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July 07, 2010


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john, can you fix the text? It breaks off in both my IE8 and chrome browsers.

john jay


i just checked my machine, and it is o.k.

looks fine from here.

where is it breaking off?


john jay

jewel, friends:

i see. it has clipped the margins on the quotes from augustine's writings.

will try to fix. otherwise, just follow the link to the document.

my apologies.

john jay

אומנויות לחימה

Hey dude!! Your article is pretty interesting, but the text here is broken on the right side, can you fix it. The morals explained in the article are good for motivating any one.

The sentence which inspired me a lot is “it is a recognition that sometimes hard things must be done to preserve morals, ethics, religion and civilization”, everybody think about it for once, and just follow it. We can find a new world with peace..

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