elisabeth sabaditsch-wolff needs your help. who is elisabeth wolff? will, read on, gentle reader, and find out.
elisabeth wolff opposes the islamizaton of europe, and fights to retain europe's heritage and the rights of europeans to associate with whom they choose. she opposes schemes to increase islamic immigration into europe, and she speaks against europeans being inundated by a demographic tide of muslim population. she thinks the idea of a multi-culturalist or "plurality" society with muslims is a snare and a delusion, and plainly ignores the history of islamic domination of societies in which they are sizable presence.
for a fuller expiation of her views, and for a view of the calm and rational way in which she forwards them (as would be expected from the daughter of an austrian diplomat), please see her interview at "europe news," here.
for the public expression of these views she has been charged with a criminal indictment under austrian "hate speech" laws, much as geert wilders faces prosecution in holland for his expression of similar views. and, she hasn't the backing of an entire political party to help her wage her battles in defense of liberty, and against oppression by the euro union.
the irony of her prosecution is that she merely expresses her concerns, in order to raise the alarm with her fellow europeans over islamic immigration and its influence on european culture, over that which islam openly talks about, brags about, and uses to exhort its faithful towards what it views as its "conquest of europe."
i cannot explain it any better than ms. wolff has at "europe news":
what bothers you about the Islamic way of life?
islamic doctrine discriminates against women and non-muslims. islamic law, or shariah, cannot be reconciled with democratic principles and universal human rights.
do you see the need for that?
there are powerful groups who are working towards the islamization of europe. that is a fact. what can we gain from closing our eyes and ignoring this? even libyan leader muammar ghadafi says: “there are signs that allah will grant victory to islam in europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. we don't need terrorists, we don't need homicide bombers. the 50+ million muslims [in europe] will turn it into a muslim continent within a few decades.” a head of state confirms what our politicians deny. what else has to happen until we finally get it? http://europenews.dk/en/node/28145
for this forthright expression of her convictions elisabeth sabaditsch-wolff faces fine and incarceration.
rarely do we see persons of great conviction and physical courage place their lives and livelihoods so squarely on the line because they will express their intellectual conviction. this woman speaks for her countrymen, and she speaks for a religious, intellectual and political heritage which she hold dear, dearer than life itself given the danger she is exposed to for her voice, ... , and, indeed, she stands in the path of a design and ambition of conquest to destroy western civilization itself.
in this, and i do not think myself guilty of hyperbole, she is joan of arc and audie murphy all wrapped up into one very courageous woman.
she needs you to stand with her. she needs you to lend your courage to hers. she needs you to stand as a warrior with her, quite literally to defend europe from an attack which is at the "gates of vienna."
friends, you face the same peril as every man who responded to the challenge faced when he stood waiting behind the gates of his landing craft approaching the shores of europe in 1944 to defend western civilization and values from hitler's onslaught. as every marine who clambered over the side of a higgins boat going ashore at iwo jima , who climbed down the side of the transports in those rope ladders and hopped aboard the higgins boats in the tossing surf.
you & i face the same peril. but, as of yet, you & i have not shown the commitment of either geert wilders, or of elisabeth wolff, nor have we been asked to show the same resolve and courage. they stand as mighty warriors in our stead.
i would like to think that when we are asked, we will serve our heritage and civilization as they.
but, in the meantime, is it so much for us to contribute to elisabeth sabaditsch-wolff's legal fund? she is married and has a family, and this is a hardship for her. she does not complain, and she does not flinch nor shrink from those duties imposed upon her by intellectual conviction and belief, and a sure & rational appreciation for the dangers posed by islam to europe.
she will speak, and she will fight without our support.
but, pray consider how much it will mean to her to know that her fellows stand behind her, ... , hell, that we stand with her, and that we step off into the surf to do combat in the name of our beliefs, our heritage, our civilization and our own, separate, religious convictions. understand how this will buoy her spirits, and make firm her resolve, and lend that secret smile that the happy warrior possesses when he or she marches off to do battle in the name of her fellows.
please, contribute to her defense fund. show her, in a way supremely painless in comparison to the service she does unstintingly and without hesitation to the costs to her person and family, that you care, ... , by whatever contribution you can make to her struggle and fight, and to our struggle and fight, in resisting encroaching islam.
thank you for your consideration, and thank you for your contribution, to her legal defense fund. it doesn't have to be large in sum, to be magnificent in effect. contribute here. http://english.savefreespeech.org/
john jay @ 10.25.2010
update: see also, http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2010/10/elisabeths-voice-is-growing.html , for a further explanation of what is being done over the blogosphere to support elisabeth sabaditsch-wolff in her struggles against the repression of her free speech by the euro union and her native austria. and,
update: see also, http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/017671.html , for some writing on the sabaditsch-wolff matter that doesn't simply parrot the press releases. the article, by lawrence auster actually quotes some of language that the austrian government finds objectionable and which it attributes to ms. wolff (some of which she denies having expressed, oddly enough), and which it seeks to suppress: it seems the world is seized by adolescent stupidity & cupidity, and it would be funny, were it not the operation of tyranny. yes, it is the tyranny of stupidity, and of the stupid, but it is the operation of the full weight of the state apparatus on ms. sabaditsch-wolff, and it is tyranny. it is way more banal than "animal farm," and perhaps the only work of art that adequately describes the "reality" of the complete moral inversion of austrian "law" is "a clockwork orange," the movie. nietzsche would appreciate the rule of force and will over reason, something which kubrick condemned, but nietzsche would recognize it. perhaps only kafka could portray its mind-numbing stupidity, the arrogance of commonly held ignorance and attitude, and its disorienting disconnect from rational process. i don't know, it begs description.