o.k., the secret is out. this is what this blog has always been about. this and only this.
my efforts have been to establish a coherent theory in support of the individual's right to exercise self defense against the aggressions and attacks of islam, and the jihad. this theory has been premised upon the philosophy serving as the bedrock of our organic documents, and upon the thoughts of antiquity, the very bedrock of our civilization.
it is before you to read and use, if only you will make use of it. your choice. i have done my part. {:O }}}}} i am satisfied for my part.
john jay @ 07.12.2010
p.s. were i you, i would at least take a look at the article on grand ayatollah sayyed muhammed hussein fadlallah, he who so recently departed our company. but, that's just me. update: self defense laws of all fifty states.
update, 08.24.2011. if you doubt my assertion that islam preaches that a muslim may kill anyone who is a danger to muslim society, regardless of whether said person has threatened or harmed that musliim, please consider this. . dr. salah sultan, a lecturer in islamic jurisprudence at cairo university, opines that any muslim on egyptian soil may rightfully kill any zionist. simple, straightforward as that. end update.
10.20.2010 --
april 2, 2008 -- sir william blackstone and natural law
april 4, 2008 -- blackstone's commentaries on the laws of england: the rights of men
april 7, 2008 -- a personal right of self defense to terror under natural law
april 27, 2008 -- the right of the individual under locke's natural law concepts to wage defensive war against islam
april 27, 2008 -- john locke on the individual's right to wage war
july 12, 2008 -- the militia: bulwark of freedom -- if you insist on knowing nothing, of being totally ignorant of american politics, at least know this about articles 28 & 29 of the "federalist papers." if you do not know what the "federalist papers" are, then, for christ's sake learn. update.
sept. 22, 2008 -- natural law in american jurisprudence ... it lives in the second amendment!! -- read this post if you would understand how all of this "theory" relates to the living law that is the "common" law.
july 17, 2009 -- for the coming tribulations: gird your loins for battle ... julia ward howe ... pablo neruda
oct. 23, 2009 -- what did john locke mean by this concept of "power" flowing from the consent of the governed?
june 12, 2010 -- ... to not resist aggression. it is immoral ...
june 15, 2010 -- it is a moral imperative to resist aggression -- wherein i argue that it is a duty, an obligation.
june 26, 2010 -- islam teaches me that i must defend myself and my fellows against the depredations of islam, and that i may kill in order to do so -- fatawa no. 10 from the recently departed grand ayatollah sayyed muhammed hussein fadlallah, the butcher of beruit.
june 27, 2010 -- an open invitation & challenge to islam ... refute my contention that islamic doctrines of self defense oblige me to defend myself from islam ...
july 6, 2010 -- the classic view of st. thomas aquinas on when it is permissible to kill another in defense of self -- some say it is old fashioned, to which i say, balderdash, ... , sleep w/ you modern theologians and see if they keep you comfy for 700 years.
july 6, 2010 -- of leopards and baboons and doctrines of self defense, of some antiquity -- yes, as in an actual state of nature.
july 7, 2010 -- st. augustine of hippo & "the just war" ... the duty of the ruler to wage war in order to protect his subjects from war -- yes, classic, because still discussed, still adhered to, because no one has come up w/ anything better. hey, with nearly 2000 years under its belt, it's got some "legs" under it.
july 7, 2010 -- islam, meet mr. kopel ... mr. kopel, i see that you are familiar with islam ... mr. kopel, which goal will you defend ...
july 7, 2010 -- the sword and the tome, by david kopel ...
august 4, 2010 -- update: and, this most excellent post 08.04.2010 at gates of vienna -- -- on the nature of jihad, and the right of muslims to kill infidels. hey, i don't make this stuff up, read it.
august 6, 2010 -- from jihad watch, posted by robert spencer -- this post also contains invaluable material on the nature of jihad, straight from "the horses' mouths," that being straight from muslims & islamists. read & understand.
november 10, 2010 -- from the walla walla union bulletin and the associated press -- . cleric al-awaki urges all muslims the world over to kill all americans. again, this post contains invaluable material on the nature of jihad, straight from "the horses' mouths." read and comprehend the nature of the threat posed by islm to you, and not just to american soldiers or "contractors".
november 13, 2010 -- from atlas shrugs, , this account of a man who is stabbed presumably for doing nothing more than having a bumper sticker on his car opposing the imposition of shari'a. to show him the error of his views, a somali immigrant (presumably) stabbed him. we are at war with these bastards, ... , perhaps not all of them, but enough of them to defend against all of them.
Mayor "Napoleon" Bloomberg
Mayor Bloomberg and his backstabbing cronies must have a $tupendou$ rea$on which they can't reveal for wanting a sharia-hugging mosque near Ground Zero!
But the sharia "cobra" they're toying with can quickly grow its fangs and then say "Smile, you're on Candid Scimitar and will soon be buried in a scimitary, ha ha ha!" - proving that one good backstabbing deserves another!
God-haters and America-haters may not realize how high the collective temperature has now risen in the hearts of true American patriots - many of whom are now willing to die for America right here in America if they get pushed completely over the line!
Since the nation's headquarters for treason is the White House, readers can enjoy related material if they Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity" and also Google "Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Sarah Silverman" in addition to Googling "Obama...destined to become a black-slavery avenger."
And by all means visit Googleland and type in "Government-Approved Illegals" and "Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham."
I hope Mayor Bloomberg, dressed as Napoleon, will thoroughly enjoy his mosquerade party!
PS - Interestingly, many conservative evangelicals have lately given up belief in a "pretribulation rapture" (the 180-year-old, fringe-British-invented, escapist-and-thus-subversive theological aberration behind the rapture bestsellers by Lindsey, LaHaye etc.) and now believe they will be on earth, standing against evil, during at least a portion of Antichrist's diabolical reign. Widely read Google articles like "Pretrib Rapture - Hidden Facts," "Pretrib Rapture Secrecy" and "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" have helped to bring about this "pretrib" mutiny.
A Kansas Patriot
[spied this on the net!]
Posted by: fairmack | July 13, 2010 at 09:34 AM
God-haters and America-haters may not realize how high the collective temperature has now risen in the hearts of true American patriots - many of whom are now willing to die for America right here in America if they get pushed completely over the line!
Posted by: maternity nursing clothing | July 15, 2010 at 07:13 PM
you, you can come back as long as you keep reading the articles, and making intelligent remarks about them.
john jay
Posted by: john jay | July 15, 2010 at 09:46 PM
Good on ya. Better to stop them sooner than later.
Posted by: Laurie | December 05, 2010 at 03:52 PM
I agree with your conclusions regarding he right to self defence having reached much the same conclusions myself and for the same reasons some time ago.
I began reading the Koran, Haddith and Shariah some years ago. First to compare them to the bible, and second in the interests of 'know your enemy' something our political class seems incapable of.
Any defensive action I might take including pre emptive in the face of threats can be wholly justified be reference to the principles laid out in the koran and islamic texts.
I am tired of being told that islam is a religion of peace. Those muslims who profess this know what they mean and those who hear it and take it a t face value should take the time and trouble to find out what they mean.
The peace islam speaks of as prescribed in the Koran and islamic texts is the peace that will be realised when the whole world lies under the rule of islam and shariah. Until then there is no compromise only perpetual war against the unbelievers until all are converted or subjugated under islam.
For those who doubt what I say I would suggest they obtain a copy of the Koran, one sanctioned by the islamic authorities and before reading it familiarise themselves with both it's chronology and the principle of abrogation. Steve Coughlin's presentation at
does a pretty good job of this and is well worth a look for those who want to know more.
Posted by: Coinneach Newton | January 19, 2011 at 03:21 AM
agreed, whole heartedly.
john jay
Posted by: john jay | January 19, 2011 at 03:48 PM
p.s. coinneach:
and, one very well written & intelligent comment like yours takes the place of 10,000 "silent" hits.
it really kind of makes my day, to tell you the truth. and, very glad to have someone like you who knows his stuff to indicate his agreement.
thanks for the comment, come back any time.
Posted by: john jay | January 19, 2011 at 03:50 PM
Thanks John
Posted by: Coinneach Newton | January 24, 2011 at 06:57 PM
The fable of the Frog and the Scorpion... "You knew what I was when you offered to carry me."
Islamism IS the scorpion.
Great post brother John, keep up the great work.
Posted by: GM Roper | April 19, 2011 at 09:47 AM
I'm with Eisenhower:
"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890 - 1969)
Posted by: cna training chicago | July 17, 2011 at 11:10 PM
normally i just delete business solicitations, and wonder at them, since i haven't the foggiest notion in the world who would ever read them.
but, your comment was very appropriate, and quite good, and i am a bit fan of dwight eisenhower.
john jay
Posted by: john jay | July 18, 2011 at 09:22 AM
" ... big fan of dwight eisenhower."
Posted by: john jay | July 18, 2011 at 09:23 AM
Posted by: Hassaan | July 25, 2011 at 04:44 AM
yes, i am a zionist.
as between islam and judaism, i pick judaism every day, from now until eternity.
i pick the judeo-christian ethos over islam every day, from now until eternity.
i fight for the judeo-christian ethos over islam every day, from now until eternity. and, i side, every time, for jews and christians over muslims, every choice, every day, from now until eternity.
if i had my way, your last little map of israel would have no green in it, whatsoever. as a matter of fact, i favor and i have written in favor of the expulsion of all arabs and/or muslims from israel, every day. for eternity.
simple as that.
to my mind, it is the choice of good over evil. to my mind, islam is comprised of murderous superstitious thugs. simple as that.
john joseph jay
Posted by: john jay | July 25, 2011 at 12:28 PM