my hands in knees on milton freewater's main street, and push a peanut down the center stripe for an entire city block, at high noon, to register my amazement at so singular an act of selfless friendship from the froggies. i should live a million years.
Ha ha! Any blogpost with the word "froggies" is instantly great. . .
Posted by: NavyOne | December 22, 2011 at 08:20 PM
navy one:
gotta love the froggies. the most misunderstood people on earth, ... , i wouldn't trust the froggies to do the right thing, even were it the easiest thing.
p.s. you gotta love how the froggies have kept hezbollah from rearming.
pretty similar to the job they did in indochina, ... , as it was called before the froggies got done with it.
Posted by: john jay | December 23, 2011 at 07:27 PM