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June 13, 2011


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Excellent analysis John Jay. This is well afoot in North America as well.

I've a somewhat more cynical perspective to add on how Europe has again found itself in bed with its own conquerors. The Europeans' fatal attraction to fascism not only fostered the EU but as history repeats, it has turned their eyes away as their leftist politicians import their own demise.

Americans have let ourselves be lulled and deceived into into our own Statism. We are misinformed, apathetic and naively trusting of our politicians' power alliance with the Islamists. I wonder how long the media can continue to hide the truth, the barbarity, the slaughter.

Europeans should know better than we that it takes only a simple read of history to understand Islam. It has not changed in 1400 years. We know where facism, socialism and Marxism always end. Yet like a moth to a flame, they are drawn.

The West has made a deal with the devil. For now the majority of Americans may be too politically correct, too polite, or too misinformed to reject this repulsive pre-feudal alliance of our politians. But I believe, perhaps hope, they are going to be damn pissed when they figure it out.

Much damage has been done. Much moral, political and geographic territory has been lost. I look with hope to the demise of the EU. I do not know what it will take to excise the disease of Islam from America's institutions. Again, it is good and decent people must pay severely for the Left's romance with facism.

It is going to be ugly.

john jay


somewhere on this blog i have the full text of jefferson's "tree of liberty" letter, in which he remarks that the tree of liberty needs be fed the blood of tyrants and of patriots, from time to time.

yes, it is quite likely going to be ugly.

john jay

keylogger for Mac

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