item no. 1. from the portland (state of oregon) oregonian, tuesday, march 8, 2011 page a3, the nation. the article by richard a. serrano, maclatchy-tribune news service, dateline washington.
"the obama administration is resuming military trials for terrorist detainees at the u.s. naval base at guantanamo bay, cuba--a clear sign that the white house feels it cannot fulfill a key campaign promise to close the island prison." so reads the first sentence to the article in the oregonian.
the article also notes that "... in january 2009, following up on one of his top campaign pledges, obama placed a ban on the filing of any new military tribunal charges against guntanamo bay prisoners, a move roundly embraced by his liberal base."
but reality apparently intrudes upon even the more rarefied of leftist/liberal thinking, and obama and his minions have reversed field, and eschewed one of the big talking points of the 2008 presidential election campaigns. in what must have been a bitter pill to swallow, obama and minions had to admit, "as it turns out, we really didn't know what the fuck we were talking about" when it came to prosecution of these terrorist prisoners.
the reversal of field apparently is by presidential executive order, though neither the order nor its date of execution is noted in the article. the write does note, "administration sources said that eh executive order will provide guantanamo detainees with more periodic reviews and other provisions to evaluate their cases, determine how resolved they remain in fighting the united states, and helping to safeguard their rights while in military custody."
what this means, of course, is that even these hare brained nitwits have been stung by the stories of prisoners released from gitmo only to go back home, and take up arms against american troops again upon their release. and, the furor &fiasco that ensued after the trial of khalid sheikh mohammed was removed from the military tribunal system and brought into the federal courts for trial also has badly stung the administration.
the author of the article observes that attorney general holder blamed the resumption of trial at guantanamo upon obstacles put in place by congressional republicans to trial in the federal criminal courts, and then notes as follows (as perhaps a more accurate "source" for the executive order returning the trials to military tribunals at gitmo):
but it was his [att. gen. eric holder] decision in 2009 to move high-ranking al qaida operative khalid sheikh mohammed and four others alleged sept. 11, 2001, plotters from guantanamo bay to new york city that provoked wide-spread outrage among both republicans and democrats. it damaged momentum for closing the prison and forced the administration to reconsider where prosecutors would try the high-value terror detainees."
in short, the obama administration and obama & holder stepped on their dicks and insulted the american public when they insisted upon returning mohammed and his accomplices to lower manhattan for trial, to the place of their "triumph" in a trial that would allow them to parade their grievances one more time before the american public.
this executive order admits the political blunder. and, even more fundamentally, this executive order admits the institutional and administrative blunder inherent in trying these terrorist bastards in a civilian criminal court, when they have in fact not violate criminal law so much as having waged aggressive war against the united states, its citizens, and its legitimate global interests.
in short, this is a "we was wrong" message, loud and clear to everybody who attends to it, said fact lost upon the arrogant pups who issued it. they are oblivious to reality, even as it forced them to back away from the civilian criminal trial policy, even though they feel the sting of being beaten over the head and shoulders by the public for the stupidity of holder's decision to try the matters in federal district court.
the end of no. 1, stupid is as stupid does.
p.s. well, not quite. you will not notice in any of this, i suppose, any admission that george bush or dick cheney were correct in the policies they pursued, even as obama, holder and the various minions involved adopt & follow the very same policy advanced by the bush administration.
item no. 2. from the walla walla (state of washington) union bulletin, monday, march 7, 2011 page a5, the nation/world. from the associated press, no byline attribution, associated press wire service, dateline washington.
i am simply going to repeat the first paragraphs of this news article as i can do nothing that will illustrate the cupidity & stupidity of the obama administration any more, than as follows:
washington (ap) -- the u.s. government quietly green-lighted a $77 million deal to provide at least 50 refurbished armored troop carriers to moammar gadhafi's army, approving a licesne that signaled growing american business contacts with his regime n the months before libya imploded in civil war.
congress balked, concerned the deal would improve ibyan army mobility and questioning the obama administration's support for the agreement, which would have benefited british defense company bae. the congressional concerns effectively stalled the deal until the turmoil in libya scuttled the sale.
as all military exports to the regime were suspended last week and president barack obama told gadhafi he should step down, the state department's directorate of defense trade controls informed congress that he troop transport deal had been returned without action -- effectively off the table, according to u.s. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the deal's sensitive details.
the gadhafi regime's desire to upgrade its troop carriers was so intense that a libyan official told u.s. diplomats in tripoli in 2009 that the dictator's sons, khamis and saif, both were demanding swift action. khamis, a commander whose army brigade attacked the opposition-held town of zawiya with armored units and pickup trucks, expressed a "personal interest" in modernizing the armored transports, according to a december 2009 diplomatic message disclosed by wikileaks, the whistleblower website.
the old m-113 troop transports are typically outfitted with a single machine gun. u.s. officials said the now-scuttled deal would not have added new cannons or other guns because of strict rules that all defense sales tolibya had to be "non-lethal" defense products. [oxymoron alert, oxymoron alert, oxymoron alert: jjjay.]
item no. 3. perhaps the obama administration might want to consider "changing course" with regard to islam and the middle east, yet again, in light of recent events there. those events would entail outright civil war in libya, rebellion quashed by gunfire and thugs in iran, and riots and gunfire by repressive regimes in egypt, syria, saudia arabia, tunis and who knows where else.
in “changing course: a new direction for u.s. relations with the muslim world,” published by the u.s.—muslim engagement project, wash. d.c. & cambridge, ma., february 2009, the voice of the american left announced a strategy for revising american diplomacy to better accommodate the reality of 1.3 billion muslims in the world. it may be read in pdf format at this link:, and it is reported upon with readership comment at the inestimable blog,atlasshrugs2000 , in the articles “blueprint for surrender to islam: the u.s. muslim engagement” and “wake up! wake up!” with comment by pamela geller, and links to very authoritative voices analyzing the paper, at the following links: and
in the grandiose vision of true leftist zealots the u.s.--muslim engagement group, a soros organization fronted by madeline albright and a whole host of worthies who should have known the hell better, the american left set forth a way to bring the muslim middle east into america's fold. we were to do so by "engaging" islam and muslims into our very bosoms, culturally, intellectually, politically and even down to the point of integrating our news dissemination institutions, entertainment industries and sports apparatuses with their counterparts in muslim nations, and islamic societies.
in all of this, israel and our traditional jewish friends were to get decidedly short shrift, presumably based upon the observation that at that time they possessed precious few oil reserves in comparison to those found in the arab middle east. i have written about obama's vision of "a muslim compatible america," offering a very complete analysis of the lengthy and turgid "changing course" document.
the long and the short of it turns out to be, with regard to the obama administration, another instance in which they have to be acknowledging, "as it turns out, we really didn't know what the fuck we were talking about," as all the assumptions in the analysis of the diplomatic course to be followed by the u.s. in the middle east were based upon the very fragile and very false assumption that the regimes we were to engage in were stable, and largely progressive.
this has been proved, by the nature of the protest and rebellions being waged right now in the middle east hardly an assumption shared by the very populations of those countries. "engagement" with such regimes was then, and is now as revealed by the political unrest and instability of that regime, a fool's errand and the height of folly.
the "vision of the world" announced by the pamphlet changing course, and a vision slavishly followed by the obama administration, has turned out to be an illusion, a chimera pursued by an intellectually vapid and self indulgent left, more motivated by the strains of "kumbaya" than by the flinty eyed skepticism of the prudent diplomat.
we are trying to make our way in a rough and tumble world here, and not trying to get along well with others in the play pen at the "romper room" day care.
conclusion. barack obama does not deserve to be president of this country for a number of reasons, and just being ignorant of the ways of the world is prime amongst the arguments that are posed against him.
as it turns out, his "hope and change" ends up, increasingly, following the form of the policies adopted and followed by the bush administration, even if obama has no intention to adopt the scope and substance of them. but, he has shown increasingly that he has no vision which he will follow, no conviction that he steadfastly will adhere to, in the face of public opposition.
i have suggested before that the proper metaphor to comprehend obama is not the tried and true "emperor with no clothes" image, but that the clearer vision of obama is that of "an empty suit." even an emperor with no clothes other than pretension is an emperor, with some substance about him, even if not much. but, with obama, there is no substance other than formidable ambition, as there is no one inside the suit. it is simply empty.
so, obama, the leftist demagogue, trucks with dictators and tyrants, and support murderous mullahs propping up a tired and bankrupt theocracy. he abandons his chief campaign promise to close guantanamo. and, eventually, he will abandon his grandiose leftist scheme of "engagement" with the repressive regimes of the islamic middle east, because in all likely all that shall be there in the not too distant future is a pan arabic fundamentalist theocracy.
as it turns out, he really didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. now, did he?
john jay @ 03.12.2011