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March 15, 2010


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Colin Laney

friends, buy guns and buy ammo, and lay in a proper store of potables, canned veggies . . .it is going to come to that.

If social collapse and/or civil war doesn't happen in a given period of time -- three years, five years, etc. -- will you reconsider the world view that lead you to this conclusion? What period of time would you suggest?

john jay


john brown's raid on harpers ferry was in 1859, two short years until the first shots on ft. sumpter. you may view brown's raid as a culmination, of sorts, of "bloody kansas," where he picked up his skills.

the "kansas-nebraska" act was passed in 1854, pushed through congress by a corrupt democratic administration whose leader was stephen a. douglas, he who defended slavery in the "lincoln-douglas" debates in 1858, just a year before john brown took his sons and other followers into harpers ferry.

harriet beecher stowe wrote "uncle tom's cabin" in 1852, which inflamed abolitionist sentiment and the abolitionist movement to a fever pitch, and did much to fan the antagonism between north and south.

the missouri compromise was passed 1820, and the fugitive slave act was considered in 1850, and these matters highlighted the tension of a constitutional provision enacted in 1789 with the passage of the constitution.

which of these matters are you willing to say did not contribute to the making of the civil war? where do you draw the line at the "start of hostilities?" the firing of the shot at fort sumpter? the first battle of bull run?

i can tell you, if the democrats pass "health care reform" on the strength of this "slaughter solution," it will prove an incendiary situation? what will the democrats pass next? when do we cease bothering to cast ballots to see politicians elected to office.

let me suggest this.--

scoff all you wish. it remains yet a free country. but, buy your guns and ammo, and chose your sides, because i think the country headed for a big blow. health care. abortion. a free versus a totalitarian political state. and, friend colin, understand, some of us don't view the prospect of a little dust up with much trepidation. we rather welcome the chance. read your bible. moses reminded the house of israel that it should purge evil from its midst, as the occasion called for it. read your jefferson: the full text of his "tree of liberty" letter is found in this blog.

john jay

p.s. lets put $5.00 on within 10 years, o.k.? you wanna pick a winner? you wanna make it a $10.00 bill on me and my side?

p.s. would you have asked harriet beecher stowe to have "reconsidered her world view" five years after the publication of "uncle tom's cabin"? would you have asked frederick douglass to have "reconsidered his world view," after he said:

"find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them." frederick douglass

i will not quietly submit to socialism imposed upon me by the "slaughter solution." i will fight to impose any such usurpation of the law.

don't insult me by asking me reconsider a world view that i have put together over 45 years of reflection on totalitarian systems and the totalitarian ideology, and the impulse behind it. you are silly in the extreme to question the conviction behind my thoughts. just plum assed silly, friend colin.

douglass also said this, which you might profit to reflect upon:

"i didn't know i was a slave until i found out i couldn't do the things i wanted."

i believe that you are never too old to learn. and, when the friendly local acorn representative comes to your door, with a pitchfork to jam up your butt, you may have cause for reflection and a "learning moment," in spite of yourself. but, don't ask me to reconsider my world view. laughing. you piss in the wind.

you might be better served by alertness, rather than the smugness which denies that which happens before your very eyes.

Jazmine Tucker

Thought I'd let you you know that you can email any of the congressional representatives by going to their website. I have done so and received several personal email and US Mail responses from mine.

You are also free to call and voice your opinion. Or, if you don't like that option, you can many times meet with them personally if you show up and ask.

Hope that's helpful! Have a great day!

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