i have been kicking around an idea for about 3 weeks now, which occurred to me as i walked the foothills of my blue mountains. the whole thing came ot me in a flash, in about 10 seconds i put it into 3 sentences. trust me, i remember doing so.
and, then i forgot to write it down. so, i have just been waiting for it to come back, and from time to time i have been earmarking articles i will use to illustrate my points.
but, an article at atlas shrugs kind of stirred things up, and in about 3 "comments" there i have kind of summarized what i have been thinking about. so, i am gonna put them here, and then in the next couple days/week or so, i am going to come back in and submit my earmarked articles to shore up & illustrate my points of contention.
but, i would go see the article at atlas, as it is interesting, and the "comments" section is pretty sprightly with some good points.
but, keep in mind the main theme of the comments i made, and of the themes of this article as it gets roughed out.-- "green politics," friends, is simply a way for the left to assume controls over the way the rest of us live through a rubric that obscures their purposes. "the environment" is a front for socialistic and bureaucratic controls over the means of our livelihoods and industrial production, and nothing more, nothing less.
we'll be elaborating on that in these pages, the next little bit.
well, without further elaboration, here are my comments from atlas shrugs.--
john jay said...
pamela, friends:
all this ass kissing of islam and the arab states is spurred by the shit head euro's, and for one reason only.
and, other natural resources.
both of which, the euro shit heads lack.
you gotta give the pricks credit. they have no oil, so they kiss up to the arabs. who are close. and, they have no coal. so, they do everything in their power to pass this global climate control bullshit holding down carbon emissions, to limit the use of coal by the indians and chinese, who have a lot.
finally, the last thing they have not, which they used to, is military power. they've squandered it all. the u.s., for instance, has 11, 12, 13 air craft carrier task forces while the rest of the world has none, a situation the chinese and the indians are going to try to rectify.
the euro's? well, the english and the french have decided to build one, and share it. they are going to share it operationally, get that. now, do you know how long it takes to plan such a thing, lay the keel, build it, fit it out and make it operational? well, the last (and first) one the ruskies built took them 25 years to complete the process.
and, it is worthless.
so, the euro solution is to diplomatically hamstring the u.s., and to negate its military power by blunting it diplomatically through the united nations.
sound familiar.
if you look behind this arab crap, what you will find is the hand of the french and the germans, but mostly those scheming bastards, the french.
so, time to take the internet back.
dust off the united nations, by which i mean to withdraw from it, and to kick it off our shores.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
p.s. i save the best/funniest part for last. and, that is the part where we are kissing arab/muslim/islamic ass over this oil reserves thing.
and, that is the bakken oil field in montana, north dakota and on up into canada. there is more sweet crude oil in these reserves, now recoverable, than in all of saudi arabia, or, for that matter, in all of arabia, ... , in multiples.
in short, we don't need the fucking arabs, for anything. no reason to kiss their fish dead skinny butts.
but, the liberals and the media won't tell you this. will they.
it goes against the "master plan" to integrate in with the arabs.
in short, it's time to kick arab ass, and it is time to kick the liberals out of power and influence them, by whatever means necessary, before they completely give away the geo political power the u.s. and the west have won. (through, let it be known, absolutely no contribution by the idiot froggies, and against the best efforts of hitler's nazi germany to wrest this power from the u.s. and england.)
it is simply time to turn away from these bastards, and fend for ourselves, which we can do quite handily, and much to our lasting benefit.
first, we have to get rid of the radical liberals, who want to kumbaya us with the rest of these worthless turds. simply put.
ReplySaturday, December 25, 2010 at 09:23 PM
POST*TENEBRAS*LUX said in reply to john jay...
John Jay, Y.O.U. for President. When are WE going to stop pretending we have a real president in OUR white house, not his!!!!
ReplySunday, December 26, 2010 at 11:36 AM
Richard 2 said in reply to john jay...
The last I heard the US has enough proven reserves to fuel the US for 500 years at our highest rate of consumption, if the watermelons of the green movement would let us drill and refine our own oil gas would be below $1.50 per gallon and the money that is now going overseas would be staying in the US and being spent and invested in the US so our economy would be humming. Instead the greens are now denying us the use of our own oil and damaging the economy, and by doing this they are damaging the ecology since it is only rich nations that can afford to stop the pollution the greens are suppose to hate so much.
ReplySunday, December 26, 2010 at 05:52 PM
john jay said in reply to Richard 2...
richard 2:
i think you have about all of that pretty much right, though i don't know the exact figures. the bakken reserves have been known for a long time, it was just that the way to extract it from the oil bearing rock was not quite figured out.
apparently the technical problems have been solved, in that regard. my older brother, who has worked in construction all of his life, is now 68 years old and can barely lift his arms above his shoulders, due to the wear and tear of his labors over the years.
he has friends who are working the oil fields, just begging him to come to work, and he is trying to talk me into going there with him, ... , which is, ... , for someone who once worked the bering sea crab grounds, ... , tempting. (nobody ever said that anyone in my family had any sense at all, except for my younger brother. and, he's not had as much fun.)
and, on this energy thing, we are not even factoring in our proven and established coal reserves, nor figuring the tar/sands/shale reserves in the coastal areas of the gulf states.
the greens/liberals face a life or death situation w/ this oil reserve business.
what do i mean about that?
well, their only real call to existence, their raison d'etre, as it were, is to be the arbitrators of a politics of scarcity and eco-environmentalism. that really is the g_d damned elitists son of a bitches only reason to exist, and their only really reason to assert a "right to rule" over the rest of us greedy avaricious bastards.
we cannot be trusted with using our own precious resources, so the argument goes from the pricks.
no, if you recognize that we have almost unlimited natural resources for power, even using it in our own profligate little ways (always the way initially with new power, until its subtle uses are mastered), ... , then there is exactly no reason whatsoever for the greens to exist.
who needs the "parsimonious & unctuous" pricks lecturing us on resource use, when we have the resources to last a very, very, very long time.
so, that is why:
1.)they deny the existence of the resource, or try to repress knowledge of it from the public, and
2.)they announce the existence of an "aesthetic," which by the way, only they can assert with clarity, and only they can provide the "expertise" to regulate, which is to govern our conduct, use, exploitation and development of such resources.
in short, according to the short dicked bastards, they are the only ones smart enough to understand these things, and only they can tell the rest of us how to use such things.
yes, it is very much like the medieval catholic priesthood's domination of one's access to g_d, is it not?
and, so we slowly devolve into a system whereby wealth is suppressed, so that others may rule. pretty neat system, if you are one of the elite "experts." you think there is a metaphor here, to understand the global warming juggernaut of phony science and liberal politics? laughing.
this energy business.--
it is all politics, and nothing more.
and, this is why the energy companies who are going full steam ahead to exploit bakken and other energy resources, are the deadly enemy of the greens. and, the greens know this.
because if no one else, exxon and the rest will put the green movement into the political graveyard it so richly deserves. they will kill the greens. and, htis is why, the greens struggle to kill them first.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
p.s. simple as that. and, you read it first, right here at atlas shrugs. the best blog in the known universe.
ReplySunday, December 26, 2010 at 07:15 PM
john jay said in reply to john jay...
p.s. in short, what the euro greens (and the chief aristocratic exponent of same, that dickless & feckless wonder prince charles) really want is to see most of us reduced to the level of peasants, while the elites live large, and, of course, control things.
but, this is hard to sell, when the "peasantry" has such an inordinate fondness for 3/4 ton pickups, motorcycles, snowmobiles, personal water craft, ultra light aircraft and anything else that can be powered and given motive force by the reciprocating piston engine. and, who is to deny the peasantry its little entertainments, with almost limitless oil reserves in north america, and coal reserves of vast size in north america, and emerging technologies such as energy production by the exploitation of moss, lichens, algae and other microorganisms, let alone ocean wave technology.
who is going to convince the peasants to give up their motors.
and, who is going to deny the peasants the thermostats set on 74-degrees f. in the winter, and 68-degrees f. in the summer, and running around indoors in the middle of winter in their bikini's and trunks, with limitless gas supplies?
this is why the greens/liberals/radicals, home grown and euro spawned, hate the united states. and, even worse, why they are envious.
the euro's simply don't have these things, by which to lever power, diplomatically, militarily and/or geopolitically.
if they are to stay relevant, they have to figure a way to gull gulliver within his own borders, and fetter him with aesthetics and green measures on energy use and industrial production.
this is the raison d'etre of the u.n., and the unholy diplomatic cabal of the euro's and the arabs/muslims/islam/o.i.c. trying to limit us, to tie us down and restrain our bumptious growth and ever expanding industrial and technological production.
simple as that.
john jay
p.s. oh, yes, it all ties in, and it is all a cohert world view. scary, ain't it?
well, it is if you are a greenie. it is fucking terrifying, if you are a radical/leftist/greenie, and there are peasants running around, "what got your number."