the cutting of clits, stoning and western feminazi's.--
pamela geller, as she is wont, pointed precisely to a fundamental aspect of islam, and that is the control of society via the control of women’s sexual behavior, in a recent post bringing to notice the rather stunning publication of an editorial in a california news paper advocating the stoning of women for involvement in affairs with married men, here at altas shrugs, and also linked here. it should be noted that the woman author, islamic in her religious preference, also argued that men should not be punished so severely for their infidelity, certainly not so severely as death by stoning. and
pamela geller is far more decorous than i so she would never put it as bluntly as follows, but this is precisely what islam is about, the control of society by the inhibition of licentious behavior on the part of "loose women," through the mutilation of their pussies and severe physical punishment for exhibiting sexual behavior outside the confines of tightly control marriage. islam controls society, by controlling women ... islam controls who they sleep with, and islam controls and curbs/limits the pleasure women can take by it by destroying their ability to have orgasm, and/or clitoral stimulation. it does it in a fairly straightforward manner, and that is by excising a woman’s clitoris right down to the bases of its nerve roots, sort of like taking a dandelion from your yard by digging deep into the soil to excise the root. to further add insult to injury, female genital mutilation often includes the surgical removal of the labia majora and sometimes the labia minora, in a brutal excision of a woman’s physical being.
this is old news to those who read atlas shrugs, as she’s been preaching this for years. she’s just reiterated her analysis that islam is about the control of women in this article,, asserting in the paragraph leading in to her post, “and women remain shackled by this civilizational prison. they are active participants in their subjugation. they hold the young girls down while being clitorectomized. they are an integral part of this patriarchal structure of gender dehumanization.”
and, this is the point of this essay.
to finally and fully understand the role of women in this, is to perceive and acknowledge that older women are complicit in administering the bestial and barbaric ritual that is imposed upon younger women, often just girls, to carry these practices out. to finally and fully understand the role of women in this, is to perceive & acknowledge the exercise of power the old ladies of islam have in how these institutions are run, and the power that they exercise over the girls and younger women in so doing. the old ladies are complicit in this, exercise the dictates & culture of islam on the younger women, because it gives them control over the social and sexual behavior of the younger women in islam, who might use their greater sexual capacity and allure to rival them sexually, socially and politically were they to be possessed of their full sexual prowess.
in short, the old women of islam knock the sexual props right from underneath the younger women of islam, who might otherwise come in and "trophy wife" them. the old ladies are married to the old lions of the pride, e.g., men of wealth and influence, and they might otherwise be cast aside by these guys for younger women.
and, as a matter of fact, this is a fate that all too often befalls to the old women of the western society, isn't it. after a life time of nurturing a man toward success, a western wife finds herself displaced by a young lusty wench whose butt doesn’t sag, whose titties don’t droop, and whose tummy is flat, not marred by the scars of cesarean delivery, and who tummy is not riddled by stretch marks. and, whose plastic surgery bills do not run anywhere near as high.
in the western world, as an old woman gets to be a pain in the butt, she runs a very heightened risk of getting her old fat tired butt thrown out on “its ear” to be replaced by a new and skinny version of her old self, replaced by a new skinny bitch, with a lusty pussy who will satisfy the old fart in exchange for a share of the wealth.
in the west, it is what it is, and however crudely you think the matter described above, it is an accurate description of life at all levels of society, when vigorous successful old men go on the prowl for replacement pussy.
rail at the language if you will, but, it is truth, if not seemly put.
well, in islam, the old women do not run the risk of being put out on the street to be replaced by a new wench when they are all used up, because they control the supply of the new nubile wenchs who might replace them.
the old wives do this by eliminating the new and lusty young pussy who would usurp their roles, who would take control over the larders of wealth and prestige they hold by virtue of their positions as wives. they do this by excising the clitorises of the young girls and young women who would otherwise supplant them. they mutilate them to control their sexual allure, and to control their sexual appetite and behaviors.
the old wives do this , exercise this control, and running the household wives, as well. and by having muted and moderated the sexual behavior and appetites of the young wives previously by mutilating their pussies, these tasks of household management, of household “husbandry” if you will, are made considerably easier. it is nothing personal, this business of excising the pussies of these young and pretty girls, because the old women were once young and pretty themselves, it is just business.
the old women act toward the young women as they do, e.g., … , to limit the pleasure aspect of sex, and the emotional pair bonding that takes place because of the intimacy and pleasure of fucking, by simply eliminating a lot of the pleasure that takes place in fucking, … , simply in order to stabilize domestic institutions and to prevent upheaval in the status quo, and most certainly to protect their own positions within the status quo.
simply put, guile and old age beat youth, high riding titties and a youthful pussy every time, … , and guile does it, by cutting the pussies out of and off of their rival, and that rival is youth.
it is like imposing menopause on 20 year old girls, to limit their political & social & familial influence by stealing their pleasure from fucking. and, it is like imposing an entire society of menopausal women upon the rich old males of islam, who can afford multiple wives, in order to try and limit their ability to find substitute wives from a pool of applicants who have all been sexually mutilated. my guess would be, that there is a sharp business in islam run by fathers who have protected their daughters from having their clitorises cut out and their labia cut off, in order that they may be sold at premium to the old men of islam, who have the money to support the traffic.
have you read the "dune" trilogy by frank herbert?
in that book, whose protagonist society is in open rebellion against the old established order, the dune people are obviously modeled after the bedouin and other arab cultures. the weapon of personal combat, for instance, is the long knife. the drop of water, prized in a dessert without it.
in that society, the bene gesserit are a secret society of women who steer the course of current events, which meld into history, via their machinations and the use of their womanly wiles & powers applied here and there. men get the pea cock's glory, as they always do, but it is women who run things over the course of history.
and, perhaps frank herbert understood far more about islam than he let on. maybe he saw parallels in the matriarchal aspects of islam that others did not in the influence of the older women via clitorectomy and stoning rituals, things like that, that others of us do not even yet.
older women use these things to run the households, and to exert pressures on the old male lions that we mayn't see.
we assume that these things, these barbaric rituals, run to the benefit of the old lions.-- would you please explain to me, from a man’s perspective and from a man’s perspective in maximizing his sexual pleasures with a woman, just how clitorectomy and female genital mutilation increase a man’s sexual pleasure? making the rounds on the net is a little advertisement going the rounds in france, and promoting for sale a little “blow up doll” for the use of one’s horny little pet dogs so that they may expiate & gratify their sexual drives on this little dog. i do not wish to be too crude and gross about the whole thing (well, o.k., i do find it more than a little funny, and something oddly in keeping with the way i view the french), but this is sort of the way i would view the attractiveness of a woman who had been subjected to radical clitorectomy removing the entire clitoris right down to the nerve root, and who also had experienced the horror of having her vulva and labia minora removed. you will not think it funny when you have viewed this, and taken in my point, … , but, it isn’t funny, is it.
and, why haven’t the western feminists condemned this? not the little doggie, french commerce is french commerce, after all, and knows no limits on what may be sold. what i mean is, why haven’t western feminists attacked the barbarisms of islam?
but this is precisely where the tie in with western feminism may lie in its cozying up to islam, when for all apparent reason, reason cries out that feminists should oppose islam with all their might. but, they are silent and complicit in islam's transgressions and misdeeds, especially as they apply to women, and especially as it applies to the institution and ritual of female genital mutilation.
it appears to me so simple, that as islam's misdeeds against women, are run and controlled by women, the older lionesses, … , so as to control the influence that younger women might exert with young pussies, unmutilated, and unrestrained by a social convention designed to, ... , ahem, ... , neuter the influence that they might wield through licentious behavior and pussies that give a full measure of pleasure to them, and to men, … , that as islam’s misdeeds against women are run and controlled by women, that western women, feminists and leftists as they are, approve of them.
they simply approve of women controlling this fundamental aspect and feature of human life.
this control is so important, that it is to be enjoyed at the expense of a woman’s pleasure.
it is a feminists perception, that this control of sexual behavior is more important that the pleasure to be derived from sexual relations, when one is possessed of a clitoris and a vagina and vaginal orifice that has not been mutilated, and scarred, and damaged, and removed.
john jay @ 06.06.2011
p.s. you are going to think that i have totally lost my mind. maybe i have, but the little doggie device circulating around a youtube, the french invention for dogs, ... , male dogs, so that they can hump everything they want to, . the little plastic dog, with a little round plastic hole in the rear, so that male dogs can fuck it at their unhindered pleasure. (hat tip, abraxa at , “uncoverage.)
it is a blow up doll, in other words for dogs. a little plastic circle where they put their little doggie dicks, and fuck all they want.
in essence, older muslim women have turned young muslim women into something of a physiological parallel to this. yes, the old lions get to fuck them, and yes, the older wives get shunted aside. but, not out, as the older wives control the female household, and the older women control the access to the fucking dog, and they make it that way precisely that by genital mutilation.
the bene gesserit, with broken bottles for surgical & social & political instruments.
p.s.s. yes, islam is precisely and inimically opposed, and lethally so, to all the women in the world who exude sexual allure, and who flaunt their sexual proclivity and advertise that they are sexually active. and, who exude their prowess and ability to give pleasure to a man, and who show they enjoy it.
and, that is who they kill in their honor killings, isn't it, young beautiful women who give expression to their sexuality, and who sometimes flaunt their sexual behavior.
these little girls and young women are killed, precisely because they recognize the pleasure and power to be had by the use and exploitation of their titties and their pussies. when they itch, and when they twitch, they want satisfaction, and they want their due by extending satisfaction and taking and giving pleasure.
and they know what they do. they understand their power and influence via the titties and pussies.
and, for this, islam kills them.
i think it is the women of islam who control this, who manipulate it, who give it their imprimatur of approval.
p.s.s. and that is.--
have you ever noticed, that western "feminism" is almost totally focused on and run by "mature" women? oh, they have their little storm troopers who are younger, but, their focus is almost exclusively on older women.
they are not "girl" oriented. and, their political/social/agenda is not really aimed at protecting the interests of young girls at all, ... , who are, paradoxically it would seem, or it should seem, ... , the primary victims of all sorts of predatory, exploitative practices & behaviors, including physical violence and murder.
especially by islam.
they seem oblivious to it.
oddly enough, a lot of the things involving girls, especially athletics, are organized and most ably coached by men, such as gymnastics, basketball and the like. pat summit smith is an exception in basketball, but most of the programs are run by men.
western feminists, are, not much concerned with girls or girl's protections or interests. instead, they are focused upon how to make older women more like older men, when it comes to behavior and career path, and when it comes to societal politics. oh, there is a lot of bullshit about toilet seats and the like, but, that is a smoke screen as far as i am concerned.
the central aim of feminists in western society is to exercise dominance over society. by older women. in this regard, the u.s. military is an interesting study, given the influx of women into the ranks and the officer corps, … , just recently, a woman officer was given command of her own air craft carrier task force group. for the most part women in the service still eschew the traditional male dominated role of actual combat troops, though female jet fighter pilots may find it hard to avoid this, given certain circumstances. as a group, women tend to serve in other aspects of the service, some of which, it cannot be denied are adjunct to combat and just as damned dangerous. but, for the most part, women service personnel leave the fighting, shooting and killing, and being killed in combat to males.
they do not, however, shy away from management, nor from command. they may not wish to become involved in the intimacy of killing and being killed, but they have absolutely no reticence from that which i can perceive in telling others how to go about this sort of thing, and commanding them to do so, even if they might be a little light in that part of the resume themselves.
i would bet you dime to donuts that the lady running the carrier task force group benefited from affirmative action and promotion policies a lot more than she did by having a lot of dead people on her resume and personnel jacket. oh, it is guaranteed that she is no dullard. and, i expect that she flew some planes off and onto a carrier deck somewhere in her careers. and, maybe even commanded a wing of planes and pilots, but, i doubt like hell she has too many kills to her credit.
and, she will know how to handle the wives, and those who aspire to command via becoming a senior wife. that, she will know, and how to utter, “make it so, no. 1. make it so.”
ergo, hand in hand with leftists, to advance the interests of islam, because they feel that it is a place where older women dominate socially and religiously, and goes hand in hand with their social aims.