the leftist leviathan ... its origins explained by angelo codevilla ... the "not so" benevolent totalitarianism of barack obama ... ("not so" sorta sounds like "nat si," doesn't it?)
read these links as well as the article & other links at george roper’sblog:
1.) my own writing, on the principles of the modern bureaucratic state as espoused by two of its creators, harold lasswell and harold laski --
2.) you doubt mr. codevilla's analysis. this, on the mainstream media.
the below essay introduces an article by angelo m. codevilla in the july/august 2010 issue of the "american spectator," entitled “america’s ruling class—and the perils of revolution.”
it is linked at gmsplace, a blog run by friend george m. roper. it is also linked at the july 19, 2010 issue of instapundit.
“america’s ruling class—and the perils of revolution” is a brilliant essay describing and explaining the origins of america’s ruling elites and the things which they believe, and why those beliefs are diametrically apposite of most of the ideals you and i cherish. the essay explains how the ruling classes have become entrenched in, do in fact constitute, america’s governmental bureaucracy and academia.
and, it explains how the democratic party has become the vehicle of this class, and exerts its power by patronage and dolling out the spoils of the ruling classes dominance. this is not so surprising, as all ruling classes have done the same. but, this article explains why this particular ruling class is so inimical to your values, and why it threatens their very existence and preservation.
and, why it threatens our very existence.
if you are to understand anything of this, you must read this essay. or, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. just don’t blame angelo m. codevilla for your “discomfort” as you are being ground into meal by the treads of an armored personnel carrier.
my little introductory essay: you may skip it it you want. that’s why I put the links up front.
many years ago, and several lives, i was an up & coming young politico, and the general consensus was that i could make a successful career of it. i ran with a group to include a fellow named jim waldo, a one-time gubernatorial candidate in the republican party, and stewart elway, now washingtonstate’s preeminent political pollster. i watched a gubernatorial election return, tagging along w/ jim waldo, at the washington athletic club with governor dan evan’s staffers, who had escorted him once again into office. i worked with former g.o.p. chairman c. montgomery johnson on a referendum campaign called “washington futures”, which to this day contributes to capital expenditures on various things in washington state.
i was president of the college young republicans, on the same campus as contributed ryan crocker to the state department and sally mathiasen to foggy bottom as well.
i had pretty free run of the secretary of state’s office, and the governor’s office, and even pooped in the governor’s toilet on an after hours lark w/ friends through the capital building. i missed going up to the dome and looking at olympia and environs only because of some scheduling omission or another, probably drinking beer instead. it would have been fun, the washington capital building is still, it seems ot me, the world’s 4th largest single dome building.
and, then a “perception” or “realization,” if you will, derailed all that. and, a resultant & probably the most ethics bound decision i ever made, stepped in.
no, it wasn’t the realization that most politicians are assholes, driven mostly by ambition. and, in this perception i exclude the people named, as they were and are, to a man and woman, people who are not in the general run of the mill of the political class. they are fine people, and they have retained their humanity and ideals.
no, the realization was that as a person, i did not possess their virtues, and that if i got into politics as a profession or if i sought and obtained elective office, there was not the quality within me that could successfully resist becoming the same asshole as those whom i despised.
i knew it would change me. no, it was not that i was sexually deviant like bill clinton, or even that i was corruptible to the interests of power like hillary clinton. it was just that i perceived, and with some certain accuracy, that i would become an asshole like the majority of the political classes, … , egocentric, and oblivious to reality, and ultimately, just crass.
but, i have always retained an interest in politics (hey, i was a poli sci major, receiving my b.a. in 1971 for same), and its workings, and especially the structure of rule.
so, it was with some interest that i read the following post, and linked post at george roper’s shop this morning. this essay explains the growing chasm of the divide between we the people and those who deign to “rule” us. the essay is brilliant in its scope, and just about flawless in its execution. in my estimation.
let me just say, that it is the most accurate analysis of what ails this country in terms of its political leadership as i have ever read. and, why we must excise this elite from our governance, if we are to maintain our own governance from among our own fellows: you want to be a serf, then keep your head up your butt, and you probably won't even notice.
it is not just because it accurately depicts america’s ruling class as smug, self satisfied, ideological assholes, but it discusses why they are so removed from the rest of us in terms of their assumptions about what proper governance of the country should constitute.
the author of the article linked by george makes the telling observation that this particular group of assholes is largely estranged from us, and exists as a ruling class of foreigners, as surely as though they were french aristocrats. which status, i suspect, most of them aspire to.
while in college i had the distinct privilege to be mentored by a history professor name of fred breit, a graduate of the university of chicago. he taught russian history, and 20th century history, whose dominant themes are dictated by the soviet communist version of total rule, or, totalitarianism, if you wish to gussy it up. in the 19th century, as the socialists were giving expression to their fledging desire to govern, some of them thought it would be nice to become “one” with the downtrodden peasant class. so, they determined that they would learn “russian” as a language, and dress as peasants, and mix with the under classes, so better to “understand” and “be one” with them.
so, they dressed as they imagine peasants dressed.
and so, they spoke as they imagine peasants spoke.
and, in muscovy and petersburg, they “mixed” with them, and went about and “mingled.”
much to the terror of the peasants, and the kulaks, and the russian merchants, who thought they were being occupied by cossacks and mongols.
so much for “solidarity” with the peeps.
i think of these things, whenever janet napolitano utters one of her infamous lines about right wing extremist terrorists, in the forms of our mothers, fathers, grandpa’s and grandma’s in attendance at tea parties.
this divide we suffer between ourselves and our rulers, as described in the link posted at george’s shop, is not less profound than the divide existing between the russian population and the socialists and communists who came to “lead” them after the soviet revolution of 1917. and, I think this divide, if allowed to perpetuate itself in the institutions of our government, shall lead to the same tragedy as befell soviet russia when the revolution “solidified” its hold on institutional power.
we have lots of basements in this country, and lots of people who dream of placing a 9mm pill right behind our collective ears, if only someone will hold us tight for the marksman.
read “smolensk under soviet rule” by merle fainsod, for some elucidation on this point.
thank you, fred breit, for what you taught me. than you, oh heavenly father and host of hosts, for the grant of your insights, as well.
in short, i decided that i did not want to become those persons, that foreign people, described in angelo m. codevilla’s essays, those foreigners who preside over us as an occupying army. they do not rule from having come from among us, they rule as occupiers, they rule by conquest. if you understand this, you understand the role of blank panthers and the s.i.e.u. at polling places, and you understand how the left intends to maintain its rule.
you have taken the first rudimentary step towards recognizing what you must do.
john jay @ 07.19.2010
p.s. and, this final observation. “you realize, of course, that this means war? …” if we are to preserve those rights and liberties which the ruling classes mean to usurp, to swallow whole and destroy as they work to “perfect” us into their image.
friends, if you wish to retain and preserve individual virtue, you are going to have to kill in order to do so.
if we are to excise the ruling class, it will be with violence. they used violence to attain their privilege, they use it nakedly in the form of the s.i.e.u. and black panther thugs in elective politics to maintain it, they contemplate relocation camps to preserve it, and they will violently resist and suppress any and all efforts to be removed from their privilege.
buy guns. buy ammo. be jealous of your liberties. and, understand, you are going to have to kill folks, your uncles, your sons and daughters, to preserve those liberties. angelo m. codevilla, july/august 2010, the american spectator.
on how to wage the counter revolution.