the muslim brotherhood and the death of the euro union.—
history is replete with monuments to the folly of human pretense, see “ozymandias,” below. i suppose time stretches, is trackless in the end, as the sand.
in the middle east, the sands of time prepare to swallow up the diplomacy of the euro union, and in the mindless death throes of the middle eastern nation states as they slip back into the timeless perpetuity of islam’s medieval society, we see the probable collapse of the euro union as well.
the euro union did not choose … wisely.
for in the islamic drive to pan arabia, déjà vu all over again, we see the death of a very ill considered european foreign policy, driven by the sallow faced mollusks of euro union bureaucracy, dying in the shriveling shallow of a betraying sea, as the rationale behind the euro med partnership gasps for sustaining air, grasps for the wraiths of its diplomatic rational slipping into the distant sands.
the euro med agreements/partnerships were driven by the euro union’s belief that by dragging its southern mediterranean “cohorts” into modern economic reality and political stability the ravages of islam as religious and political doctrine could be at least moderated, if not contained, if not destroyed. in these euro med partnership agreements the euro union was willing to pour fortunes into the islamic world to improve its infrastructure, provide travel and unrestricted access to european countries to arab citizens, to build joint universities, and to attempt to integrate feudal societies, and feudal people, into modernity.
europe was so eager to attempt to control islam in this manner, and to gain islam’s infinite pools of cheap labor, that it was willing to allow the immigration of 30 million islamic workers into the continent, over the next 20 to 25 years. and, in this scheme, was a pretty thin attempt, if not entirely foolhardy, to gain some control over islam’s illegal flood of immigrants into europe.
and, as we see with the prosecution of geert wilders in the netherlands, the faceless & dickless bureaucrats of the europe union were more than willing to suppress the last vestiges of europe’s nationalist movements in order to promote their schemes.
with the rampant stampede to islamic fundamentalism that is occurring all over the middle east this intellectual folly dies a swift death. it has to. but, of course, the euro union’s leaders have not quite tumbled to this fact, witness the witless folly of the e.u. and the united states backing the libyan “rebels” as they attempt to overthrow omar quack daffy: i read just the other day, that u.s. interests had purchased libyan oil from rebels in control of an oil field somewhere in the trackless sands, as the u.s. and the e.u. rush to plunder the dictator’s holdings.
but, it is a fool’s errand, this plunder of oil.
because islamic fundamentalism controls iran, and it will soon control libya, egypt and syria where hezbollah will teach assad the stupidity of letting islamic fundamentalism's proxy armies people lebanon, and function in syria. turkey comes under the thrall once again of islam, and rushes headlong into barbarism.
the house of saud made a bargain with the devil when it allowed egyptian wahid’s into saudi arabia under a temporary truce, and when islam assumes the reins in the above countries, the house of saud and the other emirates in that part of the world, (nothing much more than self contained oil fields) will be in the thrall of the ayatollahs, imams and sheiks.
and, this is the great fallacy of the euro union’s diplomacy with the nation states and the euro med agreements. because the nation states shall be no more. they will exist merely as shells, as alter ego’s, to the rule of islamic clerics.
the rational or ethos of the euro union began as a trade organization, and as a way to regulate and standardize currency values throughout europe, to regulate trade, markets and the movement of goods free of duty and restriction. but, as it grew, its aspirations also grew politically and diplomatically, so that the basic trade agreement used in the euro med partnership agreements also became a diplomatic tool.
the euro med aspired to replace american military and trade hegemony in the mediterranean basic, in africa, and throughout the rest of the world with european diplomatic hegemony. it desired to rule the world, or to have a dominate influence in its running, without ever having to fire a shot or to build an aircraft carrier task force group.
it desired to steal the thunder from the u.s. by diplomacy.
and, it desired to shield itself from the islamic hordes of north africa by diplomacy.
and, all of that has collapsed, and all that remains of this effort are stone trunks standing in the sand, the visage of european supremacism lying with a cold sneer buried in the sand. and, of course, it retains a legacy of binding diplomatic agreements and obligations made to governments in return for the promise of those governments to restrain islam, … , and the governments have ceased to be.
the basic dynamic in all of this, is that the european bureaucrats have seen a primary rationale for their existence, and that of the euro union, disappear under their feet in the shifting sand. they have prosecuted geert wilders and others who have spoken out against the influx of islam into europe, only to find the left’s preachment's in favor of multiculturalism eroding before them, only to find a european populace immensely hostile to islam and muslims, and immensely hostile to the idiot bureaucrats who got them into this situation.
they have outstanding legal obligations with arab nations with regard to muslim immigration, and concessions made to the religious liberty extended of islam and its followers at the price of restraining the religious liberty of its own citizens.
not to mention the violence done to any fundamental notion that europeans have free speech, let alone free speech with regard to the religious liberty and heritage of indigenous europeans.
it is my belief that had the muslim brotherhood had the good sense to have been patient, to have allowed the euro med trade partnership/social integration diplomatic contracts operate for a period of 30 or 40 years or so, that by the next century islam and the muslim penis and vagina would have completed the demographic conquest of europe.
but, they could not restrain their zeal, and they could not restrain islam’s drive to a renaissance of jihad. and, they had to go and crow about it, and now they are in the process of toppling the very governmental structures that would have given them the key to europe via the euro med agreements.
now, instead of giving way to this steady erosion of their nations, the europeans are going to be visited to the spectacle of islam asserting sharia once more over the entire middle east. they are going to see the persecution of christians and jews, they are going to see the persecution and subjugation of women and young girls, they are going to see pedophilia and homosexual exploitation of boys, run absolutely rampant and unrestrained as islam imitates the behavior and ethos of mohammed.
and, not even the left, in its various guises, can disguise it from even the most credulous european.
the cat is out of the bag.
so, oddly enough, i view the “arab spring” with some favor, just as i viewed the iranian suppression of the student revolts. for one reason, and one reason only.
it puts islam on display, in all its medieval glory and barbarism. no sweet sophistry or lying or evasion is going to be able to hide the vision of muslims behaving as muslims, of islam being the well spring of barbarism such as will be revealed in the next several years.
for islam will exact its revenge on the secularists who suppressed it, in their attempt to join the western world. they will be hunted down, and they will be publicly killed, in the most brutal manners.
not even the leftists in europe, not even the mollusks, can remain oblivious to the implications of islam’s barbarity. it will give them unassailable proof of what lies ahead for europe.
the basic rationale and premise for the euro union having been destroyed by the reality of the collapse of the mediterranean basin’s secular arab states, i am hopeful that the euro union will collapse as well, given its horrific economic conditions. i am hopeful that the companion edifice of the euro med organization goes with it, and we see drifting in the wraiths and tendrils of the drifting sands, the organic papers and treaties which gave rise to it.
john jay @ 06.13.2011
i met a traveler from an antique land
who said, two vast and trunkless legs of stone
stand in the desert … . near them, on the sand
half sunk, a shattered visage lies, who frown
and wrinkled lip, and snear of cold command
tell that its sculptor well its passions read
which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
the hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
and, on the pedestal, these words appear:
“my name is ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”
nothing besides remains. round the decay
of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
the lone and level sands stretch far away.
percy bysshe shelley
Excellent analysis John Jay. This is well afoot in North America as well.
I've a somewhat more cynical perspective to add on how Europe has again found itself in bed with its own conquerors. The Europeans' fatal attraction to fascism not only fostered the EU but as history repeats, it has turned their eyes away as their leftist politicians import their own demise.
Americans have let ourselves be lulled and deceived into into our own Statism. We are misinformed, apathetic and naively trusting of our politicians' power alliance with the Islamists. I wonder how long the media can continue to hide the truth, the barbarity, the slaughter.
Europeans should know better than we that it takes only a simple read of history to understand Islam. It has not changed in 1400 years. We know where facism, socialism and Marxism always end. Yet like a moth to a flame, they are drawn.
The West has made a deal with the devil. For now the majority of Americans may be too politically correct, too polite, or too misinformed to reject this repulsive pre-feudal alliance of our politians. But I believe, perhaps hope, they are going to be damn pissed when they figure it out.
Much damage has been done. Much moral, political and geographic territory has been lost. I look with hope to the demise of the EU. I do not know what it will take to excise the disease of Islam from America's institutions. Again, it is good and decent people must pay severely for the Left's romance with facism.
It is going to be ugly.
Posted by: sDee | June 14, 2011 at 06:35 AM
somewhere on this blog i have the full text of jefferson's "tree of liberty" letter, in which he remarks that the tree of liberty needs be fed the blood of tyrants and of patriots, from time to time.
yes, it is quite likely going to be ugly.
john jay
Posted by: john jay | June 14, 2011 at 06:37 PM
First came here, they are so good that you will often see, the article. Thank you for sharing!
Posted by: keylogger for Mac | March 15, 2012 at 08:53 PM